The Libyan operation: another piggy back coup?

In Dave Emory’s FTR #735, we have seen that the « uprisings » in the Middle East are probably to a large extent the results of a vaste operation conducted by the intelligence agencies of the West in order to change the leadership in that area of the Earth. Although there is nobody more convinced than me that these regimes need to be changed for democratic ones, I have been, as Dave Emory and other observers of the geo-political scene, more than skeptical about the « democratic » nature of the so-called revolutions. And with reason. When you have been deceived more than once, as it is the case with several events that happened since WWII, you develop a certain apprehension, prudence and carefulness when dealing with sudden changes.

Now, is the Libyan operation a piggy back coup on the Egyptian one, which was in itself a piggy back coup on the Tunisian operation? It is possible. In an earlier post, I have already said that Khadafi should remain in power for the moment, at least temporarily, to fight  back against Islamists forces, because the risks of such a takeover is too great in case of an overthrow. First, let me ask you this: where do the rebels get their weapons to fight Khadafi forces? Well…I guess that is one information that we don’t have but it is definitely important. In effect, in order to have weapons the rebels must buy or obtain them from a source that is ready to provide such weapons to that group, knowing very well that they will serve to try to overthrow Khadafi. So who is selling these weapons to the rebels? I don’t know. It is the job of the journalists to find out anyway but nobody does a particularly good job at this for the moment.

Second, haven’t you noticed that Libya shares a border with Sudan? The last time I checked, the north part of the country was controlled by Islamists and terrorists, while the south part has recently voted in favour of its secession from the north, its citizens being tired of the incessant harassment, killings, tortures, rapes, etc, brought so « generously » by the Islamic Jihad of the northmen. Maybe the weapons with which the « rebels » of Libya are fighting against Khadafi are coming in fact from the Islamists of North Sudan. That would be logical. And from whom these North Sudan Islamic Jihad warriors get their weapons? Again, and I don’t want to be patronizing, but it is the journalists’s job to bring these facts to the light of day. The operation launched by the Coalition Forces against Khadafi, although maybe sincere, might prove fatal in the long run for western civilization. Khadafi is definitely the strongest man in the area and if he falls, I don’t see who could be able to stand against the Islamists and their western sponsors.

According to Dave Emory, this vaste operation launched in the Middle East has got the approval of both branches of the CIA/State Department, the Democrat branch and the Republican branch (for that matter, see the  interview with John Loftus FTR #731). It is probably the truth. However, I fail to see how the Democrat branch would be able to recuperate those messy countries and bring them to democratic parlementary or presidential governments after such violent and improvised overthrows. Democratic life is not like flipping a switch. It doesn’t take on immediately. It takes time, during which any totalitarian mafia can organise itself and seize power. It will be interesting to see what measures the Democrat branch of the CIA/State Department will put in places to make sure that these countries really get on the path of democracy. But it will certainly have to counteract first the machinations of the Republican branch, and that is not small stuff.

Also, and Emory alluded to it in its last show FTR #736, one possibility that is certainly foreseeable, is that a plan is under implementation to create a wall between the western world and an Eastern Block of nations that may form in the near future or already in formation, that may comprise China, Russia, India, Pakistan and satellite nations such as Vietnam, North Korea, maybe Japan, etc. Is the West trying to secure oil reserves in anticipation for a takeover of these by entities created by or under control of a number of states of such an Eastern Block? It is certainly possible. If one takes China alone, just by the growing demand in energy of its population of 1.5 billion people, that’s enough to make anyone envision the worst scenarios. And I am even not mentioning here the fact that China is still a communist regime and that we don’t know for sure to what extent Russia has really succeeded in extinguishing the soviet flame or its imperialistic ambitions. That certainly doesn’t help the situation either.

I will cease here the speculation. Just keep your eyes open and question everything you are told. I think that is the best attitude. I have attached two news. The first concerns the  latest « facts » about the Libyan « uprising » and the next covers sudden investments made by the Saudis in the Middle East. According to you, are the Saudis trying to calm down the population by injecting money into the economy or are they securing their earlier investments because they know very well that they will become even more profitable in the near future? I will let you decide.



Israel seizes German-owned cargo ship carrying weapons…from Iran

© Ivan Mikhaylov |

Israel seized a cargo ship on March 14th in the Mediterranean sea, a few hundreds miles from the shores of the Gaza Strip. The ship was carrying Iranian weapons intended for Palestinian militants in Gaza. The ship set off from Syria, stopped in Turkey before heading toward Egypt. As a reminder, weapons are smuggled from Egypt to the Gaza Strip using a network of underground tunnels. Iran has denied involvement, as it was  to be expected. The incident follows earlier attempts from hostile Arab or Muslim countries to provide weapons to destabilizing or terrorist agents in the Gaza Strip or the West Bank. The IHH-sponsored Gaza flotilla incident is a notorious example of that, which was a clear provocation from the part of Turkey.

