Several experts expressing doubts against a military intervention in Syria…

Comment: The key element that needs to be highlighted in this matter is the fact that Bachar al-Assad stockpile of chemical weapons is probably what is left of Saddam Hussein’s chemical and biological arsenal (see here an article in french from fdesouche website stating that it is the rebels who might be in control of them). Thus, logically, the only thing that we have to do is to surgically destroy them. Then, it will be up to the Syrian people to solve their own situation the way they can. They are in the middle of a civil war and it is not our business to get involved, besides destroying these chemical weapons. I suggest to you to hear or read, in order, Frank Gaffney, Nigel Farage, Dave Emory, Fred Fleitz and Bill Gertz, and Terry Liston (en français).

Dave Emory at

Interviews with Fleitz and Gertz air in segments #3 and #4.

Fred Fleitz and Bill Gertz on Secure Freedom Radio

Terry Liston sur Radio-Canada

Lyne Picknett on the Johannite Tradition, the Gospels and the Knights Templar

The Cold War’s Arab Spring: The Russians did it

This brilliant article by Claire Berlinski presents new facts on how the Middle East was wrecked beyond redemption. In effect, according to Kremlin records stolen by Russian exile Pavel Stroilov, the Soviets are responsible for it, in a large part. The article depicts a quite different picture from what we are used to imagine, i.e. that it is the oil industry and its unquenchable thirst for drilling and pumping that destroyed the whole Middle East and the life of its populations. The article points out to Mikhail Gorvachev as one of the main perpetrator and facilitator of this scheme. Also, it puts into context the main design of Russian geo-political and geo-strategical experts: the control of the Middle East jewel, the Persian Gulf. Once it appeared impossible, detrimental or risking to start a world war to actually succeed in doing that, Israel became the next target. The role of the KGB is explored at length. Excellent article, two thumbs up!

The Cold War’s Arab Spring

Heather Robinson: Iran delivers weapons to Syria through Irak

Interview airs in segment #2.

Fighting the economic war on terror

Connecting the dots on Serpent’s Walk: Walking the snake toward fascism

In FTR #335 and FTR #336, Dave Emory continues his analysis of the Nazi tract Serpent’s Walk. These podcasts belong in fact to a wider series of shows on 9/11 that could be called, if I may, the « Connecting the Dots Series ». Published by National Vanguard Books, the same publisher as The Turner Diaries, this book is a blueprint for what is to come rather than a novel. Dave Emory begins the analysis of FTR #335 by recalling the links that exist between Osama bin Laden and Ahmed Huber. Director of the bank Al-Taqwa that helped to finance terrorist organizations such as the Hamas and Al-Qaeda, Huber has been instrumental in connecting extremist elements within the Islamic community with what can be described as the Underground Reich, a Third Reich gone underground at the end of WWII. Among others, he befriended luminaries such as François Genoud, Johannes Van Leers, Aya­tol­lah Khomeini, Amin Al-Husseini, Youssef Nada and the Nazi émigré community in Nasser’s Egypt. Then Emory mentions stock market manipulations that happened just before 9/11, such as short selling, reinsurance fraud and other gambits. See this previous post for more details. In that field of research, the case of Larry A. Silverstein remains intriguing. He leased the WTC just before the attacks, during the summer. He was the one who had the more to gain and the less to lose with the attacks. More broadly, FTR #335 makes the connection between the Bormann Capital Network and some of the financial players who seemed to pull the strings behind the curtains, such as GM, UBS and the continuation of the previous I. G. Farben Nazi cartel. The anthrax scare around 9/11 is also brought up.

In FTR #336, Emory begins with the analysis of Timothy McVeigh’s connections to the Middle East. FBI agents with information related to these connections were prevented from testifying at his trial for the Oklahoma City bombing. Second, Emory recalls a series of elements that one has to bear in mind in order to understand the action that occured behind the scenes before 9/11. According to German investigators, some 70.000 terrorist fighters had been trained by Al-Qaeda by the year 2001. Talking about Germany, Emory recalls with great relevancy that laws in that country allow for the investigations of groups and cells who intend specifically to commit acts on German soil but not abroad. Among examples of this permissiveness, the cases of Mohammed Atta living in an appartment in Hamburg, who was surveilled but not arrested, and of an Iranian-owned airfield outside Hamburg where Middle East men learned to fly a plane strike as incompensible. In effect, pre-existing reports were showing that some Iranian airfield outside Hamburg served to smuggle nuclear material to Iran. Was it the same airfield? Finally, we must also not forget that the people who constructed the atomic bomb in Pakistan apparently had sympathies for Al-Qaeda, which kind of give shivers. Emory mentions as well other dimensions of this puzzle, such as the role played by Irak and the Libyan secret service.

Loic Tassé sur les changements économiques planétaires et la Chine

L’excellent Loïc Tassé est de retour sur les ondes du 98,5 FM. En entrevue à l’émission de Benoît Dutrizac, le spécialiste de la Chine et professeur à l’université nous parle ici de la croissance économique de la Chine qui, il faut le rappeler, est un pays communiste, face au désarroi des États-Unis. Les Américains, bien conscients de leur décroissance et impuissants à rattraper le retard qu’ils accusent sur la Chine, improvisent et s’embourbent. Les problèmes reliés à la dette et au déficit ne sont que deux éléments parmi tant d’autres d’une situation passablement complexe. L’investissement massif rendu nécessaire par la guerre en Irak a fait exploser les dépenses, ce qui a contribué grandement au problème de la dette. Dans quelques années, la Chine sera la première économie mondiale. Une entrevue à écouter absolument pour comprendre ce qui se passe en ce moment sur la planète et en particulier le « printemps arabe ». Si l’hypothèse d’une ingérence étrangère a été évoqué pour expliquer les « révolutions » au moyen-Orient, nous en avons ici la preuve tangible. L’empire anglo-américain essaie d’augmenter son emprise sur cette région du globe pour contrer l’influence grandissante de la Chine. Mais il semble que cela ne fonctionne pas vraiment. Une entrevue de Pepe Escobar à l’émission les Boiling Frogs, donne davantage de détails et d’explications sur cet aspect du sujet.

Loic Tassé sur la Chine

Pepe Escobar sur le printemps arabe et la Chine