Jane Ruby: Le virus de la grippe aviaire H5N1 n’existe pas

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Le docteur Peter McCullough fait le bilan des différents éléments à se remémorer pour bien comprendre l’arnaque de la pandémie et de l’imposition du vaccin pour la covid-19

Le docteur Peter McCullough semble croire que le virus SARS-CoV-2, causant supposément la covid-19, existe bel et bien. Les membres de la communauté de réinformation sur la covid-19 ne s’entendent pas tous sur l’existence du virus SARS-CoV-2. Certains croient qu’il existe et d’autres non. On peut amener des arguments dans un sens ou dans l’autre. Le docteur McCullough résume très bien ici tout ce que l’on sait maintenant de ce qu’on appelle la covid-19 et du déploiement du vaccin qui l’accompagne.

Joe Imbriano présente la possibilité que des moustiques soient inséminés avec la malaria

Remember the good old times: President Trump’s rallies before Covid-19…

That Trump rally was held in early March. I am publishing that because I am totally bored by everything that has happened in the wake of Covid-19. The lockdown with all its annoyances has been very depressing. That’s not us. And I most tell you also that I don’t recognize President Trump anymore. It is as if he has lost is mojo. Fauci and Birx have put him to sleep with their very sophisticated propaganda in order to convince him to order the lockdown and now the world is falling apart. America is the leader of the free world. That’s why President must take action to defend us now. If he doesn’t do it, the lockdown will go on forever and it will be the end of civilization. And time is running out. Everything that I have seen from Trump since mid-March was submission, capitulation to these crooks who are trying to impose on us their medical tyranny. I know that it is never easy to admit that we have been had, that we have made a mistake. But this is the very painful thing that President Trump must do. He was sold a bill of goods by Fauci and Birx. Based on the phony models provided by the Imperial College of London, they convinced him that 2 million people in the U.S. would die. Of course, at that time, most of people thought that the Coronavirus was really dangerous. Now, we know that it is not. It’s like the normal flu or an average cold, that’s all. So it is time for Trump to wake up. Everything related to Covid-19 is a hoax, from beginning to finish. It is time for the President Trump to stop paying lip service to the hoaxers and defend the patriots and freedom lovers. The policies that have been put in place during the lockdown are extremely dangerous for human culture and civilization. We may never get a chance to reverse what has been done to us and to our societies. It is time to strike back. In the interim, not knowing what will happen, I could always remember the good old times by watching some of President Trump’s pre-lockdown rallies. These were good times that may never be coming back if we don’t defend our freedoms. President Trump must take action now before it is too late.

Dr Francis Boyle: The Coronavirus is a bio weapon, on Infowars

Dr Francis Boyle speaks here in these two interviews about the Coronavirus. According to him, the Coronavirus is a biowarfare weapon that leaked accidentally from the famous BSL-4 laboratory in Wuhan, the Wuhan Institute of Virology. In the third video, Alex Jones analyses how the outbreak is used by the globalist elite to do a power grab by crashing the economy and erasing our individual rights. A must watch.