This movie by Zev Deans and Jacqueline Castel presents the heroic work of journalist-researchers Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould. They are among the few American journalists who could actually go to Afghanistan in the ’80s during the war between the U.S.S.R. and proxy Afghan warriors financed and armed by the U.S. After this trip and another one a few years later, they had quite a different story to tell about the war, very different indeed from the one we got through the mass media here in the West. They have presented their findings and conclusions in two books principally, Afghanistan’s Untold Story and Crossing Zero The AfPak War at the Turning Point of American Empire. You can visit their website at The movie consists mainly of a conference given by Fitzgerald-Gould supplemented by additional footage, pictures, maps, etc, to enhance the experience of viewers. It is certainly a must-watch, especially if you don’t know their work already. For those who would like, I have already covered their great work in this earlier post. Please take the time to see that movie.
Archives par mot-clé : Nazis
Interview with Diana West on Secure Freedom Radio: Bogus « democratic » revolutions, civilization jihad and the subversion of western societies
When the so-called Arab Spring took place last year, very few people actually showed any form of moderation in their analysis of the situation. Heated by the French Revolution-type atmosphere of the events, they displayed emotions ranging from euphoria, joy, happiness, etc, but very little in terms of careful examination of history and in terms of reflexion. A few media personalities and political analysts recommended caution on the contrary, and we have to acknowledge today that they were right. Dave Emory, a radio host and antifascist researcher for more than thirty years, was one of them. In a series of shows starting in FTR #733 through #739, he presented a whole collection of elements and connections that bring anyone studying this event to seriously put into question the official version of things. In effect, a careful examination of the so-called revolutions in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya show that there is virtually zero chance that any democracy could come to the light of day in these countries. Why? For a lots of reason, among them history, the type of Islam preached and imposed there, and the absence of significant civilian society structures. In all fairness, we have to recognize that his analysis was correct. You can access these shows below.
Last week, we learned that the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood will in the end present a candidate, Khayrat el-Shater, for the Presidential Election, after stating earlier that they would not. On Secure Freedom Radio hosted by Frank Gaffney, Diana West, a member of Team B II and of the Center for Security Policy which produced the marvelous report Shariah: The Threat to America, offered this week a testimony on how the Muslim Brotherhood was not only taking control of societies in the Middle East but was successfully infiltrating and coercing the United States. Parenthetically, we could add that they are doing the same thing virtually in every other western societies. To exemplify this, she brings the example of how the U.S. military is slowly being accustomed and acclimated to Sharia, in order to make it more compliant with all the requirements of Islam, to a point of humiliation. In effect, troops in Afghanistan are asked not to do anything that could « offend » Muslims, at the expense of soldiers’ security, and to turn a blind eye to pedophilia. In other terms, soldiers are expected to show « respect », i.e. obedience and submission to Sharia Law, and the result is an immense feeling of demoralization. (By the way, demoralization is the first step in the process of subversion of a society. For more on this topic, check this earlier post in which Yuri Bezmenov, a defector from the KGB, presents the complete process of subversion.) Continuer la lecture
Debunking the fifth column, part 2: The Peak Oil scam
In this series of shows, Dave Emory exposes the bogus claims that the world is running out of oil. Underwritten by a group of people with a nazi agenda, this philosophy could very well set the conditions for a massive genocide. In the short term, this theory assures oil corporations enormous profits as prices at the pump explode. In effect, if oil becomes so precious, humanity, or its leaders more accurately, would have to decide who deserves to get food and who doesn’t, food being transported by vans, trucks, trains and boats that use gasoline. « Intelligence » and « studies » that say that the world is running out of oil are phony. We still have hundreds of years of fuel reserves. So check this shows by radio host Dave Emory on the links between the Peak Oil propaganda, fascism and genocide.
FTR #478 The Bush Administration, The Underground Reich and the Peak Oil Controversy
Dave Emory – The First Refuge of a Scoundrel Excerpt: The Ustashe regime
To know more about the atrocities that the Ustashe regime committed, see this earlier post.
