La tempête de verglas de 1998: HAARP et le jour où le Québec a été attaqué

D’après-vous, quelles sont les probabilités pour que les conditions nécessaires qu’il y ait une tempête de verglas se maintiennent pendant dix jours? Vous savez, la température doit être légèrement au-dessus de zéro dans l’atmosphère pour qu’il y ait de la pluie et légèrement au-dessous ou exactement à 0°C au niveau du sol pour qu’elle se solidifie en glace immédiatement sans passer par l’étape intermédiaire de la neige. Pas énormes, n’est-ce pas? C’est néanmoins ce qui est arrivé dans la partie sud du Québec en 1998. Pendant dix jours, une tempête de verglas a fait rage, presque sans interruption. Avec le recul, je ne peux que penser que le Québec a été attaqué cette année-là. Les conditions pour le verglas fasse son apparition sont difficiles à réunir. Sans être statisticien ni météorologue, je me dis que cette tempête n’était définitivement pas naturelle, qu’elle a été causée artificiellement. Par qui? Je ne sais pas mais la liste des candidats est courte. Une opération de la sorte nécessite des moyens technologiques d’envergure que seules les grandes puissances militaires et technologiques possèdent. La technologie capable de manier les forces électro-magnétiques est vraisemblablement le levier qui a été utilisé pour faire tomber cette calamité sur le Québec.

En liens permanent à votre droite, vous pourrez retrouver toute une série de sites vous permettant de prendre connaissance de la technologie développée en Alaska et connue sous le nom de HAARP, dans la section HAARP and Tesla Technology. Cette technologie existe probablement aussi ailleurs sur le globe dans les mains de d’autres puissances, de façon officielle ou clandestine. C’est pourquoi il est difficile d’attribuer la faute à l’un ou l’autre. Il existe pourtant une convention internationale, appelée ENMOD, adoptée le 10 décembre 1976, signée le 18 mai 1977 et qui entra en vigueur le 5 octobre 1978. Cette convention stipule, à l’article 1, qu’un État partie de la convention « s’engage à ne pas utiliser à des fins militaires ou toutes autres fins hostiles des techniques de modification de l’environnement ayant des effets étendus, durables ou graves, en tant que moyens de causer des destructions, des dommages ou des préjudices à tout autre Etat partie ». À l’article 2, les techniques de modification de l’environnement sont définies comme des étant des techniques « ayant pour objet de modifier — grâce à une manipulation délibérée de processus naturels — la dynamique, la composition ou la structure de le Terre ». Néanmoins, les exemples ont été nombreux ces derniers temps où ces technologies ont été vraisemblablement utilisées pour faire la guerre, en utilisant l’écran de fumée des catastrophes naturelles. On a qu’à penser au tremblement de terre en Haïti, au tsunami au Japon, aux feux de forêts en Europe, etc. La tempête de verglas de 1998 au Québec a été une opération de modification du climat parmi tant d’autres mais dont le niveau de destruction a été considérable, malheureusement pour nous.

Je vous ai préparé une série de vidéos faisant le tour de la crise de verglas. Les images sont de Radio-Canada. Vous pourrez constater l’ampleur des dégâts si vous n’êtes pas familiers avec le dossier, ou vous remémorer les faits si vous les avez oubliés. Continuer la lecture

Update on China’s bid for Equinox Minerals Ltd

Finally, somebody in Canada reacted to the attempt by a foreign group to take control of the canadian company Equinox Minerals Ltd. Canadian company Barrick Gold Corp made a bid of $7.3 billion dollars to acquire Equinox Minerals. 15 hours after the offer, China Minmetals Resources Ltd announced that it was pulling out of the bidding process. By making this acquisition, Barrick Gold broadens its field of interest to include copper in its portfolio. I like it, globally. Not knowing what the Chinese were up to with that bid, I prefer for the moment that the control of the company stays here. It is in the culture of the  business community now to always aim at getting bigger and bigger and to swallow smaller companies, I know. Maybe in 100 years there will be only 5 companies left on the whole surface of the Earth. That’s the goal of the Third Reich anyway, to be able to control the world with a few number of companies. But for today, I think it is a good news for Canada that we could keep Equinox here. Check on the earlier post and read the articles below.

