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One of the greatest patriot in the history of the United States, William Cooper was a radio host in the 1990’s in what was called then the « research » community. After his career in the U.S. Army, Cooper investigated every kind of subject of interest at a time when the internet was still in its infancy or didn’t exist. Researchers and patriots in those days often had to get physical documents in their possession to be able to research a topic, since there was basically nothing that was available either online or in digital form. That came to change later of course and because of that, research became easier and more accessible to the average citizen. Since then, the number of people involved in the research community has increased exponentially, because it is so easy now compared to what it was before. In this incredible interview, Cooper talks about his life and his research, very candidly, and gives his perspective on the core of the problem that we face as nations and peoples of the Earth.
In a nutshell, Cooper identifies the secret societies as being the malevolent force behind all the changes that we have seen being implemented on Earth since 1945. Their project, according to him, is to bring about a one world socialist government. They would use the United Nations as a framework and the U.S. Army as a police force in order to do that. These secret societies are trying to build a perfect world, without wars. They will never succeed to do so, according to Cooper, because they are not dealing with the core of the problem, which is human nature. Human nature makes us imperfect, with flaws, so no Utopian scenario would ever work. Cooper suggests to « clean the house » at Washington D.C. « Lock them up », he says. Among many highlights, he mentions that the Gulf War created a historical precedent when the United Nations sent its police force, composed of military units of several countries, to the Middle East in order to « liberate » Kuwait. With that action, he says, the United Nations was then legally established as the one world government. Cooper was a very lucid and clairvoyant individual who left this world too soon. He was killed in November 2001 in an exchange of fire with the police outside his home. The fact that he was killed just a few weeks after 9/11 is difficult to ignore. During his radio show on June 28th 2001, he told his audience that a CNN reporter and a camera crew « found » Osama ben Laden in Afghanistan while the CIA couldn’t find him, apparently. Cooper predicted that a major attack would occur in the U.S. as a result. You can listen to this show with the second video. May you rest in peace, brother.
Ceci est la dernière de la série de dix entrevues accordées à l’animateur radio Dave Emory pour l’émission For The Record. Entre autres excellents points abordés ici par Peter Levenda, auteur de The Hitler Legacy, il attire notre attention (vers 30:00 minutes) sur le fait que le politicien autrichien d’extrême-droite Jörg Haider aurait reçu du financement de la part de dictateurs du Moyen-Orient comme Kadhafi et Saddam Hussein. Décédé en 2008, il aurait possédé des comptes de banque au Luxembourg et au Liechtenstein où ces personnages aurait déposé ces sommes. Vers 49:00 minutes, il raconte également la rencontre qu’il a eu en 2007 avec un des co-fondateurs du groupe terroriste Jemaah Islamiyah, Abu Bakr Ba’asyir.
FTR #847 Interview (#10) with Peter Levenda about “The Hitler Legacy”
Lecteur audioAddendum du 24 octobre 2014: Après en avoir appris un peu plus sur le sujet, il appert que la censure a pu provenir de l’Administration américaine et/ou de la presse elle-même. Bref, il est de moins en moins clair qui de l’Armée américaine, de l’Administration ou de la presse, ou d’une combinaison de ces trois institutions, a pu être à la source du problème dont il est question ici. À suivre.
Le New York Times vient de publier un article dans lequel il affirme selon des sources de l’Armée américaine que près de 5000 pièces d’armes de destruction massive auraient été trouvées par les troupes américaines en Irak, de 2004 à 2011. Un document de l’Armée américaine récemment partiellement déclassifié confirme cette affirmation. On se souvient tous de l’embarras dans lequel s’est trouvé l’Administration Bush lorsque la presse a fait état que nulle arme chimique n’avait été trouvée en Irak. Cela n’est pas vraiment clair mais il appert que l’Armée américaine aurait censuré cette information pour des raisons inconnues, laissant le public américain sous la fausse impression qu’on leur aurait menti pour justifier une guerre en Irak. C’est difficile à imaginer mais enfin. Je vous propose dans l’ordre une entrevue vidéo de Frank Gaffney avec Douglas Feith, des entrevues radio avec Fred Fleitz (au deuxième segment) et Pete Hoekstra (au premier segment) sur le sujet, ainsi que l’article du New York Times et le rapport partiellement déclassifié qu’ils ont également publié.