Jean-Marie Gélinas répond aux mensonges de Bruce Katz, co-président du PAJU
Le PAJU, rue Saint Denis à Montréal, devant le magasin juif de chaussures Naot
Les mensonges de Bruce Katz
Par Jean-Marie Gélinas
Voilà tu pas que Bruce Katz, co-président du groupe Palestiniens et Juifs Unis (PAJU), révèle enfin ses sources d’inspiration et d’information dans l’interview donnée ce lundi 7 novembre 2011 en direct de Presstv, le diffuseur officiel de l’état islamique d’Iran dont la mission est de diffuser tout azimut partout dans le monde la propagande anti-israélienne et anti-occidentale du président iranien Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
Un dicton dit : « Dis moi qui tu fréquentes et je te dirai qui tu es ». Dans le cas de Bruce Katz, co-président du PAJU, la réponse est claire, en regard des révélations mensongères qu’il vient de faire sur Presstv. com., c’est la tv iranienne d’état directement sous la surveillance des dirigeants religieux iraniens et sous le contrôle du guide suprême de la révolution islamique, l’Ayatola Ali Khomeini (Khamenei). On ne peut donc pas mieux se faire prendre le portrait aussi bien que ça, monsieur Bruce Katz !
Maintenant monsieur Bruce Katz, occupons-nous de vos gros mensonges, et vous en racontez beaucoup à la fois, vous et PAJU compris sur la rue Saint Denis lorsque vous vous permettez d’affirmer qu’Israël est un état d’apartheid.
Monsieur Katz, Israël n’est pas une société d’apartheid, mais une société multiraciale. Israël recense quelque 6.9 millions d’habitants. Sa population se distingue par son extrême diversité, contrairement à vos mensonges qui affirment le contraire. La répartition ethnique de l’État d’Israël est de 80% de Juifs et 20% d’Arabes qui se répartissent principalement comme suit : musulmans, chrétiens et druzes.
La grande majorité des musulmans est d’obédience sunnite, les chrétiens eux se divisent en quatre classes principales: orthodoxes chalcédoniens, orthodoxes non-chalcédoniens (appelés parfois monophysites), les catholiques romains (latins uniates), les Arméniens, les protestants et les druzes. À toutes ces communautés arabophobes déjà nommées viennent s’ajouter en Israël d’autres petits groupements ethniques et religieux: les Circassiens, les Samaritains et aussi des congrégations chrétiennes venues d’Europe telles que la communauté allemande de Beit El à Zikhron-Ya’akov.
Toutes ces ethnies ont été accueillies avec générosité en Israël et jouissent du niveau de vie le plus élevé du Proche et Moyen-Orient. Ils disposent et jouissent aussi des mêmes droits civils et politiques que les 80 % de Juifs d’Israël. L’arabe est langue officielle au même titre que l’hébreu.
La différence entre les Arabes et les Juifs d’Israël est d’ordre social et psychologique et non d’ordre économique ou juridique : elle trouve son origine dans l’état de guerre permanent qui sévit depuis plus de 63 ans au Proche-Orient et une certaine communauté d’identité entre les citoyens arabes d’Israël et ceux des États voisins en conflit avec l’État hébreu.
Les milliers de réfugiés arabes revenus en Israël dans le cadre de la réunion des familles ont reçu de plein droit la citoyenneté israélienne, avec toutes les prérogatives qui s’y rattachent. Leur situation économique est aujourd’hui plus prospère que celle des Arabes d’autres pays. Elle est même meilleure que celle de certains Juifs.
Ils jouissent de tous les droits des citoyens israéliens. Des députés arabes siège à la Knesset (le parlement israélien). Certains d’entre eux soutiennent les thèses de l’OLP et du Hamas et prônent même la destruction de l’État d’Israël.
Il faut souligner cependant que, contrairement aux autres citoyens israéliens, les Juifs, les Druzes, et les Circassiens, les Arabes sont dispensés du service militaire.