Barrick’s bid

China’s withdrawal

Warning: The NDP of Canada has close ties with Islamists

Read this excellent article by Barbara Key of the National Post. It covers a press conference presented at Omni Hotel in Montreal by four counter-jihadists: Marc Lebuis, webmaster of PointdeBascule and three Canadian Muslims who face death threats for their critical positions on Islam, Tarek Fatah, Salim Mansur et Raheel Raza. The press conference was aimed mainly at exposing the New Democratic Party involvement with, co-option, corruption or corrosion by, make your pick, Islamists. Apparently, according to Tarek Fatah, Islamists flood into the Party since Layton is the leader. These four combattants for democracy did their patriotic duty to defend democracy and secularism but, as it is often the case, the press, namely here Radio-Canada, was all over some Muslim journalist to get her « reactions », as if it was the meat of the matter and not the links that exist between the NDP and Islamists. Beware of wolves, folks! The Left has been corrupted, co-opted by the sirens of the Right and Islamism. Next monday, don’t forget to vote not for the Islamists, not for the Leftists and not for the corrupted Liberals. Vote Conservatives, the only federal party that wants to protect you against Islamists and protect Israel. Think about it because next time there is a holocaust, you too might be gassed with the others.

Barbara Key National Post

Libyan rebels give their first seminar on democracy

Look at these beautiful « rebels » from Libya. Don’t you think that they are not inspiring for the democratic life? Look at the way they present freedom of speech, democracy and all the values belonging to it… Isn’t that amazing? All this time we could have had the immense privilege of being taught and guided by these extraordinary examples of citizens exercizing their democratic rights, and we missed it! I guess it is because we, westerners, have such a poor opinions of these folks. In our wisdom, we decided to back authoritarian figures that would terrorize the people of these countries, and all this time we were wrong! Look at how they are capable of handling democratic expressions, enter into dialogue, negociate and find concrete solutions that would satisfy all parties… It is such a pity that we did’nt see that before… Anyway, that’s the kind of people the West is backing in Libya. Check also my previous posts on the Libyan mess: GhadafiPiggy-Back Coup, 50 Point Manifesto, Mike BakerChina’s aggressive bid, Turkish Taffy. These pictures are graphic, so brace yourselves.

William Cooper predicts 9/11 and comments on the Oklahoma City bombing and Osama bin Laden

Here is a series of radio show extracts about William Cooper. Cooper was a conservative, in the true sense of the word. He didn’t want the country of which he was a citizen, to change into something else. He believed that a shift was in preparation that would turn the United States into a socialist country, and that this would pave the way for a One World totalitarian utopian government. On that I disagree with him. The tendency we are witnessing on the earth today is definitely not socialist, but rather fascist. Nevertheless, he was accurate in his prediction of 9/11. 9/11 is the reverse of the 9th of November, 11/9, which is a very important date in nazi mythology.

In this series, he comments on a few elements that, put together, provide a good picture of the situation. First, a CNN reporter was capable of locating and interviewing Osama bin Laden in June 2001, while all the intelligence agencies in the world couldn’t locate him. That sounds impossible to anyone with a brillant mind. He does say that, according to him, this interview is the sign that something bad would happen in the U.S. very soon. He also speaks about the Oklahoma City bombing that couldn’t have been perpetrated by the two twits that were presented to the public. The fact that the attack happened on the eve of Hitler’s birthday, on April 19th, is certainly the indication that it is the Third Reich that is behind it. The fourth extract features a caller who is trying to blame this slow descent into fascism or totalitarianism, on the Jews. Again, that is another person who thinks that the Jews are to be blamed for everything and that they control the media, etc. Cooper tries to make him understand how the culture of corporations works. I am not sure that everything he says is accurate but again it is certainly a better position that trying to smear the Jews.

There is a lot of work to be done about the perceptions, especially on the Jews. It is easier to blame them than to face reality as it is. We are governed by mad men. We are descending back into barbarism, because our leaders have decided that a totalitarian utopian society was better, for them, than a society based on the principles of the Enlightment. That’s our predicament. For now, the best we can do, for those of us who are aware of that, is to protect ourselves and behave with intelligence and judgement. If we can’t save our brothers and sisters, at least maybe we can save ourselves.

Continuer la lecture

La marche des cochons – 14 mai 2011: Vive le porc

Regardez la bonne idée qu’ont eu les Identitaires en France. Ils organisent une marche du cochon à Lyon pour commémorer le premier anniversaire de l’occupation d’un restaurant Quick de Villeurbanne servant de la cuisine Halal. Le vidéo qui suit a été filmé justement lors de l’occupation de ce restaurant l’année dernière.

