Interview with Harold Rhode about Iran after the death of Soleimani, on SFR

Interview with Frank Gaffney on his own show (Secure Freedom Radio)

In this interview, Mr Gaffney explains to Fred Fleitz how the terrific resource that he has created, the Center for Security Policy, came into existence. He provides here a wonderful presentation of the Center, of its goal, main objectives, purpose, etc. I am glad that he took the time to talk to us on the Center’s 30th Anniversary. I take this opportunity to suggest a few interviews aired on Secure Freedom Radio, the radio show of the Center, recently. I also want to extend all my appreciation, my thanks and my admiration for such great work and dedication. Really, the Center for Security has been at the forefront of the war for the free world and it was possible thanks to a man, Frank Gaffney, and all his contributors. You can find his interview in the fourth segment of the first link.

Frank Gaffney on his own show

Daniel Horowitz on Secure Freedom Radio

Dr Vincent Peter Pry on Secure Freedom Radio

Bill Matthews on Secure Freedom Radio

Intervention de Vian Dakhil au Parlement irakien sur l’extermination des Yazidis

Les Yézidis ont une religion monothéiste originaire de la Perse ancienne. Ils seraient les descendants de tribus Mèdes non-converties au zoroastrisme. Ils parlent un dialecte kurde et sont présents principalement en Irak, surtout dans la région du Kurdistan autonome. Ce témoignage devrait faire réfléchir les masses innombrables de gens qui pleurnichent constamment sur les sorts des Palestiniens. Les chrétiens et autres minorités religieuses et ethniques du Proche et Moyen-Orient, en voilà qui souffrent pour de vrai! Ils sont systématiquement exterminés partout où les islamistes sont en action. Que ce soient les Coptes d’Égypte, les Chaldéens de l’Irak, divers catholiques de rite non-romain, ou même des musulmans chiites, et les Yézidis comme on le voit, c’est à un véritable génocide auquel on assiste dans l’indifférence de la communauté internationale. Cette « communauté » internationale, si on peut l’appeler ainsi, n’est obsédée que par une seule chose, la souffrance des Palestiniens… Il y a de quoi ici réfléchir.

Dream Theater – The Enemy Inside

La nouvelle version du vidéo de cette chanson de Dream Theater me donne l’occasion de mentionner un fait dont personne ne parle, ou presque. Il s’agit de l’opération de sabotage dont l’armée américaine et les États-Unis par le fait même sont l’objet. Des gens cherchent à entraîner les Américains dans toutes sortes de conflits militaires plus ou moins justifiés de par le monde, ce qui a comme résultat d’éparpiller les troupes de l’armée mais surtout de les éloigner du pays. Les soldats, ne comprenant pas très bien ce qu’ils font dans ces endroits du monde, développent des maladies mentales et des désordres psychiques variés, ce qui affaiblit le corps militaire il va sans dire. Le vrai combat pour la démocratie et la liberté a lieu à l’intérieur des États-Unis eux-mêmes, d’où la stratégie des ennemis de l’Occident de nous attirer à l’étranger. Le jour où les soldats américains combattront sur leur propre sol pour défendre leur patrie, on peut parier que ces problèmes de stress post-traumatic vont s’envoler en fumée. Quand on sait pourquoi on se bat et contre qui, l’âme et l’esprit restent en paix.

Bourdin direct: Marine Le Pen – 03/09/2013

Marine Le Pen est de retour de vacances. Elle a pris des couleurs et cela lui a fait du bien. Toujours aussi combative, elle réagit ici au manque de souveraineté démontré par la France dans le dossier syrien.

Bourdin direct: Marine Le Pen - 03/09 par BFMTV

Faith Under Fire: Juliana Taimoorazy talks about the persecution of Assyrian Christians

The terrific presentation of a living witness about the persecution and massacre of Assyrian or Chaldean Christians in Iraq by, guess who, Iraqi Muslims.