Que fait donc le PAJU sur la rue Saint Denis en face des commerces juifs ? Il raconte des mensonges sur Israël et sur le Peuple Juif. Continuer la lecture
Articles of interest from GermanyWatch website
It is becoming more and more important to watch out for Germany. The Phoenix of Nazi Germany or German Might is rising from the ashes, with all that it implies in terms of persecution of Jews, military invasion of countries, threats and blackmail, etc. I made a selection of relevant articles that you should read to get acquainted with the issues, if you are not already aware of them. Watch for Germany…before it watches over your grave.
Criticism of Germany is verboten!
German exports pushing debt crisis
More Nazis in German intel post-war
Witness to war crimes found dead
New German counter-espionage move
Post-war terrorism and Nazi money: the case of François Genoud
Siemens: Data mining or espionage?
WMD and Germany’s dirty secrets
The Dalai Lama and Tariq Ramadan have sung in duet at the Second Global Conference on World’s Religions after 9/11
Well…I feel the need to pontificate a little today. Being a blogger and feeling sometimes relegated to the backseats of social and political discourse, I often have the impression that what I have to say about the world is considered useless and inconsequential by the power elite of this world. More humble people obviously appreciate this site and I am glad they do because, in the end, it is for them that I write and publish all these posts on my own time, for free. So today I hope you will allow me to celebrate my instincts, although I would have prefered evidently to be wrong. Last May, when I first heard about this coming Conference in Montreal, I had the feeling that the Dalai Lama and Tariq Ramadan would adjust their strategies and work on a common agenda. That’s why I had titled my post The Dalai and Tariq Ramadan will sing in duet…and that’s exactly what happened.
Let me explain a few things. A journalist from French-speaking radio station 98,5FM in Montreal, Canada, named Alain Pronkin, attended the Conference on September the 7th. In a two-part interviews given to host Benoit Dutrizac, he reported two things rather relevant for our purpose. First, Tariq Ramadan, this Muslim Brotherhood agent so « charming » and « moderate » that has become literally a sweatheart for the so-called progressive sector, was asked by a Buddhist raised in a Christian family why the Dalai Lama couldn’t visit the Mecca. Ramadan plainly and dully responded that the vast majority of Muslim scholars agreed on this and that King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia wouldn’t allow it anyway. Period. So much for the religious freedom and « tolerance » that Ramadan is desperately trying to force upon Westerners. In other words, what Muslims mean by religious freedom is the possibility for them to impose their laws, their sharia, their Islamic veil, their sacred holidays, their prayers at whatever moment of the day and in whatever places they see fit, etc, that we, Westerners, have to accept in the name of so-called « openness ». But this principle of religious freedom doesn’t seem to work the other way around. If we, Westerners, want to express our religious freedom by visiting a holy place of Islam, even if it is only out of curiosity or for touristic experience, we can’t…unless Muslims permit it. Now you get the picture about religious freedom, Muslim style. Continuer la lecture
Ctirad Masin, an example of Resistance
Last week a Czechoslovak resistance fighter died at the venerable age of 81. What strikes me as particular and interesting in his case, is that his family fought both the Nazis and the Communists to liberate the Czech and the Slovak peoples from the oppression of totalitarian ideologies. Because, as you may know probably, « resistance » fighters or partisans usually fight only one side of the political spectrum: If they are Fascists they fight the Communists, and if they are Communists, they fight the Fascists, but rarely both back to back as the Masin family did. I just thought it was unusual and that it needed to be stressed out. It seems that I am not the only one who doesn’t believe in totalitarian systems and who is willing to fight them all indiscriminately.
