Sébastien de Crèvecœur et Philippe Plamondon analysent le Projet de Loi 21 de la CAQ

Sébastien de Crèvecœur et Philippe Plamondon de Nomos-TV analysent le Projet de loi n° 21 sur la laïcité de l’État, du gouvernement de la Coalition Avenir Québec. C’est un projet de loi modéré qui se veut rassembleur. Les partisans de la droite politique et de la sphère patriotique et nationaliste en sont sûrement assez déçus mais, comme dit le proverbe, c’est mieux que rien.

Alexandre Cormier-Denis sur le communautarisme juif, sur Nomos-TV


The Dalai-Lama: Europe belongs to Europeans…

The Dalai-Lama stated the obvious. Of course, migrants, refugees and a lot of so-called ‘immigrants’ should go back to their home countries once the situation has settled there (the sooner the better). Here is Lana Lokteff of Red Ice TV commenting on the news. This only proves that Buddhists have the heart at the right place. There is a proverb in French that says: «Charité bien ordonnée commence par soi-même», which means that you should always provide for yourself before considering providing for others. There are thousands, millions of people in America and Europe who are desperately in need of medical care and of decent food and housing…and we are welcoming refugees by the millions? A few years ago, I started a series of articles in French under the title Le déploiement de l’axe christo-bouddhique, or in English, the deployment of the Christico-Buddhistic Axis. The idea behind that association, collaboration, alliance, is that these two religions, the two big religions of each side of the planet, are completely compatible, the same way Islam and Communism are compatible. So, if they are compatible, we should work together to fight for a better world and to deter threats to our rights and freedoms. If the association of Communism and Islam is often referred to as the Red-Green Axis, the alliance between the freedom-loving christian West and the Buddhist East could be referred to as the Blue-Orange Axis – orange for the most common color of a monk’s garment. If we don’t pull our strength together, both Christians and Buddhists are going to disappear, be massacred by either communists or Islamists. Europe for Europeans…and the East for those who agree with the Buddha! Here are the four articles in French of the series I was talking about, if you would like to take a look at them.

Le déploiement de l’axe christo-bouddhique ou le rayonnement bleu-orange

Le déploiement de l’axe christo-bouddhique, deuxième partie: Le Bouddha bleu…

Le déploiement de l’axe christo-bouddhique, troisième partie: Jésus aurait été moine bouddhiste…

Le déploiement de l’axe christo-bouddhique, quatrième partie: Le Sanctuaire de Rozabal…

Analyse d’Alexandre Cormier-Denis du voyage de Justin Trudeau en Inde

Dans cette nouvelle vidéo, Alexandre Cormier-Denis analyse la prise de contrôle du gouvernement canadien par une minorité radicale sikh qui semble se produire présentement. Plusieurs membres influents du gouvernement semble appartenir à cette frange radicale. On ne doit pas oublier non plus que le chef du Nouveau Parti Démocratique, Jagmeet Singh, est lui aussi issu de cette communauté, ce qui pose bien des questions pour l’avenir du pays. Alexandre Cormier-Denis propose cette analyse au moment-même où Justin Trudeau termine un voyage en Orient durant lequel il a attiré l’attention des médias en portant des costumes traditionnels, dont souvent il ne connaît rien certains diront. Pour plusieurs, Justin Trudeau a fait un fou de lui, en plus de manquer de respect envers les cultures et nations qu’il a visitées.

Interview with Jason Reza Jorjani about Zarathustra and Iran

The timing for the presentation of this interview couldn’t be more perfect. Now that the Iranian people is getting to the streets to protest against the tyrannical islamist regime in power in Iran, recalling the 2009 Green Revolution, it is time for the Iranians to rediscover their origins, their history, their culture. To sum things up, it is time for them to rediscover their soul. Nobody is in a better position to help them to do so than their great spiritual figure and national hero, Zarathustra. One of the great founders of civilizations, Zarathustra created a new religion based on his observations of human nature, of life and of spiritual experience. The ethos of Zoroastrianism is different from the one of other religions such as Hindouism, Bouddhism, Judaism, Christianity or Islam. As a matter of fact, to my knowledge, that ethos is specific to Zoroastrianism. It doesn’t exist anywhere else, not in this form anyway. It will be a long way before Iranians can get rid completely of Islam on their land. It will be a long and very painful battle. And it can only be accomplish if the people of Iran, individually and collectively, descend deep inside their souls to rediscover who they really are, suppressed and choked by decades and centuries of islamist tyranny. Jorjani says about Zarathustra that he was seing himself as somebody fighting against ‘forces of ignorance and deceit’ and ‘forces of darkness’. Jorjani begins the interview by recalling the immense service that the great German philosopher Nietzsche made to modern consciousness by writing a novel about Zarathustra in which he is its central character. The time has come for the Iranian people to awake from their sleep. Freedom is calling, to open the doors of consciousness, enlightenment and intelligence. The Kingdom of Persia never was a democracy, we all get that. But at least its citizens were free to be Iranians with their culture and civilization and that’s a lot. The time has come for the islamist regime to pack up its boxes and leave. History is waiting for the great return of Zarathustra and its ethos. If it is the first time that you hear Jason Reza Jorjani, I suggest a couple of interviews he gave on their airwaves of Red Ice Radio in recent years.

Entrevue avec Jean-Paul Deremble sur les vitraux de la Cathédrale de Chartres

L’entrevue a été réalisée durant un épisode de l’émission Perles de culture sur les ondes de TV Libertés. Elle débute vers les 35:00 minutes. Vous noterez, en plus du symbolisme astrologique et initiatique, la présence du fleur-de-lys doré dans plusieurs vitraux et que le bleu est très présent.

Quelques épisodes de Red Ice Radio et Radio 3Fourteen

Voici quelques épisodes des émissions Red Ice Radio et Radio 3Fourteen qui ont retenu mon attention dernièrement. Le premier lien vous permettra de voir le film d’animation réalisé par l’artiste Emily Youcis, assez exceptionnel, intitulé The Ascent of Alfred, qui débute vers 33:30 de l’entrevue.

Emily Youcis – The Ascent of Art in the Alt-Right

Guillaume Durocher: Trump Victory: Impact on America & Europe

John Lash: Eight Unifying Points for Truth Seekers & Knowledge Holders

Daniel Hammarberg: Abrahamic Religion: The Dark Side of Judaism