Eugenics and the « Green » Movement: Edwin Black’s The War Against The Weak and the Rockefeller Foundation

This radio show by Dave Emory presents the remarkable work of Edwin Black on the eugenics movement and its relationship with Nazi Germany, corporations and the world of scientific research. In a book titled The War Against The Weak, Black makes the case that  Nazi Germany eugenics experimentations were not the result of some delusional madmen in the Third Reich but rather of cold calculations made by mainstream american scientific individuals and companies who would use the Third Reich as a vehicle for advancing the science. The show deals with certain drugs that were produced during the Third Reich era, among them methadone originally called « dolophine » in tribute to Adolf Hitler, and thalidomide. It also touches on Josef Mengele’s research on twins, highlighting the Brazilian town of Candido Godoi where Mengele would experiment in the 1960’s. Before and during the Third Reich regime, the Rockefeller Foundation heavily founded the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology in Germany in order to undertake and/or continue eugenics research on twins, among other things, while Auschwitz was the epicenter of eugenics experiments. The fact that this foundation now is heavily involved in so-called environmental groups of all sorts, is certainly preoccupying. If we take into account that the Peak Oil scam is, in itself, a decoy to hide population control interests and maybe even desired implementation of extermination programs, the involvement of a foundation that used to fund eugenics research and that collaborated extensively with the Third Reich is certainly alarming. In effect, if humans produce too much « greenhouse effect » gases, the only way remaining to reduce the overall greenhouse effect could very well be to eliminate large chunks of humans… Could the « Green » movement simply be just another cover to continue eugenics politics? It certainly looks that way for me. The hell with the Green Movement… At this cost, I will take my chances with the pollution. To get acquainted with Edwin Black’s research about IBM and the holocaust, check this post:


Encore une fois les Québécois vont se faire fourrer, prise 6

Une récente enquête du Journal de Montréal a clairement démontré que nous payons au Québec les médicaments beaucoup trop cher, jusqu’à dix fois plus qu’aux États-Unis. Dans certains cas, la différence de prix est de l’ordre de 4$ au sud de la frontière, comparé à quelques 37$ ici, ce qui est totalement inacceptable. La question qui se pose est celle-ci: Où va tout cet argent? Dans quelles poches? Je peux comprendre que la compétition aux États-Unis soit féroce dans ce secteur et que le régime public québécois d’Assurance Médicaments fonctionne de façon différente mais il y a des limites à se faire fourrer. Je plaide pour que l’on abolisse ce « régime » qui n’est pas autre chose qu’une autre manière de nous extorquer des taxes.

Les médicaments 10 fois moins cher aux U.S.A.

Normand Lester: L’affaire de la « taupe » du SPVM est-elle une reprise de l’affaire Claude Savoie?

L’affaire de la présumée « taupe » du Service de Police de la Ville de Montréal, Ian Davidson, qui se serait enlevé la vie il y a quelques jours, ressemble étrangement aux sombres histoires de Claude Savoie et de Paul Sauvé. Selon Normand Lester, qui a eu l’occasion d’enquêter sur ces événements alors qu’il était journaliste à Radio-Canada, les similarités sont frappantes. Lester nous rappelle que dans les affaires Savoie et Sauvé des membres de la GRC avaient incité ces derniers au suicide, à mots couverts, afin de protéger leur honneur personnel et la réputation du service de police. En effet, voilà quelques décennies, la GRC était aux prises avec un important problème de corruption, alors que plusieurs agents et hauts gradés étaient impliqués dans le trafic de stupéfiants, depuis leurs postes à la Section des stupéfiants de la GRC. Ian Davidson, qui semble-t-il aurait essayé de vendre une liste d’infiltrateurs du crime organisé à la mafia montréalaise, a-t-il été bénéficiaire du même traitement? Dans la deuxième chronique de Lester que j’ai attachée, ce dernier se demande également si l’affaire Davidson ne serait pas liée par hasard à l’affaire Desjardins-Montagna dont je vous ai parlée récemment.