Anders Behring Breivik: A sweet candy for the Left and useful fools…but too good to be true
Jes’ that I have a lot to say about this manifesto! First of all, let me clarify a few things. Looking at the « facts » to begin with, as usual, I don’t buy the official story. It is utterly improbable that this guy could have acted alone. Like in the case of the Oklahoma City bombing and countless of other similar acts, the « lone nuts » as we have come to call them have operated in teams, for the simple reason that it is complicated to organize and do such coups in terms of logistics for a start. In effect, in a tree nuts always come with a lot of brothers and sisters. In all probabilities, there were several shooters on that island to account for such casualties. Also, for me, the bombing of the governmental building in central Oslo is a separate operation from the shooting at Utoya. Yet the press and the police are trying to make us believe a ridiculous story where Anders Behring Breivik, the alleged killer, has taken a transport to go from the city of Oslo to Utoya island, with heavy ammunitions. Remember that he shot for an hour and a half, that’s a lot of bullets… As well, the official story says that he has fabricated the bomb that blew the federal building in central Oslo with fertilizer… You see, he lives on a farm… When you are a farmer, that’s the kind of things that you have, fertilizer, and if you don’t, you won’t eat very fat with your farming… Besides that it is heavy, again. Bombers try to find the smallest but most powerful explosives they can find, not something that you need a whole truck just to carry.
Another thing that is striking in this case is the manipulation of data that seems to have been taken place. According to a finding made by the webmaster of, the tags « christian » and « conservative » have been added to the killer’s Facebook page. By who? I don’t know but it smells like a set up, a frame up, a masquerade. Continuer la lecture
The NDP orange wave victory in Quebec: when the color orange looks rather like brown
Well…what can I tell you? My fellow citizens, Quebeckers, have voted with their emotions, not with their head. That’s rather strange, if you consider that if there is a moment when you have to use your head instead of anything else, that’s when you choose your leaders. But Quebeckers, apparently, don’t do that. No. They prefer to listen to good talkers, singers and dancers instead if doing intelligent choices. For the last 20 years, they were attended and pampered by Gilles Duceppe who, as the leader of the Bloc Québécois, was taking care of business for them in Ottawa. But now, a new singer has arrived: Jack Layton. He is so cute, so nice, so gentle, that Quebeckers couldn’t resist. He will be their new momie in Ottawa representing them and caring for them…
Personally, I have difficulty giving credibility to this man and this party. The NDP advertises itself as social-democrat but the atmosphere surrounding it is rather the expression of a soft concoction of socialism, leftism, popularism. Furthermore, according to Tarek Fatah, Canadian political activist and founder of the Muslim Canadian Congress, the NDP, since Jack Layton has become the leader, has apparently opened the doors to Islamist activists in very large numbers. Islamists, generally speaking, especially the ones related or belonging to the Muslim Brotherhood, have a pro-corporate philosophy. They relate themselves to Ibn Khaldun, a Muslim philosopher of the Middle Ages who taught a pro-corporate financial and economical model. That’s why the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamists are often used by the Far-Right to implement fascist agendas in countries or areas. But they often infiltrate institutions and political parties too in order to corrode and corrupt them and render them more Islam-friendly.
Jan Valtin, german communist and soviet agent between the two World Wars, has written in his book Out of The Night that the communists were collaborating extensively with the Nazis to sabotage conferences and meetings of the Social-Democrats in Germany, Social-Democrats being roughly what we call in North America Liberal Democrats. Check my earlier post here to read the whole story and a passage of his book. Even before the Nazis, there was a group of activists in Germany refered to as the « brown shirts ». Brown shirts are what we could call proto-fascists, that is to say a group that behave in a way to prepare a population, a country or a nation for the arrival of a fascist takeover. Activists of such an organization may not know that they are in fact facilitating such arrival, they may think on the contrary that they are working to install a socialist or left-wing regime that will serve the people. But the end result is that their actions are used against them by the Far-Right and that’s exactly what I am afraid of in the case of Quebec. This bunch of Neo-Democrat MPs who appear to be nobodies, in certain cases students or simple workers with no experience of office or public life, will do considerable damage in this Province if we let them have their mandate. We must find a way to break their backbone before they completely destroy the place.
I would like to leave you on a more humoristic note. Remember the movie A Clockwork Orange? The leader of the gang that pratices ultra-violence, Alex, holds a cane throughout the movie… If we don’t want to have behaviors like that soon in our peace of land, we have to watch out for these earlier signs of proto-fascist activity. Because, sometimes, the color orange looks rather like brown… Check the video with this link…and think carefully.