The seastedding movement and Star Trek: « The Next Generation » of fascists sails offshore

© Dmitrijs Mihejevs |

This last show of Dave Emory’s For The Record looks at the seastedding movement, a new trend in fascist ideology that seeks to create independent « cities » offshore, i.e. outside any country’s jurisdiction, in gigantic seaships as big as aircraft carriers. Individuals such as Patri Friedman, grandson of fascist economist Milton Friedman, and Peter Thiel, co-founder of Pay-Pal, support this movement that intersects, among other elements of the corporate community, with the Koch Brothers, the Carlyle Group and Palantir firm. « Charter Cities » is another variation of this scheme in which control of particular cities will be turned over to corporations. Henry Ford, one of Adolf Hitler’s early backers and main source of inspiration, tried such an experiment with the city of « Forlandia » in Brazil, which failed.

Michigan Governor Rick Snyder seems to have been working behind the scenes to implement a local mixture of seastedding in his own state. Applying the basic principals of Shock Doctrine, he recently submitted a budget for the State of Michigan that is expected to cut financial aid to cities and towns. As a result, evidently, much of those cities will end up in difficult financial situation. By pure « coincidence », Snyder is also pushing a bill that would give him and his administration the power to declare certain towns and cities in a state of financial « emergency ». The bill specifies that the Governor will then be in a legal position to appoint a kind of « czar » figure to manage the « crisis » for a particular town and that that czar will have the power to do virtually anything, including to terminate collective bargain agreements or any other contracts and to dismiss elected officials. In the end, the management of these towns in « crisis » will be turned over to corporations that will have the power to even terminate them at will. Continuer la lecture

Nigel Farage in Germany warning its people about the totalitarian nature of the EU

The excellent Nigel Farage is back at the plate. In this conference, cut in three parts for Youtube, Farage explains to the public what has to be understood about the European Union. First, it is not democratic. On the contrary, it is totalitarian in nature. Each of its country members has to surrender its sovereignty to the EU Parliament in Brussels. Laws that affect the millions of Europeans are passed by non-elected bureaucrats instead of being voted and passed by legitimate and duly elected representatives of each European country. Second, it is a failure, besides of the political one, both financially and economically, that leads countries to collapse and be bankrupt, to benefit Germany in the end. This way, willingly or unwillingly, Germany is taking over the economy of every bankrupt country of the Union and, according to Farage, the day is not far when all economic decisions will be made in Brussels. He also points out that the people who created the EU were not democrats. They were some sort of totalitarian schemers.

Well…if we look at what the EU is, politically, economically, financially, if we look at its symbols, etc, it reminds me of the Roman Empire. The logo makes one think to that image of the Book of Revelation about the « woman with twelve stars » above her head, or something like that. We can note as well that this symbolism is close to the one of the UN, anyway. It goes along the same lines. Continuity in thought? Also, we can all see on the map that the EU covers roughly the same territory as the one envisioned by Adolf Hitler for its Greater Germany. Just a coincidence? To make a long story short, I think there are powerful forces at work to turn Europe and each of its democratic countries into a unified totalitarian regime, fabricated with elements taken out of both communism and fascism. That’s probably why the EU is opening its doors so widely to welcome Jew-hating reactionary Muslims. They are pouring in by the millions to turn Europe into its medieval barbarism. Elements within post-war nazism and post-U.S.S.R. socialism have been busy behind the scenes to prepare for the destruction of Europe, and now they are inviting their « guests of honor », the Muslim bigots, to join in and help them with their enterprise. Continuer la lecture

The NDP orange wave victory in Quebec: when the color orange looks rather like brown

© Mahesh14 |

Well…what can I tell you? My fellow citizens, Quebeckers, have voted with their emotions, not with their head. That’s rather strange, if you consider that if there is a moment when you have to use your head instead of anything else, that’s when you choose your leaders. But Quebeckers, apparently, don’t do that. No. They prefer to listen to good talkers, singers and dancers instead if doing intelligent choices. For the last 20 years, they were attended and pampered by Gilles Duceppe who, as the leader of the Bloc Québécois, was taking care of business for them in Ottawa. But now, a new singer has arrived: Jack Layton. He is so cute, so nice, so gentle, that Quebeckers couldn’t resist. He will be their new momie in Ottawa representing them and caring for them…

