La naïveté, l’ignorance et la mauvaise foi de certains analystes politiques d’ici et d’ailleurs est incroyable. J’entendais des analystes politiques cette semaine sur un grand média subventionné tourner en dérision l’idée que le climat pourrait être contrôlé. Eh bien oui, il l’est et ce depuis la fin des années 1940. Des expériences ont eu lieu lors de certains événements comme par exemple la guerre du Viet-nam. Des nuages ont été ensemencés avec des avions de façon à provoquer des pluies, entre autres. Depuis ce temps, les techniques ont évolué pour inclure l’utilisation de radars, des installations HAARP, de lasers, etc. Ces techniques permettent à volonté de créer et/ou contrôler des ouragans, des pluies torrentielles, des tornades, des tremblements de terre, des sécheresses, des tsunamis, des tempêtes de verglas, etc. Il n’y a plus de climat naturel depuis plusieurs décennies déjà. Les gouvernements utilisent les phénomènes climatiques pour attaquer soit leurs propres populations soit celles de d’autres pays, ce qui leur permet d’invoquer la «déniabilité plausible». Posez-vous la question suivante: Comment cela se fait-il qu’un chroniqueur météo à la télévision puisse vous dire la température qu’il fera telle journée plus d’une semaine à l’avance? Si la météo est un phénomène naturel, donc par définition susceptible de changer de façon imprévisible, un chroniqueur météo ne peut pas faire cela.
Archives par mot-clé : John Brennan
Les mondialistes utilisent le climat pour faire la guerre aux populations, sur Infowars
Anna Khait s’entretient avec Diana West sur la débandade électorale aux États-Unis
Andy Bostom on John Brennan’s abuse of classified information, on Secure Freedom Radio
If you listen to that show, one thing will become very clear. At the top of western countries, a lot of them, we find people who are nothing short of communists. From their places of power and influence, they can empower and enable islamists and shariah-adherent operatives and use them to terrorize our population to force them into submission. Islamists are hired guns. They couldn’t do anything if they were not enabled by people from our own ranks who have betrayed western civilization and its values. That’s the Red-Green Axis in its full deployment. John Brennan is one of the many people who went down that road. Now it’s easy to understand what really took place during the Obama years, why it happened and how. All those years we couldn’t make heads or tails with what the Obama Administration was doing while it was in our face all along. The Arab Spring and the rising of ISIS didn’t happen spontaneously. The Obama Administration made it happen, and now the whole planet it stuck with the problem. To continue your research, I also provide the link for an article by Andy Bostom on this very subject:
John Brennan’s Useful Idiocy For Stalinism and Sharia
Tom Fitton, Gregg Jarrett, Charles Hurt and Mike Huckabee on the ‘Spygate’
Stephen Coughlin: The Boston Attack and Doctrines of “Individual Jihad”
Frank Gaffney on Mali, Egypt and John Brennan
Interview airs in segment #3.
Mike Walsh and Rowan Scarborough speak about the appointment of John Brennan as CIA director
Interviews air in order in segments #1 and #3.
The symbolic execution of Osama bin Laden: a reverse 9/11 and the burial of the most wanted bogeyman
Well, it was due to happen one day or another. After all, its hard to have a bogeyman walking around free and not catch him. According to the official version, bin Laden has been hiding in a compound in Pakistan for years. The CIA, with the help of a courier who had access to the building, located him. So the President gave the order for the assault. After the execution, his body was allegedly transported to the sea where he was given to it in respect, or so we are told, to Islamic practices.
Well…I have a few questions, as many of us have. First, how come that the most well financed and organized intelligence agency in the world, or at least supposedly, the CIA, can’t find Osama bin Laden immediately after 9/11? How come it took them 10 years before being able to locate him? In an earlier post, I presented you a few extracts of one of late William Cooper‘s radio show The Hour of the Time. In that show, Cooper makes the case that a CNN reporter was able to find Osama bin Laden in June 2001, with a camera crew, but that the CIA couldn’t find him nevertheless, with all their resources. Don’t you find it strange? And don’t you find it strange too that the CIA, knowing at that point where bin Laden was, didn’t do anything to capture him before 9/11? The CNN reporter could have led the CIA to bin Laden’s cache, case closed. But apparently, it was not that important to catch bin Laden after all. Second, if in fact he was hiding in Pakistan, what is the level of involvement of the Pakistani government, military or intelligence service in this? If that’s the case, they were definitely playing behind our backs, but that would be consistent with the ISI modus operandi anyway. Third, the Americans can’t produce the body… How convenient. Also, the Administration said it can’t produce any photographs of bin Laden’s body because these might be too graphic and bloody and could thus inflame reactions in the Muslim world. Again, how convenient. No body, no photos. In a court of law, these proceedings would be turn down. Any violent death and its cause has to be authenticated by a coroner. The Special Forces proceeded with a burial at sea, supposedly to be in conformity with Islamic Law. It made the body disappear however, so it is impossible for anyone to confirm and authentify the identity and death of the world’s most famous bogeyman. A few reactions came already from the Muslim world saying that this burial at sea was not at all in conformity with Islamic Law. 2000 years ago, the body of Jesus was snatched and now it is bin Laden’s body that is. Are they trying to tell us something here? Fourth, the Administration said that a DNA test was performed and that bin Laden’s identity was confirmed at 99,9%. However, according to a Canadian doctor in my area, apparently a DNA test takes 3 weeks to complete. So? How come they managed to have the results in just a few hours or minutes after the « death »? Continuer la lecture