The national securities regulatory agency and the Canadian « Federation » great power swindle

New Brunswick took a stand recently against the national securities regulatory agency, and so three other provinces. Combined with Quebec and Alberta, that makes a total of six provinces that have rejected this project of national agency. Is this a sign that finally provinces begin to get the idea about the nature of the federal government in Canada? If you look at history, the document that was signed in 1867 by the Province of Canada (Quebec and Ontario), Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, was a confederation document, not a federation one. Because of the two World Wars and others circumstances, the federal government progressively took control of powers and responsibilities that were legally under the jurisdiction of the provinces until then. To this day, these powers and responsiblities have not been given back to the provinces.

Apparently, New Brunswick is beginning to be tired of this centralist federalism that has never ended up advantaging them. The union of these six provinces is definitely the sign that after a century and a half, people have finally awaken and realized that they have been had. Canada as it is today, is not the country that their forefathers wished for and it is not the one neither that was written down in the Confederation agreement. The decisive aspect of this issue is definitely the convergence of voices of other — finally! — provinces in the arena of criticism aimed at the federal government. For decades Quebec has been alone doing that, well, at least we feel it was, but now that has changed. After repeated separatist/sovereignist speeches and discussions, other Canadians in position of power begin to realize that we could get much more out of the Canadian « Federation », if only the funding document of this country was respected.

In an earlier post, I have written that the union of interests and strategy of the provinces of Quebec and Alberta could be the beginning of a new Canada. Well, ideally, the best would be for all provinces to jump in the bandwagon of affirmation and territorial sovereignty. A confederation is a union of sovereign states, binded together by a central institution that acts only as a musical director or choreographer. The musicians or dancers are not the slaves, employees or butlers of the director or choreographer. They are rather artists who deliver art and performance under the guidance and leadership of such figures. It is a huge difference. So I take with great pleasure these expressions of sovereignty by the provinces. I guess they are the ultimate signs that finally, the country, which used to be only a colony in which everybody could pillage the resources and exploit the inhabitants, has taken the path toward political maturity. If this present trend keeps growing and gives fruition, instead of being a mere banana republic in the western hemisphere, Canada will be able to be recognized as a real and mature nation.

Neil Reynolds – Globe and Mail

Déclaration de guerre des Musulmans à l’Italie lors du Vendredi Saint

Encore une fois nos chers amis Musulmans, ces grands adorateurs de l’amour du prochain, du respect et de la paix, ont profité d’une fête chrétienne importante pour imposer sur notre sol leur barbarie islamique rétrograde et dégénérée. Le pire là-dedans, c’est la provocation évidente se trouvant dans ce geste. Non seulement il s’agit d’une prière dans la rue, donc d’une occupation de l’espace public contraire à l’esprit de la laïcité, de la vie démocratique et de nos institutions mais en plus perpétrée lors du Vendredi Saint! Et vous savez quoi? Cette prière a eu lieu à Rome, à la Piazza Venezia, en face du monument national dédié à Vittorio Emanuele II, et plus précisément en face de l’autel de la patrie! Non mais, à la fin! Il faut vraiment être entourés d’islamo-gauchistes invétérés, de traîtres, de mous, de lâches et d’endormis pour laisser passer une chose semblable. L’Europe est fichue, non pas tellement en raison de l’Islam mais plutôt en raison de la vacherie et de la paresse de ses citoyens qui ne font rien pour la défendre et de la complicité de ses dirigeants. Vous pouvez imaginez ça, l’Islam comme étant la première religion du monde? Quel cauchemar cela serait pour la race humaine!

La nostalgie de Jérusalem chez les Musulmans. Un bilan par Eliezer Cherki.

