Archives par mot-clé : Cuba
Entrevues avec le Maire Francis Suarez et Mike Gonzalez sur les manifestations populaires à Cuba
Entrevue avec Martin Janta-Polczynski sur l’état du communisme à Cuba, sur Lux Média
Réinformation des 13 et 14 juillet 2021, sur Lux Média
Une pièce d’équipement pour une tour cellulaire 5G porte l’inscription « COV-19 » …
Lorsque le discours narratif de la pandémie de covid-19 a commencé à être diffusé massivement dans les médias et par les gouvernements, beaucoup de militants de la scène patriotique et de réinformation ont émis l’hypothèse que les symptômes de la covid-19 n’étaient pas le résultat d’un virus mais plutôt ceux du déploiement du réseau de téléphonie cellulaire 5G. La pièce d’équipement que ce technicien montre dans cette vidéo, portant l’inscription « COV-19 », est certainement un élément de plus venant confirmer cette hypothèse. Le mensonge auquel nous sommes exposé présentement est absolument hors proportion. Pour ceux qui désire en savoir plus le sujet, je vous suggère deux articles sur les attaques à énergie directe utilisant des ondes sonores qui ont été perpétrées voilà quelques années à Cuba et en Chine sur le personnel diplomatique canadien et américain. Je fournis également un commentaire d’Harrison Smith d’Infowars où il donne plusieurs exemples d’attaques utilisant des ondes sonores ou des micro-ondes. Harrison Smith se demande aussi si ces radio-fréquences ont pu être utilisées pour provoquer l’apparition des symptômes attribuées à la covid-19 par les médias et les gouvernements. À en juger par la pièce d’équipement exhibée par le technicien de la première vidéo, cela semble être le cas.
Report on ‘Havana Syndrome’ Prompts Call for More Research Into Health Impact of 5G
US Investigating ‘Havana Syndrome’ Directed Energy Attack Near White House
President Trump and President Bolsonaro hold joint press conference
Finally, something will be done to break the spell that Cuba has over so many countries in South America. Will these two men be capable of tipping the balance of power in our favor? We’ll see. It is so obvious now to everybody that criminal gangs and drug trafficking networks are using their activities and the money they make to attack the southern border of the U.S. Migrants are only the foot soldiers to do that. To what extent the countries that are often called the «usual suspects» (Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, etc) are behind these efforts is anybody’s guess. But it will stop only if we can neutralize them on the ground where they are concocted and launched. I am excited and thrilled by this new partnership between the United States and Brazil. I have the impression that a lot of good things will be accomplished by it. That’s a great day for America and for Brazil.
Les voyages totalitaires de nos bons Libéraux…
À peine quelques jours après leur victoire aux élections fédérales de 2015, certains hauts gradés du Parti Libéral du Canada se sont rendus en Chine pour une mission économique. Ils y ont rencontré là-bas des membres influents de la communauté des affaires chinoise. La Société Radio-Canada avait réalisé un reportage sur le sujet, où l’on voyait l’état-major du parti se démener sur le terrain pour conclure des alliances et des ententes. Le voyage semblait une réussite complète et les participants ravis des résultats. Aussi, il me semblait que le Premier Ministre nouvellement élu, Justin Trudeau, en avait profité pour faire un arrêt en Corée du Nord avant de revenir au Canada. Malheureusement, mes recherches dans Google ont été infructueuses à cet égard. Je n’ai pas réussi à trouver de références qui pourrait nous le rappeler. C’est bien dommage.
Voyez-vous, les élites Libérales du Canada sont devenues spécialistes de ce genre de voyage. Ils les multiplient, à tel point qu’on se demande s’ils ne préfèrent pas dans le fond se retrouver dans des pays totalitaires, dictatoriaux ou autoritaires plutôt que de se trouver dans le pays démocratique où ils ont été élus et où ils sont responsables du bien-être de leur population. On se souviendra que le Premier Ministre Libéral du Québec Philippe Couillard, qui a vécu dans le régime islamiste de l’Arabie Saoudite plusieurs années, s’est rendu à Cuba en septembre 2016 pour une mission économique, où il a eu l’occasion de rencontrer Raul Castro lui-même. Le Premier Ministre arborait un très large sourire aux lèvres lors de cette rencontre. En janvier 2018, Couillard s’est à son tour rendu en Chine, encore une fois pour une mission économique. Il a eu droit d’accès à la Cité interdite, ce qui est assez rare pour un dignitaire étranger. Il y a fait la rencontre de plusieurs ministres du gouvernement chinois. On peut se demander à cet égard quels sont les critères qui déterminent la décision par les autorités chinoises de donner ou de ne pas donner accès à la Cité interdite à un dignitaire étranger. Est-ce la réputation, l’orientation idéologique, les valeurs, la vision de l’économie? Quel élément fait pencher la balance d’un côté ou de l’autre?
