Entrevue avec David Icke sur Infowars

Entrevue de haut calibre avec David Icke sur la situation actuelle. L’humanité est en train de sombrer dans le totalitarisme, tout simplement parce que nous acquiesçons aux mesures que l’on nous demande de mettre en place et de respecter. À voir.

See the surveillance cameras images from Roger Stone arrest, commented by himself on Infowars

Roger Stone describes here these incredible images captured by his surveillance cameras to Alex Jones on the Infowars website. In a nutshell, this is what happened: CNN was tipped off in advance by somebody at the FBI that a raid would be conducted at Roger Stone’s house at a particular time. A CNN reporter was sent there to film the event and he arrived several minutes before the raid began. On the images, you can see that there is coordination between the FBI and CNN. Among other incredible things, you can see FBI agents putting duct tape on security cameras. This raid reminds me of a similar one that was conducted at the house of a Journal de Montréal reporter back in 2012. They both display the same characteristics: the disproportion of the means employed, the unnecessary use of force and guns, etc. This type of raid seems to be a tool used by corrupt politicians to intimidate journalists and political activists who are only doing their work. In case you would like to consult and bookmark the Infowars page that contains all those videos, click here.

Before I let you go, I want to mention that there is a campaign to bring down the Infowars website because they represent the tip of the spear in information warfare to defeat the tyrants who are trying to enslave us. But that campaign is not only waged financially but also technologically. Every time I am trying to watch Infowars videos or links, let alone embed them in this website, there are always technical issues, difficulties. Error messages appear, the stream cuts off midway, videos won’t play, etc. It was bad enough already that patriots and nationalists were booted out of social-media platforms, now it seems that they can’t even have a website without feeling the breath of the globalists and their minions. This has to stop. It is time to take our countries back. We must liberate the West from the tyrants.

Roger Stone Raid Footage Was Leaked By Someone Inside Intel Committee

New Video Of Roger Stone Raid Shows FBI Working With CNN

GLOBAL EXCLUSIVE: FBI Directs CNN Fake News Production

Bombshell Video Shows FBI Directing CNN Camera Crew During Roger Stone Raid

New Footage of FBI Raid On Roger Stone’s Home Released To Show Mueller’s Authoritarian

New Footage of Roger Stone Raid Released

Interview with Paul Kengor on Secure Freedom Radio about the existential threat

Finally, the Center for Security Policy has installed an embeddable audio file player on its website to present the Secure Freedom Radio podcasts. That means that now bloggers like me can share them with a much sexier look than just a web link. That’s great. I will continue to provide the links for each show just to make sure that you keep up with their great material. Now concerning this interview with Paul Kengor, a few thoughts. There was no ‘end’ to the Cold War as we have been told to believe. The Cold War continued without interruption to this day. Only, when the Soviet Union collapsed it shifted, transformed itself into a new thing, with the result that now we live in a much more dangerous world than we used to during the duration of the ‘official’ Cold War period. The Russians continued their operations while we were busy drinking champagne when the Berlin Wall came down. Nothing changed either in Cuba or North Korea. In other terms, while we were celebrating the supposed collapse of the communist ideology, the communists in flesh-and-blood continued to wage war against us and adapted their strategy and operations for the post-soviet era.

