The Golden Lily and the Lys d’Or: Hey crooks, give us back our wealth!

© Laurent Renault |

The Golden Lily is a sort of buried treasure. It is composed of the immense loot of gold made by Japan during WWII. A good chunk of it has been safe-housed in the Philippines, for an  estimated value, in 1942 dollars, of 100 billions. In FTR #688, Dave Emory explores this fascinating case about global economy, war crime and high finance. Even before the war, the U.S., Japan, Germany and Italy were cartel partners. So it is no surprise if that loot of gold, and the loot of the Third Reich as a whole, came to become the basis for post-WWII world economy. An institution called the Black Eagle Trust has been instrumental in these matters. Several banking institutions have come to play an important role as holders for the gold and/or for its monetary value, such as Union Bank of Switzerland and Citigroup. Emory’s broadcast is based on a fascinating book written by Sterling and Peggy Seagrave and titled Gold Warriors. According to their research, it appears that in Japan the Royal Family, organized crime, the armed forces, corporations and the secret service were all involved in the rise of fascism and with the organization of all its manoeuvres, including the loot of gold. After the war, the de-fascismization of Japan has been a farce and the same with the de-nazification of Germany.

It is a fascinating story. The thing I like a little less, is the correspondence between the name that has been chosen for this loot, Golden Lily, and the very name of my blog, Lys d’Or. I am not sure exactly what Japanese fascists mean by that. Golden obviously refers to gold, but Lily? In my case, the Lys d’Or is the emblem or symbol of French Royalty. If you have had the occasion to browse through the permanent pages of this site, you have seen what I mean by that. But I have slightly altered its meaning to empower the individual instead of monarchs crowned through heredity. We are Kings and Queens. We don’t need no hierarchies. And the thing that pisses me off the most is that, again, it is the bad guys who have the power, the money and the wealth. If I had the wealth of the Golden Lily, it is incredible the things that I could do to help people, develop communities, supports sectors in need, encourage good scientific research, publish non-conventional authors and scientist, etc, etc. But I can’t…because it is the bad guys who have the Golden Lily…while all I have to make a difference is my blog. If I had this wealth, we wouldn’t need any police or intelligence agencies anymore to plot, scheme and sabotage to control the world or to be able to pick up a few crumbles here and there left without surveillance by our adversaries. You see, unfortunately, the people who govern the Earth today possess three basic characteristics: they are crazy, they are fools and they are crooks. If you have got a comprehension of these characteristics, you are in a position to understand a lot of things, even if you are not officially « in the know ».

The only solution for the people who believe in progress, democracy, liberty, freedom of speech, the bill of rights and the constitution, is to do exactly what these crooks from the Underground Reich have done to the liberal world. We need to infiltrate them and cannibalize them from the inside out. It may take 500 years or longer, but in the end we will win, if we show enough resilience. One day all the gold of the Earth will shine over your heads, you the crooks of the world, while you rot in hell. Here is also an interview with Sterling and Peggy Seagrave, authors of Gold Warriors.

Interview with Sterling and Peggy Seagrave

La Seconde Conférence mondiale sur les religions: lorsque des dogmatiques nous font la leçon sur la démocratie

Dans un article prédécent, j’ai émis de sérieuses réserves sur cette Conférence qui aura lieu le 7 septembre prochain. Le point de départ de ce scepticisme se trouvait tout simplement dans le fait que les personnalités invitées à y prendre parole ne sont pas tout à fait renommées pour leur sens de la démocratie, du respect des droits de l’homme et de la liberté d’expression. Par exemple, la Conférence accueillera Tariq Ramadan, qui se réclame de la philosophie des Frères musulmans. Rappelons que les Frères musulmans étaient alignés avec l’Allemagne nazie durant la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale. Leur philosophie est réactionnaire, hostile aux femmes, à la démocratie, aux valeurs de la modernité et cherche à renverser l’occident pour instaurer le règne de la charia. En d’autres termes, il s’agit de quelqu’un que l’on ne devrait même pas accueillir en sol canadien. Pour ce qui est du Dalai Lama, il est le leader d’une théocratie. Lorsque les gens désobéissent au Tibet, on leur crève les yeux. Vous trouvez cela démocratique? En 1938, une expédition a été organisée pour se rendre au Tibet par des SS sous le patronage de Himmler. Des gens comme Bruno Beger et Ernst Schafer en faisaient parti. Le but de l’expédition était de créer un contact diplomatique entre les Nazis et le gouvernement tibétain et celui-ci s’est maintenu par la suite jusqu’à aujourd’hui. Par exemple, le Dalai Lama a reconnu pendant des années Heinrich Harrar comme étant son tuteur spirituel. Or, Harrar lui aussi était un ancien SS. Pour plus d’informations sur le sujet, vous pouvez consulter ici cet article de Dave Emory sur son site

