Republican Reverse Robbing Hoods: Bob Fitrakis on the stealing of the 2004 election…among other things

Radio host Bob Fitrakis joins Peter B. Collins on the Peter B. Collins Show to talk about election fraud in 2004. According to new evidence, Republicans would have used a computer scheme to be able to steal the election in Ohio that year. A back-up system was put in place that essentially created a « middle man », an independent autonomous program created by Mike Connell, one of Bush’s buddies, sitting between the precincts and the Secretary of State. This « middle man » had the capacity to input new data in the system. Evidence show that in certain precincts more votes were registered than voters. Votes for Bush were added during tabulation, etc.

I am just wondering: Is there anything different that Republicans can do besides stealing, cheating, robbing and encouraging mayhem and crime? If there is, it doesn’t show. That’s why I call them Reverse Robbing Hoods: They steal the poor to give to the rich. Later in this interview, Bob Fitrakis talks about the way certain people close to the Republican Party or to the Bush Administration tried to steal people’s pensions using the scheme of selling them « toxic assets ». You must be saying to yourself, if the people running these pension funds are stupid enough to buy debts (that’s what toxic assets means) too bad for them. Well, it is not that simple. First of all, it is our money, we the people. Second, if I would have been in charge of these pension funds (it happened in my area too) I would never have bought debts. Who buys debts except fools? Normally, sane people buy things that possess a positive value, not a negative one. But anyway, that’s not the point. The point is that it is the responsability of the people in charge of society to implement solutions and projects that actually help society get better. The only motivation that can exist for selling debts is evidently the intent of robbing somebody else’s property. In my opinion, all those brokers and finance clerks who sold « toxic assets » should be put in jail. One of the most basic rules of commerce is that when you sell something, you get something in exchange for its value. How come was it possible to get money in return for something that has no value, and let alone a negative one? Anyway, nothing surprises me anymore.

Listen to this show. While the first part of it is dedicated to cover a possible challenge to Obama in 2012, the second part, when Fitrakis comes in, will give you a good idea about the level of corruption, perfidy and dishonesty of our leaders. And be careful with Reverse Robbing Hoods. You will always be better off managing your own finances by yourself than to let these crooks do it for you…because they will do it for themselves. I also added an interview with an OHIO attorney, Cliff Arnebeck, if you want more details about the stealing of the 2004 election in the U.S.

Bob Fitrakis on the Peter B. Collins Show

Interview with Cliff Arnebeck on Talktainment Radio, hosted Bob Fitrakis

Encore une fois les Québécois vont se faire fourrer, prise 3

J’ai pensé qu’il serait de mise de ramener un autre épisode de cette série dans le contexte de la présentation du Plan Nord si cher à Jean Charest. Ce Plan Nord est une vraie catastrophe qui va littéralement donner le nord du Québec à des compagnies privées. Que faut-il donc faire pour convaincre la gagne Libérale que les Québécois ne veulent plus se faire traiter en colonisés, en inférieurs, en aborigènes? On n’en veut plus de votre Québec-colonie-à-fourrures, est-ce que c’est clair? On en veut pour notre argent et on veut être « maîtres chez nous ». Je n’ai pas de problème avec le fait que des compagnies étrangères s’installent dans le nord du Québec et exploitent des ressources, à condition qu’elles paient des redevances substantielles et que l’on puisse récupérer une partie des profits. C’est simple mais Jean Charest ne semble pas le comprendre. Il est plutôt pressé d’offrir sur un plateau d’argent nos ressources naturelles à des étrangers, tout en faisant payer les Québécois pour les infrastructures routières et des subventions aux entreprises! Non mais, nous prendre pour des imbéciles à ce point, ça ne se dit pas. Jean Charest aura été le pire Premier Ministre du Québec de tous les temps.

Ugo Lapointe sur GoldCorp

The debt ceiling debate: terrorist rhetoric or the end of the niceties?

