Archives par mot-clé : Afghanistan
Ça se dispute i-TELE 19 Janvier 2013 1/2
Reflections on Memorial Day featuring Lt. Gen. Jerry Boykin and Dave Emory
Here is a great interview with Lt. General Jerry Boykin on Secure Freedom Radio, followed by a blog post by Dave Emory. I thought that both a conservative and a progressive point of view were needed in order to grasp the difficulty we are facing. While Jerry Boykin focuses on the need to continue the fight against regimes that threaten freedom, Dave Emory recalls us that the war against Nazism is not over. In effect, it appears that Germany, stealthily and slowly, is in the process of winning the war against the Anglo-American empire.
Lt General Jerry Boykin on Secure Freedom Radio
Memorial Day Post: The Past Isn’t Dead and Buried, It Isn’t even Past
Afghanistan and Mystical Imperialism. An expose of the esoteric underpinnings of American foreign policy
This movie by Zev Deans and Jacqueline Castel presents the heroic work of journalist-researchers Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould. They are among the few American journalists who could actually go to Afghanistan in the ’80s during the war between the U.S.S.R. and proxy Afghan warriors financed and armed by the U.S. After this trip and another one a few years later, they had quite a different story to tell about the war, very different indeed from the one we got through the mass media here in the West. They have presented their findings and conclusions in two books principally, Afghanistan’s Untold Story and Crossing Zero The AfPak War at the Turning Point of American Empire. You can visit their website at The movie consists mainly of a conference given by Fitzgerald-Gould supplemented by additional footage, pictures, maps, etc, to enhance the experience of viewers. It is certainly a must-watch, especially if you don’t know their work already. For those who would like, I have already covered their great work in this earlier post. Please take the time to see that movie.
Sexual entrapment, financial blackmail and family pressure: Tim Lister comments on some of the challenges of espionage in 21st century
Interview airs in segment #2.
Édition spéciale du Journal des Résistants du 22 mars 2012: La tuerie de Toulouse
Excellente analyse de la part de Christine Tasin et Pierre Cassen de Riposte Laïque. À voir.
Afghan beauties
Bacha Bazee: Lorsque certaines traditions de l’Afghanistan donnent le goût de vomir
Ce reportage sur cette « tradition » pachtoune donne la nausée. Filmé dans des conditions dangereuses, comme le souligne le présentateur, il nous montre un visage de l’Afghanistan que nos bons médias occidentaux, gauchistes pour la plupart, ne connaissent ni ne veulent connaître. La tradition du « Bacha Bazee », c’est ni plus ni moins que l’organisation de la prostitution de jeunes garçons destinée à des hommes d’âge mûr. On les habille, prépare, coiffe comme s’ils étaient des femmes, afin qu’ils aient une apparence féminine, pour des soirées durant lesquelles ils danseront pour séduire les hommes. Il n’est pas rare qu’ils soient abusés sexuellement par la suite, de façon répétée, et dans certains cas même ils se font carrément assassiner par leurs maîtres et/ou amants pour une raison ou une autre.
Or, ce phénomène se produit dans une société où les femmes sont exclues du regard des hommes, cachées derrière des burqas, bien sagement à la maison, en raison de l’islam rétrograde qui se trouve en Afghanistan, comme dans d’autres pays d’ailleurs. Et je vous l’avoue d’emblée, c’est ça qui me fait le plus suer là-dedans. J’ai remarqué trop souvent dans ma vie que le mépris des femmes et de la sexualité féminine mène presque toujours à ce genre de pratiques et de comportements. Là où les femmes ne sont pas désirées, ne sont pas considérées comme des objets de désir, les femmes dépérissent comme des fleurs sans eau ni lumière, et la sexualité masculine, elle, inévitablement, se pervertit pour prendre des formes déviantes. En effet, lorsque l’on est plus capable de bander sur une femme parce que l’on a le crâne rempli d’idioties religieuses ou réactionnaires, eh bien il est possible effectivement que l’on se mette à préférer les jeunes garçons. En visionnant ce document, on ne peut faire autrement que de mépriser la culture afghane qui a permis une telle pratique. Et l’on se dit, dans le fond, que les Américains et les Canadiens ont bien fait de s’y rendre avec leurs soldats. Si l’on était contre la mission en Afghanistan avant de voir ce reportage, on change d’avis rapidement. Cette tradition démontre avec une clarté étonnante l’incompatibilité de notre civilisation avec celle du monde arabo-musulman. Alors que la nôtre contient et encourage les idées de progrès, du respect des droits humains, des valeurs des Lumières, de la réflexion, de l’exercice du sens critique, la civilisation arabo-musulmane finit toujours, on dirait, par mener aux pires abus et à la barbarie. Franchement, je préfère de beaucoup nos danseuses nues en Occident à ces « Bacha Bazee ». Nous, quand on bande, on bande sur une vraie femme qui est libre de ses allées et venues et de mener sa vie comme bon lui semble. Continuer la lecture
Preparing for a fight with Andy Bostom, Jim Woolsey and Michael Rubin on SFR
This very good show deals with three important issues related to the survival of democracy itself, as the liberties it represents and advocates come under attack by various elements in the Islamic world. Andy Bostom speaks on Sharia or Islamic Law that is being slowly imposed on us, Jim Woolsey speaks on the Iranian regime and the threats that it represents for the survival of our civilization, due to the bomb on top of everything else, and Michael Rubin speaks on the issue of the burning of the Koran that occured in Afghanistan recently.