Je dois remercier le site web Pointdebascule de proposer une analyse de la situation qui appuie et renforce la mienne. Ces grands bonzes de la religion, du dogmatisme, de la réaction politique et du refus de la modernité viennent ici nous faire la morale, alors que cela devrait être nous, les modernes, qui les tenions en respect. N’avons-nous aucune conscience de ce que nous sommes? Ces bonzes-là vont venir nous faire la leçon alors qu’ils sont les plus mal placés pour ce faire. Et Pointdebascule a raison à 100% sur ce point: la Conférence est une immense mascarade qui n’a pour but que de permettre à des personnalités du monde religieux conventionnel d’endosser les idées réactionnaires de Ramadan et du Dalai Lama. Quel gâchis! Je vous présente donc une série d’articles préparés par Pointdebascule sur la Conférence. Faites vos recherches et réfléchissez. Voulez-vous vraiment appuyer ce genre d’individus?

Un appel à la censure

La compréhension de Tariq Ramadan

Interfaith Dialogue

Ramadan, 27 juillet 2011

Le complaisant Gregory Baum

Addendum to Brave New World preschools in Sweden: More possible links between IKEA and fascism

In a recent post about a school in Sweden that teaches kids how to bypass « stereotypization » in terms of gender roles, I alluded to the fact that IKEA stores have on-site day-care centers and that these two facts, although seemingly unrelated, could very well be. In a larger scheme, they could represent the implementation of a totalitarian agenda of some kind, probably fascist because of its similarities with the world depicted in Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World. In a recent blog post, anti-fascist researcher Dave Emory brought some more meat around the bone of that trail of enquiry. Emory sees a possible connection between Ingvar Kamprad, founder of IKEA, and the Bormann Capital Network that he so often talked about. For those who don’t know, this network represent more than 750 corporations that Martin Bormann, the successor to Adolf Hitler, created abroad in neutral countries to be able to ship out the entire Nazi loot that they had plundered during WWII. Sweden has the « prestigious » title of the most important recipient of these corporations, hosting 233 out of the 750. Author Elisabeth Asbrink in a new book explores these links between Kamprad and nazism. Emory also notes that the name of Per Engdahl is be remembered in the rising and development of post-WWII fascism and in connection with Kamprad.

Organ Harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners in China, by David Kilgour and David Matas

© Yobidaba |

Here is a report on organ harvesting in China. Believe it or not, it appears that Falun Gong practitioners are the victims of a campaign aimed at harvesting their organs without their consent, evidently. These organs then go to rich Chinese families, friends with the communist regime. The report has been realized by David Kilgour, Member of Parliament of Canada for more than 25 years, and David Matas, who worked as a representative for the Canadian Government on the international scene in several organizations.

Organ Harvesting

Symphony-X on the Electric Messiah

On this blog, I am trying to bring you only the best of human culture. Through science, rational thought, critical thinking, studies in literature, psychology, religious studies, and wisdom and judgement that come from a life dedicated to the pursuit of the truth, I think that I can pretend that you can find on this site only the best things possible, at least I hope. In a world dominated by millions of lies and deceptions, I stand as a lighthouse in the darkest of seas. But I am not alone. I consider the people that I reference regularly on this blog as my friends, collaborators, colleagues, companions of arms, or whatever expression best fits. They too are lighthouses and they shed light on the same darkest sea, close to my waters or further away. We are only a few left that have not been yet subjugated, brainwashed, mind-controlled, submitted, crushed, dominated, etc, by the powers of the Beast. And time is running short. That’s why, if you have to experience an awakening, a rebirth, I suggest that you do it now, before it is too late and the forces of darkness are too much advanced to be able for you to counter them. Now is the time. I am trying to bring, for everyone, a platform for the awakening of the faculties of understanding and awareness. This is an incredible opportunity for you to make such a leap, if you haven’t been there yet. I offer you this song by Symphony-X to stimulate your reflection. It talks about the arrival of a Messiah figure during an electronic age. Is this the Messiah or the Anti-Christ? Am I liberated or enchained by what I believe in?

