Archives de catégorie : Armes de destruction massive
Preparing for a fight with Andy Bostom, Jim Woolsey and Michael Rubin on SFR
This very good show deals with three important issues related to the survival of democracy itself, as the liberties it represents and advocates come under attack by various elements in the Islamic world. Andy Bostom speaks on Sharia or Islamic Law that is being slowly imposed on us, Jim Woolsey speaks on the Iranian regime and the threats that it represents for the survival of our civilization, due to the bomb on top of everything else, and Michael Rubin speaks on the issue of the burning of the Koran that occured in Afghanistan recently.
EMPact America: Connecting the dots about Iran’s nuclear program…before it is too late
Kenneth Timmerman: « The confidence that users of intelligence today in the United States have in the ability of the intelligence community to successfully connect the dots is very low » . (around 21:00, part 2)
This press conference held on November 1st 2011 in Washington, D.C., is literally a godsend. At a time when the vast majority of our elites are asleep, stunned and dumbed down, when both the mainstream and the alternative media are spreading disinformation and propaganda to satisfy their aims, insisting on trivial events, it is long overdue that a panel of experts like this take relevant intelligence and present it to the population. By going public like this, these experts are doing a us, the people, a big favor. Because, let’s speak frankly here, normally, that would be the job of our elected politicians and officials and their teams to keep us appraised on such matters. Unfortunately, in these times of never-ending entertainment and petty pleasures, bad news or bad information are constantly swept under the rug…until their reality hit us with violence through terrorism, riots and wars. We live in a culture where we don’t want to see bad things and bad realities, so we keep trying to ignore them when they surface and postpone their confrontation.
It is that very same attitude that allowed somebody like Hitler to rise, expand his grip on Europe and eventually to seize control of the whole continent, while our elites stood by silently, faking not to see its reality, thinking maybe that the threat would disappear if they were to ignore it. And today, we are facing a similar problem. Ahmadinejad and his government has shown more than once its true colours. He leads a regime that is anti-semitic, anti-Israel, holocaust denier, hostile to democracy, to America and to European culture and civilization, encouraging and funding terrorism and boycott campaigns, willingly admitting to desire wiping out Israel from off the map and to destroy America, the Great Satan. And this same regime is pursuing a nuclear program. If it is not enough to raise your eyebrows and give you cold chills down your spine, I don’t know what will.
This event by EMPact America, an organization for citizens concerned about nuclear and electro-magnetic pulse attacks, regroups the skills and experience of several individuals belonging to the intelligence community. The first speaker, Reza Kahlili, presents himself as an ex-CIA undercover agent in the Revolutionary Guards of Iran. He has infiltrated the Guards and spied for the CIA during the 80’s and 90’s. He appears in this press conference masked with sunglasses, which renders his authentification impossible. At some point, you have to make a decision whether or not you consider him and his testimony credible. Following Kahlili, we hear, in order, Lieutenant Colonel Tony Shaffer, President of EMPact America Dr. Peter Vincent Pry, CEO of Foundation For Democracy in Iran Kenneth Timmerman, ex-CIA agent Chet Nagle, and President of GeoStrategic Analysis Peter Huessy.
Connecting the dots on Serpent’s Walk: Walking the snake toward fascism
In FTR #335 and FTR #336, Dave Emory continues his analysis of the Nazi tract Serpent’s Walk. These podcasts belong in fact to a wider series of shows on 9/11 that could be called, if I may, the « Connecting the Dots Series ». Published by National Vanguard Books, the same publisher as The Turner Diaries, this book is a blueprint for what is to come rather than a novel. Dave Emory begins the analysis of FTR #335 by recalling the links that exist between Osama bin Laden and Ahmed Huber. Director of the bank Al-Taqwa that helped to finance terrorist organizations such as the Hamas and Al-Qaeda, Huber has been instrumental in connecting extremist elements within the Islamic community with what can be described as the Underground Reich, a Third Reich gone underground at the end of WWII. Among others, he befriended luminaries such as François Genoud, Johannes Van Leers, Ayatollah Khomeini, Amin Al-Husseini, Youssef Nada and the Nazi émigré community in Nasser’s Egypt. Then Emory mentions stock market manipulations that happened just before 9/11, such as short selling, reinsurance fraud and other gambits. See this previous post for more details. In that field of research, the case of Larry A. Silverstein remains intriguing. He leased the WTC just before the attacks, during the summer. He was the one who had the more to gain and the less to lose with the attacks. More broadly, FTR #335 makes the connection between the Bormann Capital Network and some of the financial players who seemed to pull the strings behind the curtains, such as GM, UBS and the continuation of the previous I. G. Farben Nazi cartel. The anthrax scare around 9/11 is also brought up.