Le dernier épisode en date de ce genre de voyage a été réalisé par nul autre que le Premier Ministre du Canada, Justin Trudeau, lors de son voyage en Inde voilà quelques semaines. Trudeau en a profité pour enfiler le plus possible de vêtements traditionnels et il était entouré d’une délégation sikh assez importante. Comme cela a été souligné par certains, comme Alexandre Cormier-Denis de Nomos-TV, plusieurs ministres de son gouvernement sont issus de la communauté sikh et certains semblent avoir des liens avec des groupes extrémistes sikhs. C’est peut-être pour cela qu’il y a été accueilli avec des sentiments partagés par les autorités indiennes.
Ce qui est frappant dans tout cela, c’est le type de pays qui est choisi par nos élites Libérales canadiennes pour leur ‘missions économiques’. C’est très souvent la Chine, Cuba, des pays arabes, etc. Or, si ces bonnes élites Libérales étaient réellement composées de patriotes, on s’attendrait à ce qu’elles se rendent en priorité appuyer les autres patriotes qui défendent nos libertés dans des pays comme le Japon, Israël et les quatre pays du Groupe de Visegrad, à savoir la Hongrie, la Pologne, la Slovaquie et la République Tchèque, d’une part et, d’autre part, dans des pays où les patriotes sont en difficulté, ce qui est le cas de l’ensemble des pays occidentaux, à part les quelques exceptions nommées plus haut. Et lorsque ces bonne élites se rendent aux États-Unis par exemple, c’est pour ‘mettre de la pression‘ sur le gouvernement américain comme l’a si bien dit Philippe Couillard, et non pas pour appuyer Donald Trump et l’ensemble des patriotes américains. (Notables exceptions ici, le maire de Montréal Denis Coderre s’est rendu au Japon en juillet 2014 et la nouvelle mairesse de Montréal s’y trouve au moment d’écrire ces lignes.) En fait, cela n’intéresse pas nos élites Libérales d’appuyer les patriotes. Leur priorité, c’est la Chine ou un de ses pays satellites. J’imagine que dans les prochaines semaines ou prochains mois on va nous annoncer un voyage en Iran ou en Corée du Nord. Ce serait tout à fait logique avec leur façon de faire et avec leurs valeurs. J’espère que les Québécois et les Canadiens se souviendront de tout cela au moment de voter lors des prochaines élections, qui auront lieu respectivement en 2018 au Québec et en 2019 au Canada.
Interview with Kevin Mottus and Dr. Paul Héroux about electromagnetic radiation on SFR
This interview is extremely, extremely relevant. Take the time to listen to it because your future depends on it. Right off the bat, I must say that I feel vindicated by the diagnosis presented here by Kevin Mottus and Dr. Paul Héroux. What they say is basically what I have been suspecting and saying for years. Personally, every time I tried to talk about this issue or raise awareness about it, people either laughed at me or brushed it off as irrelevant. But now we have two eminent figures in the domain of science, along with a lot of their colleagues and other scientists who are presenting, based on evidence, the dangers of exposure to electromagnetic radiation coming from either cell phones, Wi-Fi networks, internet of things, etc. The dangers to health and in some cases even leading to cancer are obvious as you will see if you listen to this two-part interview on Secure Freedom Radio. I will also provide you with the links for the three websites that Kevin Mottus is suggesting where you can find and read relevant scientific information and studies about this subject.
Before I let you do just that, there are a certain number of things I would like to say about this issue. First, the most obvious thought that can occur to anyone is that we are facing the same kind of problem that we experience with second-hand smoke. Effectively, even if you are not using a cell phone or a domestic Wi-Fi network yourself, you are still being exposed to the radiation of people around you using these technologies. Take an average day for a working man or woman. That person takes the subway in the morning, is exposed to the radiation of hundreds of people using their cell phones to end up at work were a private Wi-Fi network is functioning. At the end of the day, that person takes again the subway to be still radiated. In other terms, you can’t choose to live without being exposed to electromagnetic radiation because we live in a soup of radiation due to the technology choices that we have made. The only solution would be to live in the woods but in the modern world, it is rather difficult.
Second, certain tools developed recently are particularly scary. Bluetooth is a good example. Bluetooth allow wireless communication between electronic things. You may have seen headphones functioning with that technology. Well…as you wear that piece of equipment on your head, it means that electromagnetic waves are coming right to your skull, increasing the risk for you of developing brain cancer and other problems. I guess it’s probably what Simon and Garfunkel meant when they sang: ‘This is the sound of silence‘…Also, during the interview, one of the guest mentions the possibility that your car, equipped with wireless technology, may be taken control of by some third party, causing the car to crash or be stopped and that is a concern.
Third, another thing that is mentioned in the interview is that optical fiber could replace wireless technology. On the technical level, I am not sure I understand how a mobile device could function with optical fiber. That deserves to be explained a little more and I am sure that Frank Gaffney, the host of Secure Freedom Radio, will make at least a few sequels to that interview to flesh out the alternatives to the current technology.