Personally, I have difficulty giving credibility to this man and this party. The NDP advertises itself as social-democrat but the atmosphere surrounding it is rather the expression of a soft concoction of socialism, leftism, popularism. Furthermore, according to Tarek Fatah, Canadian political activist and founder of the Muslim Canadian Congress, the NDP, since Jack Layton has become the leader, has apparently opened the doors to Islamist activists in very large numbers. Islamists, generally speaking, especially the ones related or belonging to the Muslim Brotherhood, have a pro-corporate philosophy. They relate themselves to Ibn Khaldun, a Muslim philosopher of the Middle Ages who taught a pro-corporate financial and economical model. That’s why the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamists are often used by the Far-Right to implement fascist agendas in countries or areas. But they often infiltrate institutions and political parties too in order to corrode and corrupt them and render them more Islam-friendly.

Jan Valtin, german communist and soviet agent between the two World Wars, has written in his book Out of The Night that the communists were collaborating extensively with the Nazis to sabotage conferences and meetings of the Social-Democrats in Germany, Social-Democrats being roughly what we call in North America Liberal Democrats. Check my earlier post here to read the whole story and a passage of his book. Even before the Nazis, there was a group of activists in Germany refered to as the « brown shirts ». Brown shirts are what we could call proto-fascists, that is to say a group that behave in a way to prepare a population, a country or a nation for the arrival of a fascist takeover. Activists of such an organization may not know that they are in fact facilitating such arrival, they may think on the contrary that they are working to install a socialist or left-wing regime that will serve the people. But the end result is that their actions are used against them by the Far-Right and that’s exactly what I am afraid of in the case of Quebec. This bunch of Neo-Democrat MPs who appear to be nobodies, in certain cases students or simple workers with no experience of office or public life, will do considerable damage in this Province if we let them have their mandate. We must find a way to break their backbone before they completely destroy the place.

I would like to leave you on a more humoristic note. Remember the movie A Clockwork Orange? The leader of the gang that pratices ultra-violence, Alex, holds a cane throughout the movie… If we don’t want to have behaviors like that soon in our peace of land, we have to watch out for these earlier signs of proto-fascist activity. Because, sometimes, the color orange looks rather like brown… Check the video with this link…and think carefully.


Brown and Red fascists united their forces to crush the Social-Democrats of Germany

If I would to tell you that in Germany in the 20’s and early ’30, communists and fascists united their forces to have the social-democrat government of Germany fall down, would you believe me? Well, I am afraid that is exactly what happened. And the saddest thing is that it seems to be happening all over again in the present time, although no one seems to really pay attention to the small details that are revelatory of these social phenomena. Jan Valtin was a german communist and a soviet agent between the two world wars. According to writer and blogger Didier Goux, Jan Valtin was finally arrested after several years of activism by the Gestapo in 1933 and sentenced for 13 years. Then new orders came from the Komintern for Valtin to make believe that he experienced a change of heart and that as of this moment, he was ready to work for the Gestapo. The Nazi secret police bought the deception apparently and after having served three years out of the thirteen in prison, he was sent to rejoin the Komintern of Copenhagen. After a while, aroused by suspicions, the GPU, the soviet secret police, arrested and jailed him somewhere in the countryside around Copenhagen, in wait for a decision to send him to Moscow for either imprisonment or execution. Luckily for him, he succeeded to escape and fled to the United States where he eventually became a U.S. cititzen.

Valtin wrote an autobiography, Out of The Night, in which he describes with great details and precision the daily life of the spy/communist activist/double agent that he was. Here are a couple of extracts that are significant of the co-option of the Left forces by the Right. Remember that these events were taking place in the first decades of the 20th century but that it doesn’t mean that it can’t happen wherever you are, right now. And in fact, it does. Look around you and see. Here is the complete reference of the book and the extracts, from pages 252-254. All italics are Valtin’s:

Jan Valtin, Out of the Night, Alliance Book Corporation, New York, 1941.

