Interview with Paul Kengor on Secure Freedom Radio about the existential threat

Finally, the Center for Security Policy has installed an embeddable audio file player on its website to present the Secure Freedom Radio podcasts. That means that now bloggers like me can share them with a much sexier look than just a web link. That’s great. I will continue to provide the links for each show just to make sure that you keep up with their great material. Now concerning this interview with Paul Kengor, a few thoughts. There was no ‘end’ to the Cold War as we have been told to believe. The Cold War continued without interruption to this day. Only, when the Soviet Union collapsed it shifted, transformed itself into a new thing, with the result that now we live in a much more dangerous world than we used to during the duration of the ‘official’ Cold War period. The Russians continued their operations while we were busy drinking champagne when the Berlin Wall came down. Nothing changed either in Cuba or North Korea. In other terms, while we were celebrating the supposed collapse of the communist ideology, the communists in flesh-and-blood continued to wage war against us and adapted their strategy and operations for the post-soviet era.

In those days, China was not really a threat. It was a poor country, without the means to do real damage. It was a communist regime without teeth. Now it has changed drastically. The country is rich and powerful militarily and technologically. Thanks to its entry in the World Trade Organization and to the massive transfer of wealth and technology made by our corrupt political elites (who have betrayed us big time), China has developed into a mastodon that may very well surpass the United States very soon. Just by looking at the behavior of western liberal politicians, some of them have already begun to behave as if China was now the number one superpower of the planet. In a past interview on the airwaves of Secure Freedom Radio (I can’t find the audio file for the moment, sorry), the perspicacious Kevin Freeman made a very relevant observation about China. He said that the chinese system was not really communist but rather fascist, instead. He is right. When you look at the way that everything in China has been consolidated to strengthen and promote the state, then what you have is a fascist system, similar to Nazi Germany or fascist Italy. The fact that the chinese state presents itself as a communist state serves mainly propaganda purposes. Of course, the political apparatus in China is communist, there is no doubt about that. But the Chinese are using the market economy to build and promote themselves in a way that the Soviets never did. That explains why western politicians are so fascinated by China. They can do business there, while saving their reputations. In effect, for a liberal politician, to do business in a totalitarian country is perfectly fine…as long as it is officially communist or Islamist and not fascist. The Chinese have succeeded to merge into one single system the most efficient aspects of both communism and fascism and that makes them a very dangerous force. They have more chances to become the next number one superpower than the Soviets or the Nazis never had, precisely because they have find a way to bring together the strongest qualities of both systems while reducing or eliminating their respective weaknesses. Also, another whole issue to talk about would be the involvement of eastern regimes like China or Russia in the support of radical Islam. It is something that many people suspect without necessarily having the evidence to back it up, but there are more and more signs that point in that direction. I will leave you listen to the show. For the web page, please visite: The Existential Threat of Today.

The future of social media, regulation and our rights in the electronic age…

This week’s shooting at Youtube was certainly a very tragic and sad event. Curiously, the media has not talked about it a lot, for reasons that are still unclear. Personally, to the contrary, I think that this very sad event presents us with a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the ways to take back control of the steering wheel of our numerous electronic platforms and devices.

So let me plunge right in by saying that Big Tech companies have gone way too far in the way they handle our personal information, in the way they are tracking us 24/7 and in the way they treat their «users». Since these companies are american ones, it is the responsibility of the U.S. government to make sure that they comply with the most basic values and principles of the United States. That is why I think that the time has come to give these Big Tech companies the status of public utilities, in the same category as the phone, the gas and the electricity. Electronic services have become so entrenched in our lives that now it is impossible for anyone to live and function without them. I know that President Trump is not keen on regulation. However, there are circumstances where regulation is the only solution. Social media and internet companies are absolutely incapable of minding their own stores. They don’t have the discipline, the clear-eye that is necessary to do that and most especially, until now, they had a de facto carte blanche to do whatever they wanted. This has got to stop. Presently, this is the far west in the world of electronics. Anything goes. Regulation seems to me like the only solution because, if we wait for these companies to come with some sort of arrangement, they never will.

There are two things absolutely essential for me that are in order to rule this problem. First of all, Big Tech companies would have to be obliged, by law, to conform their policies, behavior, contracts, platforms to the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Their «Terms of Use» and «Privacy Policy» documents would have to say that explicitly. Presently, with the current arrangement, we have lost all privacy and our data is shared with anybody without our knowledge. Their documents, in their current form, could easily be renamed «Terms of Misuse» and «Invasion of your Privacy Policy». To start with, these documents are written in a legal language that is evasive for most people. It is gibberish for the common man so even if we actually read them, there is nothing we can understand. Most of the terms present in these contracts are vague, undefined and the language used in general remains meaningless for most of us who are not used to legal writing. What the common man needs is a document that can be read easily with precise terms and formulated in a way that make sure that the person understands what he/she agrees to. In the current situation, most of internet users have absolutely no idea to what they have agreed to by accepting the «Terms of Use» and «Privacy Policy». If they had understood what these contracts were really implying legally, maybe they would have decided not to use one or several of these platforms. To give just an example, there is always a paragraph in these documents that says that the company may share some information with «third parties». Well…could we have the list of these «third parties»? They are not mentioned by name, so how the hell are we supposed to agree on «terms of use» if we don’t know who will handle our information?