In FTR #336, Emory begins with the analysis of Timothy McVeigh’s connections to the Middle East. FBI agents with information related to these connections were prevented from testifying at his trial for the Oklahoma City bombing. Second, Emory recalls a series of elements that one has to bear in mind in order to understand the action that occured behind the scenes before 9/11. According to German investigators, some 70.000 terrorist fighters had been trained by Al-Qaeda by the year 2001. Talking about Germany, Emory recalls with great relevancy that laws in that country allow for the investigations of groups and cells who intend specifically to commit acts on German soil but not abroad. Among examples of this permissiveness, the cases of Mohammed Atta living in an appartment in Hamburg, who was surveilled but not arrested, and of an Iranian-owned airfield outside Hamburg where Middle East men learned to fly a plane strike as incompensible. In effect, pre-existing reports were showing that some Iranian airfield outside Hamburg served to smuggle nuclear material to Iran. Was it the same airfield? Finally, we must also not forget that the people who constructed the atomic bomb in Pakistan apparently had sympathies for Al-Qaeda, which kind of give shivers. Emory mentions as well other dimensions of this puzzle, such as the role played by Irak and the Libyan secret service.
Caroline Glick on the next war with Iran
Report on the death of doctor David Kelly on GRTV
If it is not a murder, if it is a suicide, an accident or a natural death, why has the police withheld all the evidence and the government classified the whole thing? To ask a question is, sometimes, to answer it…
Le documentaire « La bombe à retardement » sur l’histoire nucléaire d’Israel
Ce documentaire étonnant raconte l’histoire nucléaire d’Israel. Entre autres éléments à retenir, c’est la révolution en Algérie qui a poussé Israel à faire quelque chose pour augmenter son niveau de sécurité. Quoique la protection extérieure d’un autre état ait été considérée pendant quelque temps, le gouvernement israélien a rapidement choisi l’option de l’arme ultime. C’est finalement la France qui donnera, par son aide et ses ressources, la bombe à Israel, au grand dam du Général de Gaulle qui fera cesser l’aide nucléaire française. Contre vents et marées, Israel termine quand même la construction de son réacteur. Dès lors, l’attitude des Américains change complètement. Eux qui s’étaient montrés réticents voire même sévères, deviennent alors plutôt polis et courtois. L’U.R.S.S. entre dans le jeu elle aussi en concluant une alliance stratégique avec l’Égypte. Israel se verra en état d’alerte nucléaire à trois reprises: en 1967 lors de la Guerre des Six Jours, en 1973 lors de la Guerre de Yom Kippur et en 1991 lors de la Guerre du Golfe.
Le plus marrant là-dedans, c’est de réaliser combien les fascistes et anti-sémites en France aujourd’hui doivent être frustrés de cela. En effet, si l’Union Européenne avait existé à cette époque, JAMAIS une telle chose se serait produite. C’est parce que la France était un pays SOUVERAIN que cela fut possible. Dès lors que la France, ainsi que tous les autres pays d’Europe de l’Ouest, sont devenus les lèche-bottes de l’Allemagne dans cette farce monumentale que constitue l’UE, eh bien ces pays ont perdu la possibilité de prendre des décisions de pays souverains, comme l’a fait la France lors de cet épisode. Et aujourd’hui, les petits fascistes français, ceux-là même qui financent et organisent des campagnes de boycott et des Flotilles de la Liberté contre Israel, doivent bien s’en mordre les doigts! Car avec l’arme nucléaire, Israel peut se défendre contre tous ses ennemis, INCLUANT la France, si jamais celle-ci se révélait incapable de résister aux sirènes du Troisième Reich et de faire plaisir à ses amis islamistes.
la bombe à retardement Israël - 1/3 par prophecy_comes_sometlmes
la bombe à retardement Israël - 2/3 par prophecy_comes_sometlmes
La bombe à retardement Israël - 3/3 par prophecy_comes_sometlmes
Scientific paper on HAARP and ELF electromagnetic radiation
© Patricia Fatta |
This is a scientific paper that came up during a discussion about HAARP on the website. We were talking about the level of credibility that we should give to the hypothesis that certain governments are playing with the weather to inflict damage and pain to other nations, in other terms to conduct warfare. We were asking ourselves if it would be conceivable that specific phenomena such as earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, tsunamis, etc, could be triggered directly by facilities such as HAARP or equivalent ones elsewhere on Earth. I don’t possess the scientific background to be able to form an educated opinion on the validity of this document but it looks good. If you do have qualifications to comment and/or criticize on it, please do so. This subject is extremely important and I would welcome any help. This is an excellent post by Dave Emory and the comments that follow are excellent as well. It is so rare to be able to have a discussion with educated, articulated and informed people that it deserves to be underlined. So if you have anything to contribute, please add your input.
Floods and fires in Canada. Is someone playing HAARP on us?