The blind hatred for the Social Democrats took a decisive turn about the middle of January, 1931, when Georgi Dimitrov issued a secret memorandum of instructions to all leaders and sub-leaders of the communist columns. A special committee, headed by Thaelmann, Heinz Neumann and Wollweber, was set up to carry the instructions into effect. Summed up in one sentence the instructions were: « United action of the Communist Party and the Hitler movement to accelerate the disintegration of the crumbling democratic bloc which governs Germany » […]

Those who objected were threatened with expulsion from the Party. Discipline forbade the rank and file to discuss the issue. From then on, in spite of the steadily increasing fierceness of their guerrilla warfare, the Communist Party and the Hitler movement joined forces to slash the throat of an already tottering democracy.

It was a weird alliance, never officially proclaimed or recognized by either the Red or Brown bureaucracy, but a grim fact all the same. […] A temporary truce and a combining of forces were agreed on by the followers of Stalin and Hitler whenever they saw an opportunity to raid and break up meetings and demonstrations of the democratic front […]

In the spring of 1931, the socialist Transport Workers’ Union had called a conference of ship and dock delegates of all the main ports of Western Germany […] When the conference opened, the galleries were packed with two or three hundred Communists and Nazis […] As soon as the first trade union delegate touched one of us, our followers rose and bedlam started. The furniture was smashed, the participants beaten, the hall turned into a shambles. We gained the street and scattered before ambulances and the Rollkommandos of the police arrived. The next day, both the Nazi and our own Party press brought out front page accounts of how « socialist » workers, incensed over the « treachery » of their own corrupt leaders had given them a thorough « proletarian rub-down » […]

The Communist high command, under Dimitrov, gave us the answer by telegram and letter, and through circulars, pamphlets, and headlines in the Party press. « Down with the Social Democrats, the chief enemy ot the workers! Communists, your duty is to sweep the Socialist traitors out of the government offices! » So, while Communist and Nazi terror groups blazed away at each other in nightly skirmishes, Communists went loyally to the polls to give their votes in support of a drive launched by the Monarchist Hugenberg and the Fascist Hitler.

I think that you get the picture. The most important is that you realize that these things are going on again in your own society. Don’t be fooled. The Left and the Right have made a deal to destroy those in the Center, the Social Democrats, and I suspect it is you, if you read this blog. Wake up!

Israel seizes German-owned cargo ship carrying weapons…from Iran

© Ivan Mikhaylov |

Israel seized a cargo ship on March 14th in the Mediterranean sea, a few hundreds miles from the shores of the Gaza Strip. The ship was carrying Iranian weapons intended for Palestinian militants in Gaza. The ship set off from Syria, stopped in Turkey before heading toward Egypt. As a reminder, weapons are smuggled from Egypt to the Gaza Strip using a network of underground tunnels. Iran has denied involvement, as it was  to be expected. The incident follows earlier attempts from hostile Arab or Muslim countries to provide weapons to destabilizing or terrorist agents in the Gaza Strip or the West Bank. The IHH-sponsored Gaza flotilla incident is a notorious example of that, which was a clear provocation from the part of Turkey.

What is really interesting though is the ownership of the vessel, German… Honestly, who could have guessed? The Third Reich is deploying more and more overt provocations toward Israel. The message is clear: be ready to be wiped out. The anti-Israel sentiment is growing around the world and especially in the Middle East and we can see the wolves and sharks getting closer as they smell the blood of Jews. Frankly, we are governed by psychopaths. If real good people were in charge of the Earth, we wouldn’t see things like that. As a result, the hatred of the Jews will continue as long as humans won’t decide themselves to put these psychopathic killers behind bars or six feet under. If we don’t do that, the human race is doomed for extinction. For more details on the Gaza flotilla and the general context surrounding their shipments, see as well a couple of posts by Dave Emory.




FTR #723

Barbarians decivilizing Europe: who told you to let that happen, Europe leaders?