The other thing is what I would call the burden of proof. Presently, the burden of proof is on the shoulders or the «users». Users have to behave in a way that is more and more in line with political correctness, diversity and the agenda of the Left in general. Companies like Facebook, Twitter, Google/Youtube, Apple can terminate your account or your monetization at any time arbitrarily for any reason and you can’t appeal their decision. They have the absolute power over you…because their services are free. Users don’t pay for the service so they are at the complete mercy of these companies and their will. In a normal business relationship, the burden of proof is on the shoulders of the service provider, the company, and it has to please its clientele, which are called not «users» but «customers». The words we use are important. If you are a customer a service provider will have no other choice but to respect your rights and give you satisfaction if the company wants to keep your monthly fee coming in every month. That’s why it is imperative that we start paying for the use of these platforms. It is only this way that we will ever be respected. If millions of people give, let’s say, 25 dollars a month each for their Facebook, Google, Twitter or Apple accounts, it is unlikely that these corporations would suspend or terminate any accounts because there is language used that is not politically correct or opinions that are not approved. They would simply keep going and let the police handle the very heavy cases. Also, the status of public utilities given to these companies would also protect customers against arbitrary decisions to cancel or suspend accounts. Of course, they could still terminate accounts for non-payment but in order to terminate accounts for other reasons, it is reasonable to envision that would be required by law to present their case before a judge in a court of law in order to protect the rights of the customers. And obviously, everything that I have said above also apply to smartphones, since they connect to the internet and record a great quantity of information on theirs users.

You must have heard many times the popular expression that says that «he who pays calls the shots». It was true ten thousand years and it is still true today. Since a couple of years, we have seen a number of conservative voices, bloggers and activists being censored, de-platformed, demonetized, etc. It would never have happened if they had been customers instead of just «users» and, on top of that, it would never have been possible in the first place if the companies had been required, by law, to abide by the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights, as I have said above. How the protections granted by the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights could be extended to citizens living outside the U.S. will certainly be a very difficult and long legal challenge. Because, in the current situation, it is too easy for the totalitarian states of the world to use our Big Tech companies against us. We are defenseless since these corporations have adopted a business model that makes them perfect tools to attack and undermine our societies. Why should these Big Tech companies do dirty tricks on behalf of China, Russia, North Korea while they could defend and uphold our values and civilization instead? It is not the communists and the terrorists who are kicked out of social media. It is the conservatives and right-wingers. Don’t you see what is going on? I will leave you will a short video of Project Veritas, the fourth part of the Twitter series. It last only two minutes but it says it all.

Interviews with Diana West, Fred Fleitz, and Kevin Freeman and Rick Manning on SFR

Interview with Diana West on Secure Freedom Radio

Interview with Fred Fleitz on Secure Freedom Radio

Interview with Kevin Freeman and Rick Manning on Secure Freedom Radio

Electronic harassment in the West: A growing national security threat…

Electronic espionage and harassment is becoming a real problem now for the ordinary citizen in the West. In this series of interviews with Frank Calzon on Secure Freedom Radio hosted by Frank Gaffney, the Free Cuba advocate presents what we know so far about the case of sonic harassment that American diplomats may have endured at the American Embassy in Cuba. Allegedly, the Cubans are using some technology involving sound to attack the personnel there. Diplomatic staff at the embassy complain about several health problems, such as headaches, hearing loss, etc. Well, something tells me that it is just the tip of the iceberg. We live surrounded by eletronic waves. In the past, we used to deal only with Hertzian waves but now with all the cellphones, Wi-Fi systems, smart technology devices, etc, we live completely immersed in microwaves 24/7. And that leads to another problem. We know already that EMP technology (Electro-Magnetic Pulse) technology exists and that it is in the hands of the most powerful nations on the planet (USA, Russia, China, North Korea, etc). But so far, we made the assumption that they would use that technology only with large-scale weaponry such as nuclear bombs for example. But what about small-scale miniaturized versions of it, to be used on specific targets, such as individuals?

In that context, I am also providing an interview with former NSA agent Karen Stewart that I have published and commented on this blog last year. In this interview given to Luca Zanna, she talks about her experience at the NSA and the level of harassment that she had to cope with. Specifically, she refers to ‘energy weapons’ that were used apparently to degrade her health and body. While she explains the various details of her ordeal and misfortune, she always takes for granted that the harassment that she was the target of was made by agents of the NSA. But it stands to reason to believe that foreign intelligence services would gladly use these technologies, if they do possess them, on our citizens here in the West, especially on the most brilliant, conscious, astute, capable and brave among us. In other terms, they would gladly use them against our best warriors for freedom in an effort to take them out. Cuba is not a major country. It is a pawn of Russia and China and a friend of North Korea since the communist revolution. So I think that it is fair to assume that they probably do use some sort of sonic, microwave or EMP technology to harass the diplomatic personnel of the USA, at the request, probably, of one or more of their patrons. In the last couple of years I saw a lot people falling ill over here, developing bizarre sicknesses, having accidents of all sorts. Something is wrong. I really think that we are being attacked using various eletronic technologies and that this continuous stream of waves degrades our health and our capability to fight back. Basically, any electronic device using microwaves can be turned against us and while we pretend everything is OK, public health is degrading at a rapid pace. It is a growing national security threat that we have to deal with immediately. In each of the three following links, you will find one interview with Frank Calzon. And don’t forget to listen to the witness account of Karen Stewart in the link provided above.

G. Edward Griffin sur la montée du collectivisme

Excellente entrevue avec G. Edward Griffin sur le collectivisme. Entre autres sujets, l’auteur aborde ici l’imposture de la fracture Gauche-Droite. Cette division savamment entretenue par les élites chez les partisans politiques sert évidemment à saboter tout effort de réel changement social. Elle ne reflète pas la complexité des sociétés humaines. Les partis politiques se réclamant de la fracture Gauche-Droite servent donc davantage en fait à maintenir le statu quo qu’à faire avancer les sociétés humaines. Griffin aborde une plénitude de sujets divers qu’il amène pour exemplifier ou documenter son analyse de la montée de la tyrannie collectiviste.