Fred Fleitz sur Secure Freedom Radio
Pete Hoekstra sur Secure Freedom Radio
The Secret Casualties of Iraq’s Abandoned Chemical Weapons
U.S. Intelligence Documents on Chemical Weapons Found in Iraq
Comment: The key element that needs to be highlighted in this matter is the fact that Bachar al-Assad stockpile of chemical weapons is probably what is left of Saddam Hussein’s chemical and biological arsenal (see here an article in french from fdesouche website stating that it is the rebels who might be in control of them). Thus, logically, the only thing that we have to do is to surgically destroy them. Then, it will be up to the Syrian people to solve their own situation the way they can. They are in the middle of a civil war and it is not our business to get involved, besides destroying these chemical weapons. I suggest to you to hear or read, in order, Frank Gaffney, Nigel Farage, Dave Emory, Fred Fleitz and Bill Gertz, and Terry Liston (en français).
Dave Emory at SpitfireList.com
Interviews with Fleitz and Gertz air in segments #3 and #4.
This brilliant article by Claire Berlinski presents new facts on how the Middle East was wrecked beyond redemption. In effect, according to Kremlin records stolen by Russian exile Pavel Stroilov, the Soviets are responsible for it, in a large part. The article depicts a quite different picture from what we are used to imagine, i.e. that it is the oil industry and its unquenchable thirst for drilling and pumping that destroyed the whole Middle East and the life of its populations. The article points out to Mikhail Gorvachev as one of the main perpetrator and facilitator of this scheme. Also, it puts into context the main design of Russian geo-political and geo-strategical experts: the control of the Middle East jewel, the Persian Gulf. Once it appeared impossible, detrimental or risking to start a world war to actually succeed in doing that, Israel became the next target. The role of the KGB is explored at length. Excellent article, two thumbs up!
Kenneth Timmerman: « The confidence that users of intelligence today in the United States have in the ability of the intelligence community to successfully connect the dots is very low » . (around 21:00, part 2)
This press conference held on November 1st 2011 in Washington, D.C., is literally a godsend. At a time when the vast majority of our elites are asleep, stunned and dumbed down, when both the mainstream and the alternative media are spreading disinformation and propaganda to satisfy their aims, insisting on trivial events, it is long overdue that a panel of experts like this take relevant intelligence and present it to the population. By going public like this, these experts are doing a us, the people, a big favor. Because, let’s speak frankly here, normally, that would be the job of our elected politicians and officials and their teams to keep us appraised on such matters. Unfortunately, in these times of never-ending entertainment and petty pleasures, bad news or bad information are constantly swept under the rug…until their reality hit us with violence through terrorism, riots and wars. We live in a culture where we don’t want to see bad things and bad realities, so we keep trying to ignore them when they surface and postpone their confrontation.
It is that very same attitude that allowed somebody like Hitler to rise, expand his grip on Europe and eventually to seize control of the whole continent, while our elites stood by silently, faking not to see its reality, thinking maybe that the threat would disappear if they were to ignore it. And today, we are facing a similar problem. Ahmadinejad and his government has shown more than once its true colours. He leads a regime that is anti-semitic, anti-Israel, holocaust denier, hostile to democracy, to America and to European culture and civilization, encouraging and funding terrorism and boycott campaigns, willingly admitting to desire wiping out Israel from off the map and to destroy America, the Great Satan. And this same regime is pursuing a nuclear program. If it is not enough to raise your eyebrows and give you cold chills down your spine, I don’t know what will.
This event by EMPact America, an organization for citizens concerned about nuclear and electro-magnetic pulse attacks, regroups the skills and experience of several individuals belonging to the intelligence community. The first speaker, Reza Kahlili, presents himself as an ex-CIA undercover agent in the Revolutionary Guards of Iran. He has infiltrated the Guards and spied for the CIA during the 80’s and 90’s. He appears in this press conference masked with sunglasses, which renders his authentification impossible. At some point, you have to make a decision whether or not you consider him and his testimony credible. Following Kahlili, we hear, in order, Lieutenant Colonel Tony Shaffer, President of EMPact America Dr. Peter Vincent Pry, CEO of Foundation For Democracy in Iran Kenneth Timmerman, ex-CIA agent Chet Nagle, and President of GeoStrategic Analysis Peter Huessy.