Roots The Club in Gaza City: Tales from the biggest open-air concentration camp in the world, strike 2

My dear friends, I have got to tell you something, I was so shocked by the images that you are about to see! Oh, my god! Can you imagine for a second the suffering that these poor Gazans must endure? Do you realize how barbaric Israelis must be, yes, these despicable and cruel beings, to let the inhabitants of Gaza go through such trials, tribulations and pain? Because, yeah, evidently, we all in good faith would think that the Israelis, even as cruel, heartless and savage as they we know them, would let Gazans at least get some food, more or less edible but still, some not too-contaminated water and a few rag of clothes to cover their meager bodies. But no…It appears that the Israelis don’t have any values at all, no decency, no heart, no compassion. You see, they would rather let these poor Gazans die out of hunger, disease and despair rather than to show some good faith and help them! And not only the Israelis have the guts to control the whole media in the U.S. and elsewhere around the world, but adding to that, they also go to the extreme of letting starve to death the weakest and most vulnerable of all among us, the Gazans and Palestinians! And I am not even mentioning all the occasions where they could have spared lives in the Occupied Territories but chose instead to murder innocent people at random, just for the simple pleasure of taking lives and spilling blood! Frankly, these Israelis should be ashamed of themselves. Look at these pictures from Roots The Club in Gaza City, and tell me that you can stand seeing these innocent concentration camp prisoners being abused so much?

Nouvelles en vrac sur Israel, prise 5

© Emirsimsek |

Guy Millière sur la résistance planétaire de défense d’Israel

Mahmoud Abbas sur la reconnaissance de l’État d’Israel

Nous allons prier prochainement à AlQuds

La révolution des Olives

Piratages de sites Internet

Incorrigible ONU

Israel rompt ses relations avec le Qatar

Le vendredi du mensonge et de la haine

Restaurer le courage et l’honneur – Guy Millière

Israel, je m’associe à ta douleur

L’ONU ne condamne pas les attaques sur Israel

Pour en finir avec les mensonges sur Israel – Guy Millière

Recettes pour l’anéantissement du peuple juif

German corporate control of American media and the meltdown

In recent rebroadcast of previous shows FTR# 298 and FTR#671, Dave Emory explored German corporate control over American media. Contrasting greatly with the so-called Jewish or Israeli lobby theory that we hear so often on so many tribunes and that is often only a masquerade to hide anti-semitic views, but not always, these two shows try to bring into the light things that are really happening to America since WWII. Far away from being the object of a takeover by « Zionist » elements within the United States, the home-of-the-brave country has been subdued and hypnotized by elements belonging to the Underground Reich, or to say things differently, by the international cartel of finance institutions, banks and corporations that is slowly but surely taking control of the whole planet and enslaving the entire population to its arbitrary dictates.

Among other elements looked upon in FTR #298, we find the German publishing house Bertelsmann that owns Random House, which is the biggest publishing house in the English language in the world, being under special examination (other shows exist that deals further with Bertelsmann). We can learn here that Bertelsmann was the major publisher for the Nazis during WWII. According to the research made by Dave Emory, Bertelsmann is linked to the Bormann Capital Network. Also called Underground Reich, this Network was created by Martin Bormann, the leader of the Nazi Party after WWII, in the last months of the war. In effect, he smuggled abroad almost the entire nazi loot and wealth that the Nazis had plundered during WWII in all the countries that they occupied, to be saved and secured into 750 corporations that he created overseas. He also invested huge chunks of this capital into holdings companies, creating thus an immense network of wealth that was used after the war to rebuild Germany and buy professional opinion…in the media and other activities around the world…and also in the U.S. Continuer la lecture

We Con the World: A song about these poor Palestinians who suffer so much…

Definitely the song of 2010… Following the Gaza Flotilla incident of 2010, a group of Israeli resistants recorded this song based on ‘We are the World’. Unfortunately, as Palestinians can’t understand good common sense, chances are we are going to sing it still for a long time.