Il y a des jours où j’ai l’impression de vivre entouré d’imbéciles. Serais-je parmi les derniers à pouvoir encore revendiquer le titre d’ humain? Mes semblables sont répartis un peu partout sur la planète, isolés, comme un sable précieux et rare qui aurait été emporté par le vent. Le film de 1968 La Planète des Singes est d’une incroyable actualité. Alors que le niveau intellectuel, l’esprit de curiosité et la qualité du jugement ne cessent de baisser partout sur la globe, notre monde n’est plus que l’ombre de lui-même. Que s’est-il passé? C’est peut-être le résultat de ce que John F. Kennedy appelait « a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy » qui gouverne le monde et qui impose sa vision de choses. Ce qui est sûr, c’est que l’humanité est tirée par une spirale dévolutive, vers le bas, et non vers le haut.
Archives de catégorie : Sabotage
The investigation of Rita Katz on Operation Green Quest
This radio show by Dave Emory explores the heroic investigation of private citizen Rita Katz on Operation Green Quest that led to the Holy Land Foundation trial. Her work allowed us to unveil the deep penetration of the GOP and of the Bush Administration by islamist elements from the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Al-Qaeda. However, her research was eventually subverted and neutralized by members of the CIA and FBI. Among several things, Dave Emory explores the role eventually played by the Ptech firm, owned and controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood, on the day of 9/11. In effect, the fact that it is Ptech that developped the threat assessment software used by the Air Force, the FAA and Norad could account for the confusion experienced on the morning of 9/11, which facilitated the attacks and delivered New York and Washington D.C. to hostile forces. Also, the role played by the Safa Trust and the SAAR network on the economic side of it is also explored, among other elements. Rita Katz has written a book titled Terrorist Hunter in which she chronicles the whole story.
Ezra Levant makes the connections between the history of Communism and the modern Occupy movement
Great job, Mr Levant. To see the whole conference by Bezmenov Levant refers to, see this ealier post. To continue studying the influence of marxist-leninist and socialist ideas in Quebec, check this other post as well. I join two other posts on the influence of such ideologies and their impact on western societies as a whole.
Political Correctness: Another tool to subvert western societies
Ezra Levant comments on student protests in Quebec
You got it right, Ezra. That’s exactly that. Thanks man.
The Heritage Foundation: The U.S. doesn’t test the most delicate piece of technology in the world…
For more details, check this link: The Heritage Foundation: The Flawed Case for Reconsidering the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty
1928: The year fascist bigots prepared the sinking of the Enlightenment
This show by Dave Emory is dedicated to exposing the Opus Dei secret society, a reactionary Catholic organization founded by Father Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer. After having quietly gained momentum behind the scenes for a couple of decades, Opus Dei came to the forefront of the Church’s public life by playing an important role in the ascension of both Jean-Paul II and Benedict XVI. In this broadcast, Dave Emory explores several connections that seem to indicate that Opus Dei is in fact part of the Fascist International, i.e. the network of all fascist and extreme-right organizations in the world. Among many elements, the radio host explores the P2 lodge, the murder of Roberto Calvi, P2 lodge Grand Master Licio Gelli, Pope Benedict’s personal assistant Georg Ganswein, the Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver couple, the beatification of Aloysius Stepinac, the role played by Sam Brownback in U.S. politics, etc. The written description for this show is excellent, like it is often the case with For The Record. Check it out and listen to the show, of course.
On the other hand, I must say that the thing that striked me the most in this broadcast, about Opus Dei, is the fact that it was founded the same year that the Muslim Brotherhood was, in 1928. It can’t be a coincidence. There is no such thing in this world as « coincidences ». Most of the times, things are made to happen. And because they are not overtly advertised in the press or in governmental brochures, it doesn’t mean that they are not happening. To me, it looks as if there was a plan put into execution by the forces of the Fascist International to literally seize control of all institutions to have a maximum global effect. If Hitler and Mussolini took control of the world of politics in their own countries and tried to expand it then beyond their borders, it seems that others tried the same coup for the two most important religions, in terms of world power, geo-political and geo-strategical interests, Catholicism and Islam. By founding the Muslim Brotherhood, Hasan al-Banna may very well have sabotaged and sinked all chances that the Arab/Muslim world had to achieve modernity and to realize the ideals of the Enlightenment. And by founding Opus Dei, it seems that Father Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer tried to do the move in the opposite direction. The western world was on its way to realize fully the potential of modernity and the ideals of the Enlightenment, and that was accomplished in the ’60s and ’70s, or so it seems. Father Balaguer cooked up something in the shadows to try to overturn the stream of evolution, and it looks like his movement gained credibility and influence over time, to the point where one could argue today that it now controls the Vatican. Continuer la lecture
November 22nd, the anniversary of the assassination of JFK: An occasion to discover the works of Mae Brussel
One of the first individuals to have researched and studied the assassination of President JFK is Mae Brussel, an American women and radio host who dedicated her life to unmask the Underground Reich, literally a Third Reich gone underground at the end of WWII. In the tradition of pioneer American journalists such as Edward R. Murrow and Paul Manning, Mae Brussel opened a whole field of research that we could label as « fascism studies », or in other terms, the intellectual and scientific study of the political and ideological movement called fascism, which is far from being dead. On the contrary, it is on the rise due to the state of deep sleep in which the populations of the world are, especially in the « free » world. Fascism, functioning like a mafia in its underground phase, is slowly gangrening, corroding, corrupting, decomposing the societies of the world and especially « free » democracies. The works of Mae Brussel inspired other reseachers, radio hosts and writers, such as the excellent anti-fascist researcher Dave Emory, and more recently top-of-the-notch journalist and writer Russ Baker in a marvelous book titled Family of Secrets, an incredible research endeavour on the history of the Bush family and the links they entertain with the milieu surrounding the assassination of President Kennedy. Mae Brussel died of cancer in 1988. So please, take a few moments to get acquainted with this amazing women. I provide here the link to her website, maintained by Tim Canale, and another one to an article that she wrote originally for The Rebel publication that relates specifically to the assassination of President Kennedy and the Underground Reich.