In a recent article, Globe and Mail’s Neil Reynolds expressed his astonishment and perhaps even sadness as regards to the rhetoric that has been employed during the debt ceiling debate in the U.S. After presenting an almost exhaustive list of people in the media who displayed language using the « terrorist » label, he concludes the article by saying that democracy would never have come into existence in the first place with such behavior, calling it « preposterous and shameful ». Although I appreciate the sentiment that he is showing here, I am not sure that it is the proper thing that has to been understood. For me, this language is rather the expression of a « five-minutes-to-midnight » feeling where suddenly, in the face of an impending catastrophy and collapse, people abandon the niceties because there is no point keeping them anymore. A lot of folks in the Tea Party and the Republican Party want the destruction of the United States. One doesn’t need to be an expert to see that. Democrats who used to be skeptics or who didn’t want to face reality now have no longer the choice. One can deny the building is on fire, but once the flames are up to your ass, it’s another pair of sleeves, or pants if you prefer. The rhetoric of the Democrats and liberals, although unusual, is accurate and appropriate for people who start to see things as they are. If Democrats and liberals don’t do something really fast to take back control of this country, it will collapse and Balkanize. What we have to understand here is that because something is cute, it doesn’t make it right necessarily, and on the opposite, because something is repulsive at face value, it doesn’t make it wrong automatically. I think good judgement is always necessary. Democrats are awakening to the impending catastrophy. I just wish it is not too late. As a means of enriching the discussion, I propose John Moore’s analysis of the situation in a recent edition of the National Post. I think that he has a rather fair assessment of right-wing activists, or purits as the calls them, in the U.S.

John Moore on right-wing in the U.S.

Osama bin Laden, Saddam Hussein y la familia Bush: cuando el lucro esta mas poderoso que la virtud

Descubre la periodista investigadora Lucy Komisar sobre los vinculos entre Saddam Hussein, Osama bin Laden et la familia Bush. Descubre también la banca BCCI y su implicacíon en el comercio de drogas, de armas y en la financiacíon del terrorismo internacional.

Lucy Komisar

Lucy Komisar on Naked Short Selling and other Wall Steet gambits

© Ivan Kmit |

Here is an interview that Lucy Komisar, an investigative reporter specialized on matters related to financial fraud and tricks, gave to Dave Emory for his show, For The Record. Being not a specialist of the financial sector, I won’t venture too far. But there are certain things that I want to draw your attention to, and these are the few tricks that have been developped recently by the crooks of Wall Street. Here they are: short selling, naked short selling and credit default swap.

Short selling happens when a broker buys shares for a client and wait for a certain period of time before transfering it to the buyer. In other terms, the broker waits for the value of the shares to rise on the market before transfering it, therefore making a direct profit in the exchange, besides his normal commission. To give an example, let’s say a broker buys shares at $10 and then waits three days, the legal period of wait, and transfers them at the new current value, for example $12. He then makes a direct profit of $2 per share, plus the commission. Naked short selling happens when a broker buys shares that don’t exist, through a mecanism of « lending » of shares that the Wall Street crooks have invented. With this scheme, the client buyer is not really the owner of the shares, even if he or she possesses papers of ownership. This scam is exposed when there is a vote of share owners and that a greater number of votes are counted than the actual number of shares that exist for that stock. But evidently, the broker gets paid by the « buyer » the value of this phantom share as if it would be real. And credit default swap happens when debts are bundled in large packages and resold in the form of derivative products. You might have heard of the expression « toxic assets ». Anyway, I remind you that I am not sure to get all the nuances for these abstract notions and financial manoeuvres, that is why I am suggeting you to listen to the interview and read the description that Emory made of it in FTR #650. Also, I have joined an article by Lucy Komisar posted on her website about AIG and their financial gambits and problems.

We are governed by crooks and liars. If it is not evident for you already, I think there is more than enough material for you here to change your mind. Welcome to Brave New World.