In those days, China was not really a threat. It was a poor country, without the means to do real damage. It was a communist regime without teeth. Now it has changed drastically. The country is rich and powerful militarily and technologically. Thanks to its entry in the World Trade Organization and to the massive transfer of wealth and technology made by our corrupt political elites (who have betrayed us big time), China has developed into a mastodon that may very well surpass the United States very soon. Just by looking at the behavior of western liberal politicians, some of them have already begun to behave as if China was now the number one superpower of the planet. In a past interview on the airwaves of Secure Freedom Radio (I can’t find the audio file for the moment, sorry), the perspicacious Kevin Freeman made a very relevant observation about China. He said that the chinese system was not really communist but rather fascist, instead. He is right. When you look at the way that everything in China has been consolidated to strengthen and promote the state, then what you have is a fascist system, similar to Nazi Germany or fascist Italy. The fact that the chinese state presents itself as a communist state serves mainly propaganda purposes. Of course, the political apparatus in China is communist, there is no doubt about that. But the Chinese are using the market economy to build and promote themselves in a way that the Soviets never did. That explains why western politicians are so fascinated by China. They can do business there, while saving their reputations. In effect, for a liberal politician, to do business in a totalitarian country is perfectly fine…as long as it is officially communist or Islamist and not fascist. The Chinese have succeeded to merge into one single system the most efficient aspects of both communism and fascism and that makes them a very dangerous force. They have more chances to become the next number one superpower than the Soviets or the Nazis never had, precisely because they have find a way to bring together the strongest qualities of both systems while reducing or eliminating their respective weaknesses. Also, another whole issue to talk about would be the involvement of eastern regimes like China or Russia in the support of radical Islam. It is something that many people suspect without necessarily having the evidence to back it up, but there are more and more signs that point in that direction. I will leave you listen to the show. For the web page, please visite: The Existential Threat of Today.

François Asselineau sur les réformes constitutionnelles en France

François Asselineau, président de l’UPR, tire la sonnette d’alarme concernant les réformes constitutionnelles proposées tout juste avant Noël en France, ainsi que sur des modifications qui seraient apportées au processus de l’élection présidentielle de 2017, rendant la tâche des petits partis politiques très difficile.

Quelques épisodes de FTR sur le dossier du fascisme technocratique

Ces quatre épisodes de l’émission For The Record de l’animateur radio Dave Emory présentent le problème de ce qu’il appelle le « fascisme technocratique ». Par le biais de médias qui ont l’air tout à fait « démocratiques » comme les médias sociaux, notamment Facebook, l’oligarchie mondialiste formée par la haute finance, les entreprises technologiques, les grandes fortunes, etc, augmente son niveau de contrôle sur les masses endormies, sans que cela paraisse. À l’aide de plusieurs exemples, Emory montre comment les transformations sociales amenées par les nouvelles technologies nous mèneront inévitablement vers un monde cauchemardesque.

FTR #867 Because They Can, Part 3: Fireside Rant about Technocratic Fascism as “Cyber-Crowleyism”

FTR #866 Because They Can, Part 2: More about Technocratic Fascism

FTR #859 Because They Can: Update on Technocratic Fascism

FTR #851 Technocratic Fascism and Post-Reaganoid Political Dementia: Update on the Adventures of Eddie the Friendly Spook

Le milieu fasciste et néo-nazi des manifestants pro-européens en Ukraine

Afin de rééquilibrer le discours médiatique unidirectionnel que l’on entend ces jours-ci concernant les événements politiques en Ukraine, je vous offre quelques articles de Dave Emory. L’animateur radio et blogueur demeure celui le plus susceptible de bien exprimer les forces en présence dans ce pays. Certains observateurs politiques de la droite américaine ont fait observer que la Russie aurait adopté des tactiques dignes de la Guerre froide durant les dernières années. Bien que je ne remette pas en question cette hypothèse, il m’apparaît important de contre-balancer ce discours en présentant de façon honnête le milieu des manifestants pro-Union Européenne. Ces manifestants ne constituent pas un groupe homogène, on peut l’imaginer. On y retrouve probablement de tout, des gens voulant plus de démocratie, moins de corruption, plus de liberté, plus d’immigration, etc. Mais il y a aussi les autres, ceux qui ont détourné ces protestations à leur avantage et qui sont décrits ici dans les articles qui suivent:

Update on the OUN-B and the Ukrainian Crisis

More on OUN/B Influence on the Ukrainian Political Opposition

The Ideology and Electoral Gravitas of Swoboda (Ukrainian Heirs to the OUN/B)

Pierre Omidyar Helped Finance Coup; Swedish neo-Nazi Milieu of Carl Lundstrom Assisting OUN/B Heirs