Interview with Robert Parry on For The Record: The Bushes and the bin Ladens helped each other
This great interview with Robert Parry of the Consortiumnews website by anti-fascist researcher Dave Emory must be listened to. For lots of reasons but especially because we never get to hear the full story in the mainstream media, as well as in the so-called « alternative » media, on anything. It is always one side of the coin only, if ever one side is covered correctly without ideological biases, preconceptions, prejudices, etc. The received rhetorical line concerning 9/11 and its aftermath goes like this: « The evil Osama bin Laden and his Al Qaeda warriors have attacked America. George W. Bush, as a true Commander-in-Chief, has stood up against these bloodthirsty terrorists and he is making sure that America stays safe and secure. He has struck back at them by going to war in Afghanistan and in Iraq ». That’s the way it goes.
Well…like it is often the case in life, it is not that simple. To begin with, let me remind you of a couple of things. First, in 2001, the Bushes and the bin Ladens were on the board of directors of the Carlyle Group, which Dave Emory has studied and presented in For The Record # 347. The Carlyle Group is one of the most influential investment firms of the world. Only the greatest of all get the chance to sit on that precious panel. And on the day of September 11th 2001, they just happened to hold their annual investment conference. Probably only just a coincidence, one could say. Members could then watch live the events unfolding in Manhattan. Among others, Frank Carlucci and James Baker III were present. Second, let me remind you as well that on September 12th, when nobody else could fly in the U.S., 12 members of the bin Laden family were flown out of the country. Third, both the chief of intelligence for Saudi Arabia and the head of the FBI were replaced in the weeks just prior to 9/11, which is rather curious and frightening, to say the least.
All things considered, the « war on terror » has been good for both the Bushes and the bin Ladens. For George W. Bush, this war has allowed him to be in the spotlight and be admired as the great defender of America, to acquire additional powers for his presidency and finally to shout out all those who were contesting (rightfully) the validity of his election at the detriment of Al Gore. And for the bin Ladens, the war on terror allowed Osama to strengthen the cause of Al Qaeda and recruit new warriors. In 2004, only four days before the presidential election, Osama bin Laden released a video in which he denounced George W. Bush. Intelligence analysts at the CIA were of the opinion that Osama bin Laden was in fact trying to help George W. getting reelected. In effect, such a virulent attack against Bush by Osama before the election was obviously recuperated by the Republican team as an endorsement of John Kerry. That was enough to swing the vote in favor of George W. And why would Osama do such a thing, would you ask? Because Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda didn’t want the U.S. out of Iraq, U.S. troops being too good for the cause of Al Qaeda.
Mr Parry talks about a lot of other different relevant points. One of them is the obvious biased coverage by the press of the performance of Democrat politicians. Robert Parry explains that a game of professional credibility assessment was at play in the media, as Conservative politicians were quite often accusing journalists of being « liberal ». Reporters reacted to these accusations by becoming harder and tougher on Democrats, unfairly most of the times, to establish their credibility, with the unfortunate consequence that Al Gore was treated miserably. Parry gives many examples. This is a great show. In order to listen to the audio archive, you must have Realaudio installed.