Peter B. Collins receives Brad Friedman of BradBlog.com with groundbreaking news. Friedman succeeded to get access to a recording of the Summer Seminar organized by the Koch brothers in 2011 in Vail, Colorado. An anonymous source who participated in this activity taped key portions of this Seminar, featuring both Charles and David Koch, Governor Chris Christie and Judge Napolitano, and provided Brad Friedman with the recording. Friedman posted the complete audio and transcript of it on his blog and released the story as well to Mother Jones publication. Well, the revelations of this recording are so juicy and crusty. While listening to this tape, we have the « pleasure » of hearing Charles Koch referring curiously to Saddam Hussein while he speaks about defeating Obama, David Koch talking about Governor Chris Christie as « my kind of guy », speakers describing how the rich are the victims of an evil Obama, and how Democrats have been stupid (I agree with that statement!) to accept cuts in social programs and the social safety net, etc. Overall, you will hear a bunch of ultra-rich potentates showing absolutely no respect for the poor and the people who suffer in the lower classes. After years of constant attacks and attempts to rob and crush the poor and the middle class in the U.S. during the Bush Administration, a « second wave » is now under way with these neo-extreme-right activists, who for the most part stay in the shadows, well hidden behind the Tea Party useful fools. But now they have been masterfully exposed and showed for what they trully are by this anonymous inside source and by investigative journalist Brad Friedman. I have joined the podcast of Brad Friedman’s interview with Peter B. Collins, some of the related articles published on Mother Jones, and the integral audio files and transcripts of the recording of the Summer Seminar, posted on BradBlog.com. Excellent work, guys! Excellent anti-fascist researcher Dave Emory has been working as well on the Koch brothers case for some time. In particular, FTR #726 is of great interest to get acquainted more with these shadowy figures of American politics. What the Koch brothers are proposing to America leads directly to fascism. In effect, their machinations and use of the Tea Party clearly intends to repel the New Deal implemented by Roosevelt to replace it by something that would go along the lines of Mussolini’s Corporate State. Also, to read another example of Republican Reverse Robbing Hooding that I covered in a previous article, click here.
A repost from anti-fascist researcher Dave Emory assesses the present political, economical and financial situation of the United States with great accuracy, as early as 2003. We must admit that he was right on target when recording that show. Here are the basic facts. The Irak war reveals itself to have been a deliberate scheme by the Bush Admistration to increase spending of the federal government in a way that would send it on a vertical spiral of deficits and debt. Accompanied by tax cuts to benefit the wealthy that inevitably decrease the state budget, these two measures or decisions look rather like sabotage attempts to destroy the U.S. economy, either for bringing a totalitarian regime or for Balkanizing them. People belonging to mainstream academia and media, such as Paul Krugman, have made similar analyses. The tax cuts implemented by the Bush Administration are so deep that it is impossible to maintain them without cutting U.S. spending, where the money is, i.e. in social programs or military budget. A report commissioned by the Treasury Department estimated that the U.S. face a chronic budget accumulated deficits of some 44 trillion dollars, if tax rates and spending budget remain the same. To close the gap, a 66% accross the board tax increase would be necessary. The show reminds us of a striking similarity that exists between the behavior of the French elite before WWII and the one of the American elite these days. If the French elite was acting in preparation for a takeover by Germany in defense against Communism, the behavior of the present-day power elite in the U.S. is suggesting that a similar process is under way. The broadcast also deals with other related elements of the puzzle, such as the role played by tax havens like Liechtenstein, Nassau, Panama and Switzerland. It has to be noted that Saddam Hussein siphoned off millions of dollars from oil corporations as bribes into offshore accounts. Hussein used this bribe money to finance weapons deals during embargo periods. Continuer la lecture