Écoutez cette présentation de Eliezer Cherki, orientaliste et islamologue, présentée dans le cadre du colloque L’avenir de Jérusalem, tenu le 13 mars dernier. Cette allocution, d’une qualité exceptionnelle, présente les raisons profondes expliquant la soudaine fascination que les Musulmans éprouvent pour Jérusalem, alors que le nom de la ville n’est même pas mentionné une seule fois dans le Coran. Cherki retrace l’histoire de l’Islam naissant, de son rapport avec Jérusalem et des transformations qu’il subit lors de la période de Médine. Pour vous donner les grandes lignes, au début de l’Islam, les Musulmans priaient en direction de Jérusalem mais cette coutume a été abandonnée à partir de la période de Médine. Dès ce moment, ils tournent plutôt le dos à Jérusalem. Au fil des siècles, les Musulmans ont montré plus ou moins d’indifférence envers Jérusalem, jusqu’au jour de la création d’Israel en 1948. Depuis cette date, ils ont démontré une passion pour Jérusalem qui ne peut s’expliquer autrement que par les raisons présentées par le professeur Cherki. À voir absolument.

3 - Eliezer Cherki from Raison Garder on Vimeo.

Ukrainian descendants train their propaganda muscle over the content of the Canadian Museum for Human Rights

© Fabrizio Mariani |

Another chapter in the never-ending saga of anti-semitism and nazi cover-up has been deployed recently, as Ukrainian organizations complain about foreign intervention of intellectuals over the content of the Canadian Museum for Human Rights. An advocacy group, the Ukrainian Canadian Civil Liberties Association, and the Ukrainian Canadian Congress, are accused of distorting historical account of the Holodomor, the genocide perpetrated by Soviet Russia in Ukraine in 1932-33. In a letter signed by a hundred scholars around the globe and published last week, the foreign intellectuals also claim that the UCCLA and the UCC refuse to acknowledge the role played by Ukrainian nationalist movements in the Holocaust. Also, the UCCLA and the UCC are having a different with the Museum on the issue of the place that the Holocaust should occupy in the physical space of the building. They argue that there shouldn’t be a separate room for the Holocaust, or that there should be a room for the Holodomor also, to avoid that such an approach « elevates » the suffering of a particular group to the detriment of other groups.

The first article of the Globe and Mail, that you find below, ends with this sentence: « Others are well known for making unfounded allegations concerning the nature and behaviour of the Ukrainian nationalist movement of the 20th century, assertions serious scholars have dismissed as prejudicial. » If I may try to bring more « foundation » for these accusations, here is an extract from a book authored by John Loftus and titled America’s Nazi Secret, which is the new edition of the original The Belarus Secret. Loftus is a former U.S. government prosecutor for many years. He is also a prolific author acclaimed by the critics. In the early ’80s, he was in charge of the Belarus file for the U.S. Justice Department. His job was to hunt down Belarus Nazis. He had the privilege to read the Top Secret Files and made some astonishing discoveries on a variety of topics, including the Ukrainian File. So, in America Nazi Secret we read, about Mykola Lebed:

« Anti-Nazi resistance leader, indeed. The CIA and Congress were thoroughly suckered in. Lebed had been the head of the SB, the Ukrainian version of the Gestapo. His men murdered tens of thousands of Polish, Jewish and Ukrainian citizens. I know this is true because I found the original files of Mykola Lebed in the Army Intelligence vaults at Suitland, Maryland, and showed them to my two superiors at the Justice Department: Ryan and Sullivan. It will be impossible for them to deny that they were briefed in detail before allowing this killer to enter the United States. » (p. 28)

and now about the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, headed by Stepan Bandera:

« The CIC (the Counter-Intelligence Corps, precision mine: C.H.) had an agent who photographed eleven volumes of Lebed’s secret internal files of OUN/Bandera. These files clearly show how most of its members worked for the Gestapo or SS as policemen, executioners, partisan hunters, and municipal officials. The OUN contribution to the German war effort was significant, including the raising of volunteers for several SS divisions. It was precisely because of its work with the Nazis that Wisner (the head of the Office of Policy Coordination, precision mine: C.H.) wanted to hire the OUN for his Special Forces. The Ukrainian letter succeeded in fooling the immigration officials, however, and OUN/Bandera was subsequently taken off the inimical list. » (p. 194)

Now you understand why these Ukrainian organizations, the UCCLA and the UCC, are not particularly enchanted by this letter published by the foreign scholars. You also have to know that nazi war criminals, including Ukrainians, have been smuggled everywhere around the world, in every country imaginable, and in Canada as well. So it is conceivable that descendants of these Ukrainian who have « immigrated » to Canada, and their families, might feel a little uncomfortable with being reminded of the past too much. Their efforts to mute and discredit these foreign scholars and to present a counter-propaganda explain themselves easily.

Happy Easter…