What is really interesting though is the ownership of the vessel, German… Honestly, who could have guessed? The Third Reich is deploying more and more overt provocations toward Israel. The message is clear: be ready to be wiped out. The anti-Israel sentiment is growing around the world and especially in the Middle East and we can see the wolves and sharks getting closer as they smell the blood of Jews. Frankly, we are governed by psychopaths. If real good people were in charge of the Earth, we wouldn’t see things like that. As a result, the hatred of the Jews will continue as long as humans won’t decide themselves to put these psychopathic killers behind bars or six feet under. If we don’t do that, the human race is doomed for extinction. For more details on the Gaza flotilla and the general context surrounding their shipments, see as well a couple of posts by Dave Emory.




FTR #723

Karl Rove and the Piggy back Coup

« Things don’t happen. They are made to happen » – JFK

This quote from JFK sums up very well the events in North Africa. As we can see here with Dave Emory’s last show and post, these events were in preparation since at least a couple of years, and they are now implemented according to the calendar that had been set up from the start. The Third Reich of today is simply continuing the agenda set forth by the Robber Barons of Wall Street in the 1910’s and 1920’s. Following the implementation of the Webb-Pomerene Act of 1918 that created loopholes in earlier anti-trust laws, such as the Sherman Act and the Clayton Anti-Trust Act of 1914, the Robber Barons created three mafias, the Nazis, the Bolsheviks and Islamic fanatic organizations such as the Muslim Brotherhood to be able to create and maintain cartels overseas (see John Loftus’ America Nazi’s Secret). The Robber Barons’ successors probably want now to unite Africa under Islam to be able to syphon off all of its wealth. It is incredible the naivety with which people let themselves be duped by the machinations of the operatives of these transnational corporations. People don’t use their brain. They let themselves be carried away by emotions engineered and manufactured in the labs of the Third Reich. They forget to reflect on events to see who will profit from them.

I am sorry to say that, unfortunately, Obama has probably been set up to play the role of the ship’s fool. Just seeing the other day when he decorated G.H.W. Bush with the Medal of Freedom was surreal. I couldn’t believe my eyes. Either he is in fact in league with these people or, as Emory suggests, he has been badjacketed to a point where he is completely discredited and turned into derision.

The fascism/fascination with which crowds are ousting Presidents one after the other in Africa gives me the impression that the Third Reich has probably reconsidered its links to catholicism, among others. Traditionaly, power has always been shared, and it is universal in evolved societies, with a bicephalous structure: secular power on one side and religious power on the other, whatever it is. I wonder if a decision hasn’t not been made to replace christian faiths, which have taken a more center-left approach since the ’60, with Islam, which is definitely more traditional. The fact that Christians are massacred throughout the world today by Muslim supporters could be seen as an indication of that. Religion is opium for the people and as Emory says, the first refuge of a scoundrel. Religion serves the interests of the people running the show on the global theater, if it presents an agenda compatible with theirs. Listen to this great radio show by Dave Emory, leading expert on fascism:


China halts online call for a ‘jasmine revolution’

While Arab countries struggle with uprisings and so-called revolutions, the movement is beginning to be contagious to other parts of the world. See how the Chinese government deals with popular protests in China.


Israel is entitled to « occupy » the « Occupied Territories »

Watch this video where is explained why Israel is « occupying » Palestine and other lands. UN resolution 242 was adopted after the Six-Day War in 1967, when Egypt, Jordan and Syria attacked Israel. The resolution says that Israel has to leave the  lands occupied in these states during the war, i.e. the Gaza Strip, the West Bank and the Golan Heights, following a negociated peace with the Arab countries. Because these ones refused to make such a peace, Israel continued its ‘occupation’. The use of the Jordan River Valley as a natural barrier is logical. Ce vidéo possède des sous-titres français.


Sheik Yussuf Al-Qaradhawi comes back to Egypt…but for what does he stand for?

During his speech in Cairo on february 18th,  the famous imam invited the believers to liberate Jerusalem and Palestine… That’s a bad start for a ‘democratic’ revolution… Poor Egypt, it will have to wait a long time before seeing a real democracy… And for Israel, this is a catastrophy. In the first of this series of videos assembled by  ExtremeCentre website, Qaradhawi pretends that Allah punished the Jews several times for their disobedience and that Hitler was only a tool to do that. He announces (that was in 2009) that when he’ll be back in Egypt, he will kill the ennemies of Allah, i.e. the Jews. O.K… In the second video, Qaradhawi states that a continent like Europe can easily be conquered only with ideas, teachers and preachers…

That I agree with! Democrats, liberals and Christians are so weak, so soft, so gentle, anybody could conquer us. That is why I say: stand up! Rise and fight! Islam must not be resisted or fought against, it must be defeated!!!! That is the only way that we are going to settle this conflict of civilization. Unless you have any other ideas…in that case, bring it along. At this point, we are desperate for solutions.