Interview with Robert Parry on For The Record: The Bushes and the bin Ladens helped each other

This great interview with Robert Parry of the Consortiumnews website by anti-fascist researcher Dave Emory must be listened to. For lots of reasons but especially because we never get to hear the full story in the mainstream media, as well as in the so-called « alternative » media, on anything. It is always one side of the coin only, if ever one side is covered correctly without ideological biases, preconceptions, prejudices, etc. The received rhetorical line concerning 9/11 and its aftermath goes like this: « The evil Osama bin Laden and his Al Qaeda warriors have attacked America. George W. Bush, as a true Commander-in-Chief, has stood up against these bloodthirsty terrorists and he is making sure that America stays safe and secure. He has struck back at them by going to war in Afghanistan and in Iraq ». That’s the way it goes.

Well…like it is often the case in life, it is not that simple. To begin with, let me remind you of a couple of things. First, in 2001, the Bushes and the bin Ladens were on the board of directors of the Carlyle Group, which Dave Emory has studied and presented in For The Record # 347. The Carlyle Group is one of the most influential investment firms of the world. Only the greatest of all get the chance to sit on that precious panel. And on the day of September 11th 2001, they just happened to hold their annual investment conference. Probably only just a coincidence, one could say. Members could then watch live the events unfolding in Manhattan. Among others, Frank Carlucci and James Baker III were present. Second, let me remind you as well that on September 12th, when nobody else could fly in the U.S., 12 members of the bin Laden family were flown out of the country. Third, both the chief of intelligence for Saudi Arabia and the head of the FBI were replaced in the weeks just prior to 9/11, which is rather curious and frightening, to say the least.

All things considered, the « war on terror » has been good for both the Bushes and the bin Ladens. For George W. Bush, this war has allowed him to be in the spotlight and be admired as the great defender of America, to acquire additional powers for his presidency and finally to shout out all those who were contesting (rightfully) the validity of his election at the detriment of Al Gore. And for the bin Ladens, the war on terror allowed Osama to strengthen the cause of Al Qaeda and recruit new warriors. In 2004, only four days before the presidential election, Osama bin Laden released a video in which he denounced George W. Bush. Intelligence analysts at the CIA were of the opinion that Osama bin Laden was in fact trying to help George W. getting reelected. In effect, such a virulent attack against Bush by Osama before the election was obviously recuperated by the Republican team as an endorsement of John Kerry. That was enough to swing the vote in favor of George W. And why would Osama do such a thing, would you ask? Because Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda didn’t want the U.S. out of Iraq, U.S. troops being too good for the cause of Al Qaeda.

Mr Parry talks about a lot of other different relevant points. One of them is the obvious biased coverage by the press of the performance of Democrat politicians. Robert Parry explains that a game of professional credibility assessment was at play in the media, as Conservative politicians were quite often accusing journalists of being « liberal ». Reporters reacted to these accusations by becoming harder and tougher on Democrats, unfairly most of the times, to establish their credibility, with the unfortunate consequence that Al Gore was treated miserably. Parry gives many examples. This is a great show. In order to listen to the audio archive, you must have Realaudio installed.

Interview with Robert Parry on For The Record #575

Osama bin Laden, Saddam Hussein y la familia Bush: cuando el lucro esta mas poderoso que la virtud

Descubre la periodista investigadora Lucy Komisar sobre los vinculos entre Saddam Hussein, Osama bin Laden et la familia Bush. Descubre también la banca BCCI y su implicacíon en el comercio de drogas, de armas y en la financiacíon del terrorismo internacional.

Lucy Komisar

Susan Lindauer new book « Extreme Prejudice: The Terrifying Story of the Patriot Act and the Cover-ups of 9/11 and Iraq »

Listen to this interview with Peter B. Collins of the Peter B. Collins Show where she talks about her experience as a U.S. intelligence operative and the ordeal she had to go through under the Patriot Act.