© Patricia Fatta |
Since a couple of weeks, there are a few environmental crises that are happening in this country. Mainly, you have the floods in the Provinces of Quebec, Manitoba and New Brunswick. There are floods along the Mississippi River in the United States as well. And you have fires in the Province of Alberta. What I find particularly odd, is that floods are happening these days only where you find important numbers of French-Canadians. The Province of Quebec, where they are the majority; Manitoba where they are just a few but where it used to be home of Patriot Louis Riel; in New Brunswick where there are a good proportion of them…and along the Mississippi River, which was explored thoroughly by French navigators Louis Jolliet, Jacques Marquette and Pierre LeMoyne d’Iberville, among others. Remember that when the French abandon the continent and the British Crown took over Canada, French-Canadians living in the area called in these times Acadia but today New Brunswick, were deported to Louisiana. And you know that you can’t separate the Mississippi River from the State of Louisiana.
As well, you have gigantic fires in the Province of Alberta, where winds have suddenly « changed » direction to consume entire villages in minutes. A region called « Slave Lake » is seriously hurt. Alberta is the area of Canada where you find oil sands. Production is under way for several years now and eventually, we will be able to become indepedent in terms of energy. That will make us safer toward countries that sponsor terrorism, such as countries of the Gulf and others. But now with these fires, production is halted in part and the Rainbow Pipeline, which is a key structure, is shut down. Question: are French-Canadians judged to be a liability in North America, ripe to be blackmailed and threatened using « natural » catastrophies to keep us down? Is Alberta judged to be too militant or fierce or too intense in its desire to make the country independent in terms of energy? Does that tickles the oil power elite of the world? Or the Third Reich that doesn’t like Canada’s position on Israel? Or something else? Does the fact that the area specifically affected is named « Slave Lake » mean something special that we should understand? In other terms that we are slaves and that we should remain as such for our own sake? Check the articles below. If your mind needs to be refreshed with some technical notions on HAARP, please consult the HAARP and Tesla Technology section on the right side of this page. Also, to have an idea of what kind of international regulations do exist on the use of electro-magnetic weaponry, please check as well these links on the ENMOD convention, here and here
La tempête de verglas de 1998: HAARP et le jour où le Québec a été attaqué
D’après-vous, quelles sont les probabilités pour que les conditions nécessaires qu’il y ait une tempête de verglas se maintiennent pendant dix jours? Vous savez, la température doit être légèrement au-dessus de zéro dans l’atmosphère pour qu’il y ait de la pluie et légèrement au-dessous ou exactement à 0°C au niveau du sol pour qu’elle se solidifie en glace immédiatement sans passer par l’étape intermédiaire de la neige. Pas énormes, n’est-ce pas? C’est néanmoins ce qui est arrivé dans la partie sud du Québec en 1998. Pendant dix jours, une tempête de verglas a fait rage, presque sans interruption. Avec le recul, je ne peux que penser que le Québec a été attaqué cette année-là. Les conditions pour le verglas fasse son apparition sont difficiles à réunir. Sans être statisticien ni météorologue, je me dis que cette tempête n’était définitivement pas naturelle, qu’elle a été causée artificiellement. Par qui? Je ne sais pas mais la liste des candidats est courte. Une opération de la sorte nécessite des moyens technologiques d’envergure que seules les grandes puissances militaires et technologiques possèdent. La technologie capable de manier les forces électro-magnétiques est vraisemblablement le levier qui a été utilisé pour faire tomber cette calamité sur le Québec.
En liens permanent à votre droite, vous pourrez retrouver toute une série de sites vous permettant de prendre connaissance de la technologie développée en Alaska et connue sous le nom de HAARP, dans la section HAARP and Tesla Technology. Cette technologie existe probablement aussi ailleurs sur le globe dans les mains de d’autres puissances, de façon officielle ou clandestine. C’est pourquoi il est difficile d’attribuer la faute à l’un ou l’autre. Il existe pourtant une convention internationale, appelée ENMOD, adoptée le 10 décembre 1976, signée le 18 mai 1977 et qui entra en vigueur le 5 octobre 1978. Cette convention stipule, à l’article 1, qu’un État partie de la convention « s’engage à ne pas utiliser à des fins militaires ou toutes autres fins hostiles des techniques de modification de l’environnement ayant des effets étendus, durables ou graves, en tant que moyens de causer des destructions, des dommages ou des préjudices à tout autre Etat partie ». À l’article 2, les techniques de modification de l’environnement sont définies comme des étant des techniques « ayant pour objet de modifier — grâce à une manipulation délibérée de processus naturels — la dynamique, la composition ou la structure de le Terre ». Néanmoins, les exemples ont été nombreux ces derniers temps où ces technologies ont été vraisemblablement utilisées pour faire la guerre, en utilisant l’écran de fumée des catastrophes naturelles. On a qu’à penser au tremblement de terre en Haïti, au tsunami au Japon, aux feux de forêts en Europe, etc. La tempête de verglas de 1998 au Québec a été une opération de modification du climat parmi tant d’autres mais dont le niveau de destruction a été considérable, malheureusement pour nous.
Je vous ai préparé une série de vidéos faisant le tour de la crise de verglas. Les images sont de Radio-Canada. Vous pourrez constater l’ampleur des dégâts si vous n’êtes pas familiers avec le dossier, ou vous remémorer les faits si vous les avez oubliés. Continuer la lecture