Fourth, as explained by guests Kevin Mottus and Paul Héroux, the communications industry is pushing to implement their ‘5G’ Wi-Fi networks while the previous networks were already too strong and dangerous for all living beings. Just think for example about all birds, insects and marine animals that got off track their migration routes to end up dying on beaches, rocks, buildings, basically in the wrong places. One elements that Dr. Héroux mentions that captivates my curiosity is the question of the functioning of enzymes in the body. Because, if electromagnetic radiation can alter and damage the heart and the brain, there is no reason they wouldn’t damage also other things such as internal organs, skin, etc. For example, we know that certain enzymes are playing an active role in the digestion of lactose. If people don’t have these enzymes, they can’t digest lactose properly and then they have diverse symptoms of uneasyness and become what is called lactose intolerant. How do we know the malfunctioning of these enzymes responsible for the digestion of lactose is not caused by their mutation due to electronic radiation? That is a good question. In the same category, we have seen the development of a whole series of allergies to food products in recent years. Is it due to that as well or are there other factors involved, such as chemicals used in the agriculture industry?
Fifth, there are also national security concerns related to that. You know very well that we are in war (a cold, unrestricted or asymmetrical war) with rogues states such as Russia, China, North Korea, Venezuela, Cuba, etc. Of course, it stands to reason that if they see that we are using technologies that are potentially harmful to us, they will try to use them against us. I think it is fair to assume that they have been doing just that for several years. In this subject, see me earlier posts about the use of sonic technology by Cuba on american diplomats and the use of energy weapons against former NSA agent Karen Stewart.
As you can see, there is a lot to investigate here and it is urgent. In finishing, I will tell you a few anecdotes. Sometimes, there is nothing like an anecdote to illuminate one’s mind. I used a cell phone in the late 1990’s – early 2000’s and every time I was speaking on the phone, my tympanum was vibrating, to stop immediately when I hung up. This problem didn’t occur again with ulterior versions of cell phones, however. More recently, a few years ago, here in that part of the world, the state electric utility company decided to install ‘smart meters’ on homes to replace the old ones functioning the old-fashioned way, i.e. mechanically. I was not noticed in advance when the change would come. Well…I was having breakfast some day and suddenly I felt something really weird in my stomach. I was under the impression that there was some kind of presence in the backyard, somebody or something there. So I got up and opened the backdoor…to realize that an employee of that company was installing these new smart readers at the neighbour’s house. That tells you that if your body can feel those waves, they have an impact on you, whether you want it or not. So in order, the interview with Kevin Mottus and Dr. Paul Héroux (find the interview in the last two segments) and the three websites recommended by Kevin Mottus to find relevant information on the subject.
Documentaire: Les 100 ans de crimes communistes
Electronic harassment in the West: A growing national security threat…
Electronic espionage and harassment is becoming a real problem now for the ordinary citizen in the West. In this series of interviews with Frank Calzon on Secure Freedom Radio hosted by Frank Gaffney, the Free Cuba advocate presents what we know so far about the case of sonic harassment that American diplomats may have endured at the American Embassy in Cuba. Allegedly, the Cubans are using some technology involving sound to attack the personnel there. Diplomatic staff at the embassy complain about several health problems, such as headaches, hearing loss, etc. Well, something tells me that it is just the tip of the iceberg. We live surrounded by eletronic waves. In the past, we used to deal only with Hertzian waves but now with all the cellphones, Wi-Fi systems, smart technology devices, etc, we live completely immersed in microwaves 24/7. And that leads to another problem. We know already that EMP technology (Electro-Magnetic Pulse) technology exists and that it is in the hands of the most powerful nations on the planet (USA, Russia, China, North Korea, etc). But so far, we made the assumption that they would use that technology only with large-scale weaponry such as nuclear bombs for example. But what about small-scale miniaturized versions of it, to be used on specific targets, such as individuals?
In that context, I am also providing an interview with former NSA agent Karen Stewart that I have published and commented on this blog last year. In this interview given to Luca Zanna, she talks about her experience at the NSA and the level of harassment that she had to cope with. Specifically, she refers to ‘energy weapons’ that were used apparently to degrade her health and body. While she explains the various details of her ordeal and misfortune, she always takes for granted that the harassment that she was the target of was made by agents of the NSA. But it stands to reason to believe that foreign intelligence services would gladly use these technologies, if they do possess them, on our citizens here in the West, especially on the most brilliant, conscious, astute, capable and brave among us. In other terms, they would gladly use them against our best warriors for freedom in an effort to take them out. Cuba is not a major country. It is a pawn of Russia and China and a friend of North Korea since the communist revolution. So I think that it is fair to assume that they probably do use some sort of sonic, microwave or EMP technology to harass the diplomatic personnel of the USA, at the request, probably, of one or more of their patrons. In the last couple of years I saw a lot people falling ill over here, developing bizarre sicknesses, having accidents of all sorts. Something is wrong. I really think that we are being attacked using various eletronic technologies and that this continuous stream of waves degrades our health and our capability to fight back. Basically, any electronic device using microwaves can be turned against us and while we pretend everything is OK, public health is degrading at a rapid pace. It is a growing national security threat that we have to deal with immediately. In each of the three following links, you will find one interview with Frank Calzon. And don’t forget to listen to the witness account of Karen Stewart in the link provided above.