Entrevue avec le PDG de Gab, Andrew Torba, sur Infowars

Andrew Torba revient entre autres sur les négociations qui ont eu lieu avec l’équipe Trump en lien avec l’entrée de l’ancien Président sur la plateforme Gab. Cette entrée n’a finalement pas eu lieu puisque Torba a refusé de se plier aux exigences de l’entourage de Trump.

Coup de gueule de David Icke contre Donald Trump, suivi d’une entrevue avec Andrew Torba, PDG de Gab

David Icke se vide le coeur contre le Président Trump durant cet entretien. Entre autres, il reproche à Trump de ne pas avoir pardonné Edward Snowden et Julian Assange. Aussi, il fait remarquer que Trump a rejoint la plateforme Rumble mais sous condition que celle-ci adopte des mesures pour combattre l’anti-sémitisme’. Des manoeuvres similiaires avaient été tentées lors de négociations avec la plateforme Gab. Son PDG, Andrew Torba, avait refusé de se plier aux exigences de Jared Kushner et de l’équipe Trump. Une entrevue avec Andrew Torba suit la vidéo. Vous pourrez l’entendre expliquer les circonstances exactes dans lesquelles il a dû refuser que Trump rejoigne sa plateforme, puisque les conditions imposées par l’équipe Trump, entre autres sur la liberté d’expression, étaient inacceptables.

Personnellement, je commence à penser que le temps est venu pour les patriotes de prendre leurs distances d’avec Trump. Nous devons nous organiser, mener nos luttes patriotiques en fonction de nos intérêts et arrêter de se fier sur Trump pour qu’il règle tous nos problèmes. David Icke a mentionné le pardon manqué envers Snowden et Assange et le fait qu’il semble contrôlé par Jared Kushner, un homme plus jeune que lui d’une quarantaine d’années. Mais il y a d’autres choses que l’on peut reprocher à Trump. Comme par exemple le fait qu’à ce jour, il refuse toujours de reconnaître que les vaccins pour la covid-19 sont très dangereux. Encore récemment dans une entrevue téléphonique, il recommandait aux Américains d’aller se faire vacciner. Trump s’est fait avoir avec le vaccin et il le sait. Il pourrait au moins le reconnaître au lieu d’essayer de sauver la face. Aussi, une autre chose qui m’agace profondément sur la présidence de Trump, est le fait qu’il n’a presque rien fait pour protéger ses partisans des attaques physiques, verbales et psychologiques provenant des organisations gauchistes et des Démocrates. Il s’est contenté d’écrire un ordre exécutif sur la protection des monuments. Or, un ordre exécutif sur la protection des personnes aurait été nécessaire. De plus, durant ses rallyes, il donne souvent des statistiques sur le taux de chômage des afro-américains et des latinos mais jamais sur celui des blancs, alors que ceux-ci constituent pourtant la majeure partie de son électorat. Bref, le temps est venu pour les patriotes de se prendre en main. Personne ne viendra nous sauver. Nous devons nous sauver nous-mêmes et cela commence par arrêter de vouer à culte à Trump.


Flashback Friday et No-Go Zone, sur Red Ice TV

Some suggestions to President Trump for his social media strategy…

President Trump’s social media strategy is completely wrong and inadequate. You don’t need to be a genious to see that his newly created platform doesn’t meet the standards for a previous President of the United States. It is not interactive, there are no videos and it looks more like some archives of a message board from the ’90s than of a real platform. I don’t know who advise him on that but they obviously they don’t have a clue. So let me make some suggestions here.

President Trump shoud simply go where the American people, his base, is. Facebook, Twitter and Youtube are lost causes. As they censor more and more, they will eventually collapse under the weight of their own censorship. To expect that they might change is naive and a waste of time. So what President Trump needs to do is to create accounts on new platforms that represent the future of communication. You know, the kind of platforms that were not created by DARPA for spying on, controlling the perceptions of and waging war on the people. President Trump can claim the account under his name at Gab. That platform is a good replacement for Twitter and has videos capabilities. VK is a good replacement for Facebook and has video capabilities too. President Trump can easily replace both Twitter and Facebook by having official accounts there. Parler and Minds are other ones. Now concerning videos, there are numerous alternatives to Youtube: Bitchute, Odysee, Rumble, BrandNewTube, etc.

President Trump needs to engage directly with his fans, his base, instead of relying on the hope that, one day, Silicon Valley will allow him back on their outlets. I know that these other platforms might not look as sexy and shiny as the big ones but they represent the future. So we have to embrace them instead of whining about Big Tech. President Trump needs to create official accounts on all these platforms and deliver his tweets, posts and videos there. And then, engage directly with his base and fans by responding to the comments and reposts to create a dynamic. In other words, President Trump needs to do what his fans have been doing since 2016 when Big Tech started their censorship. He needs to encourage those who believe in freedom of speech and forget about the others. As a cornerstone, President Trump may have his own website or platform from where he launches and archives all of his communications. If President Trump doesn’t follow these simple suggestions, I am afraid that he will little by little fall into oblivion. The Biden Adminstration is in the process of completely destroying the United States. Time is running out. We need to start thinking outside the box very quickly. And we can do that by starting to do very simple things that get results. I hope my message will be heard.

No-Go Zone et Flashback Friday sur Red Ice TV

Interview with Gab founder and CEO Andrew Torba on Infowars

In this interview with Alex Jones on Infowars, Gab founder and CEO Andrew Torba discusses the circumstances in which his social-media website, Gab, has been the target of a coordinated attack by the elites and the liberal media to make him and his platform the scapegoat of the synagogue shooting in Pittsburgh. Paypal and other providers have announced following the shooting that they would no longer do business with Gab, as if the social-media was responsible for the actions of the shooter (who had an account on Gab). This is completely silly but all too familiar. Besides, one wonders if the Big Tech companies (such as Apple, Facebook, Twitter, Google, etc) have not seized the occasion on the aftermath to try to knock off one of their competitors. The last portion of the video is particularly delicious, where Jones makes a summary of the very bad situation in which we find ourselves in. The communist Chinese are imposing their worldview and their system little by little, in total silence, and most of the people don’t even notice it.

Matt Bracken and Dan talk about their new social-media platform, Free Zoxee, on Red Ice TV

It’s about time patriots and nationalists have their own platform to express and spread their message. Social-media Gab, that has come under attack today (they are now banned from Paypal) is certainly a good enterprise in that effort but it is not complete the way Free Zoxee has been conceived and built to be. Its creators are preparing to launch very soon.