FTR #650

Lucy Komisar on AIG

Encore une fois les Québécois vont se faire fourrer, prise 2

Écoutez cette entrevue avec Leo Paul Lauzon, titulaire de la Chaire d’étude socio-économique de l’UQAM. Il nous parle ici des profits des banques canadiennes, qui sont mirobolants. Il traite au passage également des primes de départ exagérées de certains gestionnaires. C’est écoeurant de voir à quel point tout le monde essaie de nous exploiter. Le Québec sera toujours une colonie tant que l’on ne se réveillera pas. En espérant que vous comprenez l’anglais, j’ai joint ici un vidéo se trouvant sur Google présentant l’histoire de la Réserve Fédérale aux États-Unis. Quoique le document puisse comporter certaines erreurs et biais idéologiques, il brosse toutefois un tableau assez pertinent de la réalité du monde bancaire, à savoir que c’est une institution qui sert les intérêts des plus riches de la société et non ceux des plus pauvres. Le document est assez long, alors prenez votre temps.


Encore une fois les Québécois vont se faire fourrer…Léo Paul Lauzon en discute avec Benoît Dutrizac

Encore une fois, on va se faire avoir. Les gens qui sont supposés représenter nos intérêts représentent en fait leurs intérêts. À chaque fois qu’ils ont l’occasion de s’en mettre plein les poches en utilisant nos ressources, notre savoir-faire, notre main-d’oeuvre, ils n’hésitent pas. Le Québec, comme le Canada d’ailleurs, est une terre ouverte, un régime colonial où l’on peut piller, voler, extorquer, et ce avec la bénédiction du gouvernement. Et ça se comprend. Les portes sont tournantes entre le gouvernement et le secteur privé. On passe de l’industrie au gouvernement et du gouvernement à l’industrie comme on passe des coulisses à la scène et de celle-ci aux coulisses comme le font les acteurs de théâtre. C’est ça le fascisme. Les corporations ont mis la main sur l’ensemble des ressources, des outils, des institutions  et la vie publique n’est qu’un théâtre avec lequel on distrait les idiots que nous sommes, les exploités payeurs de taxes. Quand ce régime de barbarie va-t-il cesser de nous réduire à l’esclavage? Après cinquante ans de fascisme  corporatiste, êtes-vous toujours convaincus que les Allemands ont perdu la guerre?


Russ Baker on RT Thom Hartmann

Look what we got here…Congressman Darrell Issa, the richest man in the House of Representatives, has asked for the data regarding Freedom of Information Act requests. He wants that the federal government release to him the entire information, i.e. names, specifics demanded, businesses, etc, for all Freedom of Information Act requests that have been made. Wow! And for what? We can’t be sure but it is not for the greater good. Either it is for his own personal career advancement or he is simply doing somebody else’s job for the higher hierarchy. Will this information serve only to assure his political grounds or rather to produce a data file containing names of researchers, journalists, whistleblowers, who may present a « risk » for the fascist State? The corporations run the show now and the politicians are only their lapdogs. Is Darrell Issa simply a petty politician trying to clear his path to the White House or someone implementing a police state policy? Is Big Brother watching you or is it simply corruption? Listen to Russ Baker’s take on that. Baker is the author of Family of Secrets.

Follow-up on John P. Wheeler III murder case

Here are various sources from which you can continue the study of this case. I have linked two radio shows. First, Michael Savage’s show The Savage Nation, and George Freund’s Conspiracy Cafe to help you get an idea of the different connections, theories and possibilities. Because, at this point, there is not much else that we can do except speculating. Apparently, the FBI is not on the case (!!!), the police corps don’t say much and there seems to be a media blackout about it. So, with all these restrictions, we continue searching in the dark…

The links present a number of connections with one interesting lead:

His involvement as a cybersecurity expert with the Mitre corporation. It is possible that he might have uncovered some unpleasant facts related to the state of our cybersecurity in the western world. The last statements he gave in the months prior to his death point in that direction.

I have put as well some written material from the web. I hope these sources will help you.






This article portrays him as somebody deranged, mentally unstable, not uncommon in a cover-up and disinformation operation.


Tunisia President Ben Ali’s wife might have taken 1.5 tonnes of gold

Yep…the money loot continues. Welcome to the land of crooks and bandits! According to this article of the Guardian, the gold would have been flown to Saudi Arabia as late as the last days of their reign. The vice governor of the central bank couldn’t confirm any disappearance of gold. « Most of our gold is in Fort Knox »…oupsss…that’s not a good sign, if you consider that the gold at Fort Knox is believed to have been stolen!!!