Harry Beckhough, codebreaker during WWII: A century of fight against Nazism
This marvellous presentation by Harry Beckhough, codebreaker during WWII, is the ultimate result of almost a century of battles, resistance and efforts on his part against the Nazis and their machinations throughout the world and particularly in Europe. During WWII, Beckhough was semi-kidnapped by some agents from Station X who brought him to Bletchley Park, England, the headquarters for codebreakers of German ciphers and other encryption codes. Later, he also worked to break Japanese code. After the war, he was sent to Germany to help with the de-nazification process of some of Germany’s most important universities, such as in Cologne and Bonn. At the venerable of 97 years old, Mr Beckhough is a invaluable witness of the events that preceeded, unfolded during and followed WWII. He saw with his own eyes Hitler coming to power, attacking countries and nations, destroying their cultures and societies. He then saw Europe falling again under German rule, this time not through military means but through deception, in the early stages of the European Union, called in the 70’s the Common Market. In the early 90’s, the European Union was formally born with the Maastricht Treaty, manufactured specifically to meet the needs and plans of Germany. Certain countries adhered unwillingly to the EU, as they were forced to vote again after a first refusal at a referendum. The creation of the Euro and the Lisbon Treaty further extended the complete domination of Germany over Europe and its nations. Also, a few years ago a law was adopted in Germany that made that all new laws or measures adopted by the EU Parliament in Brussels needed formal approval by the German Court before coming into action. In a nutshell, Germany, using Lenin-like tactics of deception, took away the sovereignty of all EU states. It seeks global domination through what we could call the United States of Europe. Beckhough finally identifies a low-profile individual who, he thinks, will be the next Fuhrer in Europe: Baron Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg, a descendant of Leopold II, Holy Roman Emperor, and of Aloys II, Prince of Liechtenstien. He is married to Stephanie von Bismarck-Schönhausen.
Articles of interest from GermanyWatch website
It is becoming more and more important to watch out for Germany. The Phoenix of Nazi Germany or German Might is rising from the ashes, with all that it implies in terms of persecution of Jews, military invasion of countries, threats and blackmail, etc. I made a selection of relevant articles that you should read to get acquainted with the issues, if you are not already aware of them. Watch for Germany…before it watches over your grave.
Criticism of Germany is verboten!
German exports pushing debt crisis
More Nazis in German intel post-war
Witness to war crimes found dead
New German counter-espionage move
Post-war terrorism and Nazi money: the case of François Genoud
Siemens: Data mining or espionage?
WMD and Germany’s dirty secrets
La déséducation à la française ou comment ce qui fut jadis la plus magnifique culture du monde s’est transformée en numéro de cirque
Ce documentaire sur l’état du système d’éducation français est accablant. Il montre de façon éclatante la situation lamentable qui s’y est installée depuis quelques années, suite à de nombreuses « réformes » dans l’enseignement de langue, notamment, similaires à ce que l’on a pu voir ici au Québec. La déconfiture des deux systèmes d’éducation est étonnamment semblable. Je ne sais trop pourquoi mais depuis les années soixante, les gouvernements occidentaux ont adopté des politiques d’éducation totalement ridicules qui vont nécessairement former des générations d’idiots. Ce serait-ce le but inavoué? Je ne sais pas. Le documentaire présente certains manuels qui étaient utilisés dans les années cinquante et des copies d’étudiants. On peut voir que ces manuels étaient bien faits, qu’ils utilisaient des méthodes logiques et cohérentes, contrairement au charabia de fonctionnaires et bureaucrates que l’on y trouve aujourd’hui. Les copies d’étudiants étaient bien écrites, bien mieux qu’aujourd’hui. Nos élites essayeraient-elles de faire baisser le niveau intellectuel, de compréhension et de compétence des générations qui les ont suivies jusqu’à aujourd’hui? La question est légitime.