Normand Lester sur la taupe du SPVM et Claude Savoie

Normand Lester: Y a-t-il un lien entre Davidson et l’affaire Desjardins-Montagna

Report on the death of doctor David Kelly on GRTV

If it is not a murder, if it is a suicide, an accident or a natural death, why has the police  withheld all the evidence and the government classified the whole thing? To ask a question is, sometimes, to answer it…

Daniel Hopsicker and the New American Druglords: Let’s meet some of the nice people who were involved in 9/11

 9/11 is definitely is one the deepest trauma ever to have happened to America. Never we would have thought that our peaceful environment, western countries and cities would be disturbed by such a terrible event. We used to think that wars and trouble only happen elsewhere, in Europe, Asia, Africa, the Middle East, in other words everywhere but not here. We were wrong. A network of crooks have taken control of the Earth and they hit us with great savagery on that terrible day. Lead 9/11 hijacker Mohamed Atta learned to fly at Huffman Aviation fly school, located at Venice Airport, Florida. In these video segments that you can also find at independent investigative report Daniel Hopsicker’s website,, you will learn a few things about the connections between the 9/11 hijackers and international organized crime.

The documentary begins by talking about the character of Rudy Dekkers, who was all over the place in the immediate aftermath of 9/11. To give you some of the highlights, did you know that months just prior to 9/11 Venice Airport was literally swarmed by Arab men who had come there to learn to fly? Did you know that a DC9 was busted in Yucatan in 2006 flying from Venezuela carrying 5.5 tons of cocaine, and that that DC9 was owned by a St-Petersburg, FL, company that used an adress at Venice Airport? Did you know that the owner at the time of Huffman Aviation, Wally Hilliard, who also worked for the CIA, was caught with 43 pounds of heroin? Did you know that while in America ordinary citizens are strip-searched although the vast majority of them do nothing wrong, private planes are not inspected at all at Venice Airport and that no federal agencies recognizes any responsibility to do so? Have you ever been acquainted with the charming Michael Brassington, one of Wally Hilliard’s pilots, who seemed to be able to get away with everything he did? Brassington appears to have been involved in currency, drug, people, and diamond smuggle, among others. He finally saw his career as a pilot terminated when the Bombardier Challenger CL-600 he was flying skidded off a runway in New Jersey before hitting a steel fence, crossed a 6-lane highway, crashed into a warehouse and bursted into flames. Continuer la lecture

Russ Baker on the MK-ULTRA program, the CIA and LSD

Please read this excellent article by Russ Baker on the CIA MK-ULTRA program and LSD. Originally commissioned by the New York Times Magazine, the editorial board changed their minds at the last minute. It was however published by The Observer in Britain and by Spiegel in Germany and many others around the world. The article tells the story of an American citizen named Stanley Glickman who went studying in Paris in the ’50s. One night a stranger discretely put a LSD dose in his drink, as part of a series of early experiments with what was at the time a new drug. Developed by the Sandoz company, originally part of the I.G. Farben cartel that was instrumental in the rise of Nazi Germany and that was broken into several smaller companies at the end of the war (including BASF, Bayer and Hoechst, counting for 95% of the total business) LSD was the subject of intense research until psychologist Timothy Leary began sharing the « experience » with a larger public in San Francisco and around Boston in the late ’60s, which led LSD to be declared illegal and Leary to be arrested at the border of Mexico in the ’70s. For more details, please read his excellent autobiography, Flashbacks. The CIA probably wanted to create the perfect drug with which to control the minds of the population. Instead, they created one that expends the power of the human mind, thus achieving the exact opposite of what they wanted to do. Isn’t that such an irony? Here is a short video about Leary.

Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould comment on Ahmed Wali Karzai assassination

Again, the excellent Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould continue their groundbreaking presentation and analysis of the complex and difficult situation in AfPak, the region of Afghanistan and Pakistan. The murder of Hamid Karzai’s brother, who was apparently the local druglord (heroin), comes within a few weeks of the bin Laden one. It seems that, one by one, the Americans and/or their allies are getting rid of bad assets in the region. Have the bin Ladens and the Karzais of this world went astray of the agendas that were set for them? It certainly seems so. Thank you Paul and Elizabeth for the great job that you do for us.

Fitzgerald-Gould on Ahmed Wali Karzai