Muslim Brotherhood style democracy

Latest blog entry from anti-fascist researcher Dave Emory. Two things here to focus your attention. First, Emory presents the Hamas Charter, which is nothing else than the old anti-semitic routine that we have heard so much through centuries, and lately with nazism. Second, there is a link to a video on LiveLeak, which shows an execution of Fatah operatives by Hamas troops. It seems that Hamas don’t try to negociate, make deals, have a discussion or a vote. They are not interested with accommodations, middle grounds or any such thing that we are used to in democratic societies. They make the law as it used to be in Antiquity.

Question: Are you sure Israel and the Jews are the bad guys with people like that around? Well, you should check your facts again. A good site to help you with that is HonestReporting. They debunk anti-Israel propaganda that comes from the Middle East and they report it as soon as it comes. So first check Dave Emory’s blog entry and then pay a visit to HonestReporting:


CBS female reporter Lara Logan sexually assaulted in Egypt

Well, well, well…Isn’t that just marvelous? Our ‘democratic’ protesters in Egypt took the opportunity, while being so moved and transported by ‘democracy’ and ‘freedom of speech’ and protest, to have a little grope-fest if not a rape, on Lara Logan, a CBS female journalist! Isn’t that so cute! Because, after all, that revolution is not about the rise of Islamic fundamentalism and a return to archaic values, no…It is about democracy, freedom of speech, rights for everyone…and for women… « In some areas, men formed human chains, cordoning off groups of women and children from pushing hordes… » And from what were they protecting them? God knows what… Well, they will just have to wait for the next ‘democratic’ revolution. Because before long, that will be the Islamists and their archaic views on humans and women who will take the stage…and sexual harassment will continue with all the rest. Business as usual. What do they use to say, « Islam is a religion of love and peace »? Umh…


Center for Security Policy Frank Gaffney fights back

Here are three videos in which Frank Gaffney, founder and president of the Center For Security Policy, tries to fight back against Islamists in America and elsewhere. The most interesting thing here happens in the third video and it is the attitude and behavior of CNN Anderson Cooper. What is the problem with this guy? In the interview, he literally gives a free pass to Suhail Khan. If you want to know who Khan really is, check the earlier post about him on this site. It is incredible to see how in the interview Cooper tries to demolish and demonize Frank Gaffney’s argument. Cooper doesn’t even bother to look at the argument and facts and to ask Khan at least to comment on them. It must be, in his whole career, the easiest interview Khan has ever given. He was not interviewed as a matter of fact. He just stood by while Cooper was playing either the fool, the ignorant, the bigot, the leftist or something else. In the end, it is either this: Cooper is in with the Islamists or he doesn’t understand at all how the world really works. Personally I don’t know. I will let you decide.

Why communism is so immature

© Beholdereye |

The PDF file that you find below is a hand sheet tract that was distributed in Montreal last week. A group called the « Militant Labour Forum » organizes (or  only participates in, it is not clear) daily protests to be held in front of the Egyptian Consulate in Montreal to show solidarity to the « workers » of Egypt.  What I find interesting about this tract is the way the communist mind works. First, it presents Egyptians not as citizens or people but as « workers », as if they were only that and not human beings to begin with. Second, it presents the United States and Canada as being « imperialist » countries. It is curious, I thought the United States and Canada were liberal, democratic countries based on market capitalism… What does « imperialist » stands for in this case? The will to defend our way of life? Third, the tract also mentions that the U.S. funds to a great extent the military of Egypt. And with reason. It is Egypt’s military power that keeps down the Muslim Brotherhood as a para-military force to instigate Islamic revolutions. It tempers down the whole Middle-East region.

This document shows with amazing clarity the level of unconsciousness with which the communist/socialist partisans look at world affairs. It is almost as if they have absolutely no comprehension whatsoever of geo-politics, like if the Muslim Brotherhood wouldn’t exist, Israel wasn’t in any danger of annihilation, Iran wasn’t openly hostile to Israel, Islamic fundamentalism wasn’t on the rise, etc. It is maybe this kind of naivety, childishness and irresponsability that made the U.S. fought with so much strength communist regimes.  Being so disconnected with greater issues, having no understanding of geo-strategic  areas, interests and situations, communist/socialist ideologues and illuminates disseminate whatever propaganda and non-sense they can imagine. This is why these days we hear so much blame being put on America’s back. If we had to rely on what we hear in the media, it would always be America’s fault. I’m fed up of all this. See for yourself.