Can you imagine for a second what the meeting of Islam with Hip-Hop or Rap music would give? Look at the teenagers in this video. These Turks living in Germany certainly don’t represent the incarnation of the Enlightenment ideal. By letting these under-civilized or barbarians populate Europe, this continent that once made the pride of all humanity will  definitely crumble into civil war, destruction, disintegration, annihilation. You don’t need to be a divine to see that. A nation is as great as its citizen. If you let in people who aren’t capable, for whatever reasons, to uphold the highest principles of civilization in your country, you are thus in fact handing over the land to villains. If the leaders of Europe don’t pass laws to redress the situation quickly, you can be sure that a terrible bloodshed will ensue.

Ukrainian Nazis on the stove

Here are two stories from The Gazette that show how slow our world has been to react in regard with Nazi hunting. Of course one has to realize that in the western world, in the U.S. for example, nazi war criminals, especially those coming from Ukraine and Belarus, have been offered a free pass for immigration in gratitude for their services. After serving the Third Reich as counter-communist agents in Eastern Europe, some of them were smuggled to the U.S. through the channels of State Department Office of Policy Coordination and the protection of U.S. Justice Department. John Loftus’ book, The Belarus Secret, which has recently been republished under the title America Nazi’s Secret, goes into the concrete details of these facts.

What strikes me here is the humour and irony of these situations. In the first article, we have a 90 year-old Ukrainian man living in Germany accused of helping to murder roughly 28,000 Jews during WWII as a nazi death camp guard. The trial coming to an end, the accused, John Demjanjuk, has threatened to go on hunger strike! For him the trial is a « political show ». It is not the first time that he has been accused of something similar. He had a trial in Israel previously and been found guilty but he was released. The Supreme Court established that he was the wrong man. Suffering from multiple illnesses, he accuses Germany of blaming him for the holocaust. The second article presents briefly the case of a 89-year old former Nazi police officer who became a U.S. citizen in 1955. He is now being expelled from the United States for rounding up and shooting Jews in Ukraine during WWII.

To make a long story short, what bothers me the most here is the atmosphere of circus that characterizes those proceedings. These two individuals are probably guilty of the charges that are laid against them. That is not the point. The point is rather that the accusations come six decades later, at a time when the accused are elderly, barely capable of sustaining any proceedings or any activity at all. Obviously, the accusations come after the delay of  imposed secrecy has passed. When these agents from Ukraine and Belarus have been smuggled into certain countries, sometimes with new identities, new assignments, etc, a security seal has been placed on their files which can take several decades to be declassified. That is why we find ourselves today with these ridiculous trials. If you can’t bring somebody on trial for crimes against humanity in a reasonable delay, please…

hunger strike

Ex-Nazi deported

Martin Bormann: the successor to the Fuhrer

Martin Bormann with HimmlerThe war didn’t stop in 1945. As a matter of fact, it is still going on. The Reich went underground at the end of WWII, as a way to ensure the long-term supremacy of Germany over the world. The Bormann Capital Network, probably the biggest concertration of wealth in world’s history, has continued since 1945 to further the nazi/fascist agenda toward that goal. Unfortunately for us, they have recruited new allies, like Islamists of all sorts and regimes like Iran. They are now more powerful than they have ever been, capitalizing on western populations hypnotic state of brainwashing, mind-control and passivity. We have been lied to regarding the facts about WWII. Foreign control (namely German) over U.S. corporate media is directly linked with this. It is about time that we face reality and retake control of our society. Read this article on the subject by Dave Emory and listen to the radio program.


FTR #305

The Egyptian powder keg or how fascists of all types use to steal revolutions from the people

I would like very much that the Egyptian revolution be genuine. It probably is, in the sense that people who gather in central Cairo are young Egyptians desperate to have a job, some money in their pockets and some food in their stomach. They demand for democratic changes to be able to better their situation and have a life, finally. That’s great. My apprehensions remain on the aftermath of all this. The Muslim Brotherhood hasn’t dissolved into thin air since the beginning of this popular uprising. They kept themselves at a distance, more or less into passivity. Will they accept that a democratic government take control of Egypt if President Moubarak leaves now? Well, that remains to be seen. As far as I’m concerned, they haven’t abandonned the Jihadist and pro-Sharia agenda that they used to have so far. The way I see the Muslim Brotherhood, they are the equivalent of the CIA for the Muslim World. They infiltrate, analyse, study their opponents and with a strategy to defeat them. Is it possible that they are simply waiting in the dark, willingly using these democratic protesters to do the dirty job of ousting the dictator for them, in order to seize power after he has left the country? I think it is a distinct possibility.

Dave Emory in his last For the Record show FTR#734 refered to the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia in the early years of the twentieth century. Effectively, a more moderate group, the Mensheviks leaded by Martov, was trying to bring about a revolution as well. Both groups, Bolsheviks and Mensheviks, were competing to do it and at first, the Mensheviks were the ones who succeeded to implement the first stages of the process. But in the end, the Bolsheviks, the more radicalized group of these two, violent and anti-liberal, probably better trained in propaganda and tactics, recuperated the movement and chased the Mensheviks from power. Many of them went into exile after this. The spectre of a new manifestation of this sociological drama is waving in the distance in the so-called Egyptian revolution. The Egyptian democrats, the equivalent of the Mensheviks in this case, those who believe in democracy and in the liberal system, might end up doing the dirty job for the Muslim Brotherhood, the equivalent of the Bolsheviks.

Some observers have made the case that foreign influence might be at work in both Tunisian and Egyptian uprisings. While German and Sweden nationals have been arrested recently in Tunisia with weapons, which is definitely curious and dubious, the Moubarak government itself is putting the blame for the uprising on western influence. Western journalists are even harassed and beaten sometimes by the angry mobs. So I think that, in order to have a real understanding of the situation, we have to reach out again and use the marvelous science of geo-politics. It comes down to this: what are the signs with which we can appreciate the context of the uprisings in terms of western foreign policy in the cases of Tunisia and Egypt? Here are three basic facts to take under consideration:

  1. Tunisia and Egypt already are non-Islamic states;
  2. Tunisia and Egypt are ‘friends’ with the western world and Israel;
  3. Egypt has signed a peace treaty with Israel.

Considering the possibility that pro-democratic forces in the western world could have manufactured or stimulated these protests, what are the odds that it is the case? What improvement would revolutions bring  in Tunisia and Egypt if they already are friends of the western world and of Israel? What supplemental benefits would pro-democratic interests and players from the West receive from all this?

Considering now the possibility that fascist/reactionnary elements in the western world have been working in the shadows to foment these uprisings, now the possibility is much more distinct. If we take the same three elements concerning Tunisia and Egypt, you see that Islamists/Jihadists and their Fascist International sponsors have every interests to foment trouble in these countries favorable to the West and Israel. They would like very much indeed to seize power to be able to implement Islamic governments with Sharia as the governing Law. It is obvious because Islamists have a corporate fascism view of capitalism. Then, the Fascist International with their proxy warriors, the Islamists pro-Sharia fanatics, have all the reasons to try this. Especially at this point.

Besides a few authors such as John Loftus who have identified Muslim Brotherhood and nazi connections with regard to the rise of Islamic fundamentalism, some institutions have begun to do the same in  an effort to mobilize the citizens of the ‘free’ world against a danger that is rising rapidly in the  geo-political arena. In effect, the Center for Security Policy, a think tank based in the U.S.,  has produced a document this last fall titled: « Sharia: The Threat to America ». Although the document doesn’t venture to pinpoint the mistakes and errors of judgement that Westerners have commited in their war against communism, namely their use of not only nazi war criminals but fanatic Islamists as well to destabilize parts of the U.S.S.R. and China, it nevertheless identifies clearly the Muslim Brotherhood as being the center group that is doing the covert undermining and slow sabotaging of the liberal world here and abroad. This document of the Center For Security Policy exposes the connections between all Islamic groups and the way they coordinate their work in order to take over the ‘free’ world.

So the Islamists have been exposed in their attempt to co-opt the liberal world or social-democracy and transform it into a Sharia-based society. It is expected now that they will react swiftly and strongly and I suspect that is exactly what is going on in North Africa these days, still with the help and ‘encouragement’ from their Fascist International sponsors. But we will have to wait for the dust to settle in order to have a clearer view of the situation. The action is just beginning. Stay tuned.